2 The Social Foundations of State Building in the Contemporary Era
The State-Building Debate: What We Do and Do Not Know
War and Political Development
Natural Resource Rents and Politics
Institutionalist Accounts
Additional Challenges for a Theory of Contemporary State Building
Economic versus Political Development?
State Building in the Late Developers
The Social Foundations of Institutional Order
Theory I: Launching a State-Building Trajectory
Theory II: Economic Crisis, the Rise of Mass Political Participation, and the Postwar State
Research Design and Plan of the Book
An Intertemporal, Two-Stage Research Design
The Formation of National Institutions
The Rise of the Popular Classes
What State Building Is Not
3 State Formation in Chile and Peru
Why Didnt Peru Build a Strong State?
How Did the Chilean State Become So Strong?
Wars of Expansion and the Chilean State
4 State Formation in Argentina and Uruguay
Argentina: Precocious Capitalism, Belated State Building, and Persistent Political Conflict
Agrarian Political Economy
Political Conflict in Postindependence Argentina
Uruguay: Civil Chaos, Elite Compromise, and Explosive Institution Building
Agrarian Political Economy
Forging Elite Political Cooperation
The Long Road to State Strength: Political Participation and Institutional Dynamics in Chile from the Popular Front to Pinochet
The Chilean Economy at the Dawn of the Social Question
Labor Mobilization and Delayed Political Incorporation
Institutional Reform, the Military, and the Gradual Rise of the Middle Sectors
The Radical Party, the Middle Classes, and the Popular Front in Power
Threats to the State-Building Path: Stabilization and Counterrevolution
Alessandri and Democratic Retrenchment
Military Rule and State Institutions
The Power of Path Dependence: Early Mass Incorporation, Late Industrialization, and the Failures of State Building in Peru
Late Industrialization and Early Mass Mobilization: A Peruvian Paradox
Labor and the Working Classes Enter Politics: APRA and the Peruvian Political System
The Political Irruption of the Masses: The 1931 Election
Bustamante y RIVERO: The Failed Developmentalist Coalition
Attempting to Change the Path: The Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces
The Military Comes to Power
The Structural Transformations
6 The Social Question and the State
Building and Unbuilding the Populist State: Political Incorporation and Institutional Hypertrophy in Argentina
Economic Expansion, Immigration, and the Rise of the Social Question
The Political Entry of the Working Class
From the Revolución Argentina and the Proceso to Menem and Kirchner
We’re ALL Statists Now: Political Consensus and the Long-Run Development of State Institutions in Uruguay
The Social Question Delayed: Gradual Economic Expansion and Limited Mass Mobilization
Batlle, the Interventionist State, and Political Concertation
Reinforcing Path Dependency and Institutionalizing Radical Reform
Surveying the Outcome: The Uruguayan State in the Post-Batlle Era
The Power of Path Dependency: Three Failed Efforts to Transform the State
The Terra Dictatorship and the Depression
Military Dictatorship and Failed State Reform
Institutionalization over the Longue Durée: Populist Cycling versus Consensual Statism
7 Conclusions, Implications, and Extensions
Theoretical and Practical Implications
Probing the Limits: Social Foundations of Prussian and German State Building
The Prussian State before Emancipation
Land Reform, Absolutist Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Verwaltungsstaat in the Prussian Vormärz