Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties, First Edition :The Interactive Strategies Approach ( Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy )

Publication subTitle :The Interactive Strategies Approach

Publication series :Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy

Author: Scanlon Donna M.; Anderson Kimberly L.; Sweeney Joan M.  

Publisher: Guilford Publications Inc‎

Publication year: 2010

E-ISBN: 9781606238561

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781606238547

Subject: H09 Chinese teaching

Keyword: 语言学,教学理论,学前教育、幼儿教育,初等教育

Language: ENG

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This book presents a research-supported framework for early literacy instruction that aligns with multi-tiered response-to-intervention (RTI) models. The book focuses on giving teachers a better understanding of literacy development and how to effectively support children as they begin to read and write. The authors' interactive strategies approach is designed around essential instructional goals related both to learning to identify words and to comprehending text. Detailed guidance is provided on ways to target these goals with K–2 students at risk for reading difficulties. Assessment and instructional strategies for whole-class, small-group, and one-to-one settings are discussed in depth. Numerous reproducible forms for documenting student learning are included.


Studies of the ISA

The ISA and Response to Intervention

Reading Is a Complicated Process and Requires Comprehensive Instruction

Children Who Struggle with Literacy Acquisition

Instructional Goals in the ISA

General Principles for Preventing Reading Difficulties

Organization of the Book

2. Responsive Classroom Instruction

Classroom Instruction in an RTI Context

Developing a Language Arts Program for Readers at Multiple Levels

A Week and a Day in First Grade

Small-Group Literacy Instruction

Interventions Beyond the Classroom

3. Motivation to Read and Write

Promoting Interest in Books

Developing a Sense of Confidence and Competence

Attributions for Success

Goal Orientation: Intrinsic versus Extrinsic Motivation

Documenting Literacy Motivation

Motivation and RTI

II. Learning the Alphabetic Code


4. Purposes and Conventions of Print

The Purposes of Print

Conventions of Print

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

5. Phonological Awareness

Phonemic Awareness versus Phonics

Why Is Phonemic Awareness Important?

Phonemic Awareness and Reading Problems

Instructional Influences on the Development of Phonemic Awareness

Why Is It Difficult for Some Children to Notice/Attend to Phonemes?

Assessing Phonological Awareness

Grouping and Pacing

Activities for Promoting (and Assessing) Phonological Awareness

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

6. Letter Naming

Assessing Letter Knowledge

Choosing Letters for Instruction

Sequence of Objectives for Learning about Letters

Letter Recognition

Letter Naming

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress in Letter Identification

Letter Production

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress in Letter Production

7. Letter–Sound Association

The Link between Letter Names and Letter Sounds

Selecting and Using Key Words (Mnemonics)

Teaching and Practicing Letter Sounds

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress in Letter–Sound Knowledge

8. The Alphabetic Principle and the Alphabetic Code

Early Development of Skill in Using the Alphabetic Code

Teaching the Concept of the Alphabetic Principle: Beginning Letters

Teaching the Concept of the Alphabetic Principle: Ending Letters

Later Development of Skill in Using the Alphabetic Code

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

9. Larger Orthographic Units and Multisyllabic Words

Phonograms and Word Families

Decoding Words with Multiple Syllables

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress in Using Larger Orthographic Units

III. Word Learning


10. Strategic Word Learning

Approaches to Word Identification

Strategic Word Learning

Teaching to Promote the Use of Word Identification Strategies

Word Identification Strategy-­Focused Instruction

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

11. High-­F requency Word Learning

Early Instruction of High-­Frequency Words

Later Instruction of High-­Frequency Words and Building Automaticity

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

IV. Meaning Construction


12. Vocabulary and Oral Language Development

Language and Reading

Instruction to Support Vocabulary Development

Interactive Read-­Alouds and Conversations to Promote the Development of Vocabulary and Oral Language

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

13. Comprehension and General Knowledge

The Process of Comprehension

Active Meaning Construction

Levels of Comprehension

Knowledge and Comprehension

Instruction and Knowledge Development

Comprehension Instruction

Evaluating and Documenting Children’s Progress

V. Implementing Intensified Instruction


14. Small-Group and One-to-One Intervention

Coordination across Instructional Settings

Goals of Instruction

Intervention Lessons: General Overview

A Complete Small-Group Lesson

Intensifying Instruction: One-to-One Intervention

15. A Proposed Model for Multi-­T iered Intervention


First Grade

Second Grade and Beyond

A Final Word on Assessment



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