Part 4 Emerging trends
Part 1 Breeding and growth
Chapter 1 Biological types of cattle: carcass
and meat quality
2 The origins of cattle breeds
3 Breeds and biological types of cattle
4 Carcass and meat quality
6 Where to look for further information
Chapter 2 Traditional animal breeding of cattle to improve carcass composition
and meat quality
2 EBVs and expected progeny differences: fundamentals
3 Advantages of using EPDs over using raw data and ratios
5 Genetic parameter estimates
6 Examples of successful selection
7 Index-based selection
8 Summary and future trends
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 3 Muscle fibre types and beef quality
2 Body and muscle composition and structure
3 Muscle fibre types
4 Variation in muscle fibre type proportions: intrinsic factors
5 Variation in muscle fibre type proportions: additional factors
6 Impact of muscle fibre type on carcass and
meat quality
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 4 Factors affecting fat content and distribution of fat in cattle and carcasses
2 Origin of adipocytes in beef fat depots
3 Ontogeny of fat development
4 Factors influencing fat development
5 Factors influencing fatty acid composition
of fat depots
6 Summary and future trends
7 References and further reading
Part 2 Management of cattle
Chapter 5 Beef cattle nutrition and its effects on beef quality
2 Early weaning nutrition
3 Nutrition in stocker or backgrounding systems
for steers and heifers
4 Nutrition in feedlots/finishing systems
5 Vitamins A, E and growth promotors
6 Grass-fed and/or forage-based finishing systems
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 6 Effects of metabolic modifiers on beef carcass composition and meat quality
2 Anabolic steroid implants: introduction and the effect of single-implant programmes on carcass composition
3 Anabolic steroid implants: the effect of multiple implant (reimplant) programmes on carcass composition
4 Anabolic steroid implants: the effect of anabolic steroid implants on meat quality
5 Beta-adrenergic agonists: ractopamine hydrochloride (RH)
6 Beta-adrenergic agonists: zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH)
7 Vitamins D3, A and E
10 Where to look for further information
Chapter 7 Understanding the effects of handling, transportation, lairage and slaughter on cattle welfare and beef quality
3 Fitness for transport, loading and responses to transportation
4 Road type, driving events, stocking density and thermal environment during transportation
5 Journey duration, feed and water provision,
and the use of livestock markets
7 Handling and movement of cattle through lairage and to the stunning pen
8 Overview of the slaughter process
9 Methods of stunning
11 Case study: auditing systems
13 Future trends in research
14 Where to look for further information
Chapter 8 The effects of carcass chilling and electrical stimulation on visual beef quality and palatability
1 Introduction: beef quality and consumers
2 Chilling and rigor mortis
3 Electrical stimulation, visual beef quality and palatability
4 Factors influencing the effectiveness of ES
5 Meat quality defects related to ES
6 Effective chilling of beef carcasses and the role of ES in quality management
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 9 Beef colour development and variation
2 Myoglobin forms and beef colour
3 Factors affecting meat colour
4 Case study 1: mitochondria effects on
colour deviation
5 Case study 2: effects of ante-mortem stress
on beef colour
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 10 Beef carcass grading and classification
2 The purposes of classification and grading
3 Beef classification versus grading in Australia
4 Beef carcass classification in Europe
5 Beef grading in the United States
6 Beef grading in Japan
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 11 Branded beef programmes
2 The characteristics, history and types of branded
beef programmes
3 The growth and economics of branded
beef programmes
5 Natural and organic branding
6 International branded beef programmes
7 Technology and branded beef programmes
8 Summary and future considerations
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 12 Ageing, physical and chemical methods
for improving tenderness and palatability of beef
2 Ageing of beef products
3 Physical methods to improve eating quality: carcass methods
4 Physical methods to improve eating quality:
primal methods
5 Chemical methods to improve eating quality
7 Where to look for further information
Chapter 13 Factors affecting flavour development in beef
1 Introduction to flavour
3 Factors affecting beef flavour: nutrition and genetics
4 Factors affecting beef flavour: beef composition and processing
5 Factors affecting beef flavour: cooking
6 Assessing the flavour of beef products
8 Where to look for further information
Chapter 14 Packaging systems for beef retailers and their effects on visual quality and palatability
2 The colour of fresh and ground beef
3 Traditional aerobic packaging
5 Centralized packaging
6 Modified atmosphere packaging
8 Intelligent packaging
9 Additional issues: moisture control and reducing packaging waste
11 Where to look for further information
Chapter 15 Measuring and assessing beef quality and sensory traits for retailers and consumers
4 Instrumental assessment of marbling measurements
5 Shear force measurements for tenderness
6 Juiciness and flavour assessments
7 Post-harvest optimization of palatability
8 Optimization of assessment and future research
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 16 The role of beef in human nutrition and health
2 Macronutrients in beef
3 Micronutrients in beef
4 Beef intake and health concerns
6 Where to look for further information
Chapter 17 The future of DNA technologies for improving beef quality: marbling,
fatty acid composition and tenderness
2 Genotyping and sequencing technologies in the genomic era
3 Genomic selection and genome-wide association studies
4 Genomic selection in beef cattle
5 Genomic selection and genome-wide association studies of beef quality traits
7 Where to look for further information
Chapter 18 The sustainability and ‘carbon footprints’ of conventional and alternative beef production systems
2 Defining sustainability
3 GHG emissions and carbon footprints
4 Trends in beef sustainability
5 Sustainability of alternative (grass-fed, natural, organic) beef production systems
6 Opportunities for improving and maintaining beef sustainability
7 The role of consumers
9 Where to look for further information
Chapter 19 Controversies surrounding the impact of the fat content of beef on human health
4 Fatty acid composition of beef
5 Food-based dietary recommendations and nutrient density
6 Beef and other health research
8 Where to look for further information