1.3 Inference About Dynamics and Causation
1.3.1 Generation of System Dynamics
1.3.2 Statics and Process vs. Pattern
2.2 Habitat Relationships and Resource Selection
2.3 Metapopulation Dynamics
2.3.1 Inference Based on Single-Season Data
2.3.2 Inference Based on Multiple-Season Data
2.4 Large-Scale Monitoring
2.5 Multi-Species Occupancy Data
2.5.1 Inference Based on Static Occupancy Patterns
2.5.2 Inference Based on Occupancy Dynamics
2.8 Non-Ecological Applications
3 Fundamental Principals of Statistical Inference
3.1 Definitions and Key Concepts
3.1.1 Random Variables, Probability Distributions, and the Likelihood Function
3.1.2 Expected Values and Variance
3.1.3 Introduction to Methods of Estimation
3.1.4 Properties of Point Estimators
Precision (Variance and Standard Error)
Accuracy (Mean Squared Error)
3.1.5 Computer Intensive Methods
3.2 Maximum Likelihood Estimation Methods
3.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimators
3.2.2 Properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators
3.2.3 Variance, Covariance (and Standard Error) Estimation
3.2.4 Confidence Interval Estimators
3.2.6 Observed and Complete Data Likelihood
3.4 Modeling Predictor Variables
3.4.1 The Logit Link Function
3.5.1 Background and Definitions
3.5.2 Likelihood Ratio Tests
3.5.3 Goodness of Fit Tests
3.6.1 Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC)
3.6.2 Goodness of Fit and Overdispersion
3.6.4 Model Averaging and Model Selection Uncertainty
3.6.5 Bayesian Assessment of Model Fit
3.6.6 Bayesian Model Selection
Part II Single-Species, Single-Season Occupancy Models
4 Basic Presence/Absence Situation
4.1 The Sampling Situation
4.2 Estimation of Occupancy if Probability of Detection Is 1 or Known Without Error
4.3 Two-Step Ad Hoc Approaches
4.3.1 Geissler-Fuller Method
4.3.2 Azuma-Baldwin-Noon Method
4.3.3 Nichols-Karanth Method
4.4.3 Constant Detection Probability Model
4.4.4 Survey-Specific Detection Probability Model
4.4.5 Probability of Occupancy Given Species Not Detected at a Unit
4.4.6 Example: Blue-Ridge Two-Lined Salamanders
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
4.4.7 Missing Observations
4.4.9 Violations of Model Assumptions
Heterogeneity in Occupancy Probability
Heterogeneity in Detection Probability
4.4.10 Assessing Model Fit
Mahoenui Giant Weta: A Bayesian Analysis
4.5 Case Study: Troll Distribution in Middle Earth
5 Beyond Two Occupancy States
5.1 The Sampling Situation
5.2.1 Observed Data Likelihood
5.3 Alternative Parameterizations
5.5 Covariates and Predictor Variables
5.7.1 California Spotted Owl Reproduction
5.7.2 Breeding Success of Grizzly Bears
6 Extensions to Basic Approaches
6.1 Estimating Occupancy for a Finite Population or Small Area
6.1.1 Prediction of Unobserved Occupancy State
6.1.2 Example: Blue Ridge Two-Lined Salamanders Revisited
6.1.3 Consequences of a Finite Population
6.2 Accounting for False Positive Detections
6.2.1 Modeling Misclassification for a Single Season
Observation Confirmation Design
6.3 Multi-Scale Occupancy
6.3.2 Example: Striped Skunks
6.4 Autocorrelated Surveys
6.4.2 Example: Tigers on Trails
6.5 Staggered Entry-Departure Model
6.5.2 Example: Maryland Amphibians
6.6 Spatial Autocorrelation in Occurrence
6.6.2 Conditional Auto-Regressive Model
6.6.5 Restricted Spatial Regression
7 Modeling Heterogeneous Detection Probabilities
7.1 Occupancy Models with Heterogeneous Detection
7.1.1 General Formulation
7.1.3 Continuous Mixtures
7.1.4 Abundance-Induced Heterogeneity Models
7.1.5 Evaluation of Model Fit
7.2 Example: Breeding Bird Point Count Data
7.3 Modeling Covariate Effects on Detection
7.4 Example: Anuran Calling Survey Data
7.5 On the Identifiability of ψ
Part III Single-Species, Multiple-Season Occupancy Models
8 Basic Presence/Absence Situation
8.1 Basic Sampling Scheme
8.2 An Implicit Dynamics Model
8.3 Modeling Dynamic Changes Explicitly
8.3.1 Modeling Dynamic Processes when Detection Probability is 1
8.3.2 Conditional Modeling of Dynamic Processes
8.3.3 Unconditional Modeling of Dynamic Processes
8.3.4 Missing Observations
8.3.5 Including Covariate Information
8.3.6 Alternative Parameterizations
8.3.7 Example: House Finch Expansion in North America
8.4 Violations of Model Assumptions
9 More than Two Occupancy States
9.1 Basic Sampling Scheme
9.2 Defining an Explicit Dynamics Model
9.3 Modeling Data and Parameter Estimation
9.4 Covariates and `Missing' Observations
9.6.1 Maryland Green Frogs
9.6.2 California Spotted Owls
10.1 False Positive Detections
10.1.1 Confirmation Designs
10.1.2 More Observation and Occupancy States: General Approach
10.2 Autocorrelated Within-Season Detections
10.3 Spatial Correlation in Dynamics
10.4 Investigating Occupancy Dynamics
10.4.1 Markovian, Random, and No Changes in Occupancy
10.4.3 Example: Northern Spotted Owl
Inferring Population Trajectory from Dynamic Parameters
Time-Invariant Dynamic Parameters Can Induce an Apparent Trend
10.4.5 Chronological Order of Surveys
10.5 Sensitivity of Occupancy to Dynamic Processes
10.5.1 Two-State Situation
10.6 Modeling Heterogeneous Detection Probabilities
11 Design of Single-Season Occupancy Studies
11.1 Defining the Population of Interest
11.2 Defining a Sampling Unit
11.5 Conducting Repeat Surveys
11.5.1 General Considerations
11.5.2 Special Note on Using Spatial Replication
11.6 Allocation of Effort, Number of Sites vs. Number of Surveys
11.6.2 Double Sampling Design
11.6.3 Removal Sampling Design
11.6.4 More Units vs. More Surveys
12 Multiple-Season Study Design
12.1 Time Interval Between Seasons
12.2 Same vs. Different Units Each Season
12.3 More Units vs. More Seasons
12.4 More on Unit Selection
13 Integrated Modeling of Habitat and Occupancy Dynamics
13.2 Basic Sampling Situation
13.3 Model Development and Estimation
13.3.1 Missing Observations
13.4 Biological Questions of Interest
13.4.1 Effect of Habitat Change on Occupancy Dynamics
13.4.2 Effect of Species Presence on Habitat Dynamics
13.7.1 Patuxent Spotted Salamanders
14.1 Detection Probability and Inferences About Species Co-Occurrence
14.2 A Single-Season Model
14.2.1 General Sampling Situation
14.2.3 Derived Parameters and Alternative Parameterizations
14.2.5 Missing Observations
14.3 Addressing Biological Hypotheses
14.4 Example: Terrestrial Salamanders in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
14.5 Extension to Multiple Seasons
14.6 Example: Barred and Northern Spotted Owls
14.8 Generalizing to More than Two Species
15 Occupancy in Community-Level Studies
15.1 Investigating the Community at a Single Unit
15.1.1 Fraction of Species Present in a Single Season
15.1.2 Changes in the Fraction of Species Present over Time or Space
15.2 Investigating the Community at Multiple Units
15.2.1 Single-Season Studies: Modeling Occupancy and Detection
15.2.2 Single-Season Studies: Multi-Species Occupancy Models (MSOMs)
15.2.3 Example of the Dorazio-Royle Multi-Species Occupancy Model
15.3 The Yamaura Extensions: Multi-Species Abundance Models
15.4 Multiple-Season Multi-Species Occupancy Models
A.1 Notation for Summations and Products
A.2.3 Vector and Matrix Manipulation
A.3 Differentiation and Integration