Section 1: Using Audiovisual Media in Teaching and Assessment
Chapter 1: Use of Videos in Teaching and Learning
Chapter 2: Open Up the Classroom
Chapter 3: Using News Reports in Language Education
Chapter 4: Multimodal Listening Through Movie Trailers
Chapter 5: Using Screen Capture Feedback to Establish Social Presence and Increase Student Engagement
Section 2: Students as Producers in Language Learning
Chapter 6: “Current Affairs in Mandarin”
Chapter 7: The Benefits of Student-Led Video Production in the Language for Business Classroom
Chapter 8: Short Video Production for Language Learning and Assessment
Section 3: Developing Intercultural Competence in a Digital World
Chapter 9: Using YouTube and WeChat to Promote Communicative and Intercultural Competence in Japanese and Mandarin
Chapter 10: Learning English With Texting on Social Media
Chapter 11: Exploring Intercultural Communication Through the Act of Translation in Subtitling
Section 4: New Trends in Online Language Exchange and Collaboration
Chapter 12: Integration of Videoconferencing in ESP and EAP Courses
Chapter 13: Developing Intercultural Competence and Language Skills Through International Online Collaborative Learning
Chapter 14: Video Summaries of Academic Texts
Chapter 15: Life-Long Language Learning Strategies for a Brave New Digital World
Compilation of References