Diagnostic Aid System Based on Triaxial High Sensitivity MEMS for Detection and Characterization of Specific Neurodegenerative Diseases
Assesment of Respiratory Diseases through Acoustic GMM Modeling
Evaluating the User Experience of a Cognitive Stimulation Tool through Elders' Interactions
7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of AITAmI'12
Contextual Reasoning in Context-Aware Systems
Real Time Activity Recognition Using a Cell Phone's Accelerometer and Wi-Fi
Structured Light and Shape Descriptors for Automatic 3D Object Classification
ALDRO Learning and Mixed Decision Support Method for Mobile Robot
Generation of Instances for the Revision of Beliefs
A Comparative Study of Intelligent Bio-Inspired Algorithms Applied to Minimizing Cyclic Instability in Intelligent Environments
Optimization of a Fuzzy Contrast Method for a Pattern Recognition System
1st Workshop on Large Scale Intelligent Environments (WOLSIE'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Large Scale Intelligent Environments (WOLSIE'12)
Beyond Four Walls: Towards Large-Scale Intelligent Environments
Smart Home in a Box: A Large Scale Smart Home Deployment
Towards FollowMe User Profiles for Macro Intelligent Environments
Collaborative Agents Framework for the Internet of Things
Intelligent Signaling for Prevention of Intersection Collisions in Urban Zones
1st International Workshop on Intelligent Domestic Robots (iDR'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intelligent Domestic Robots (iDR'12)
Real-Time Human Pose and Gesture Recognition for Autonomous Robots Using a Single Structured Light 3D-Scanner
Development of Means for Support of Comfortable Conditions for Human-Robot Interaction in Domestic Environments
Recognition of Static Gestures Using Three-Dimensional Chain Codes Using Dominant Direction Vectors
Human-Robot Interface Using Face Detection and Recognition, for the Service Robot, "Donaxi"
1st Workshop on Future Intelligent Educational Environments (WOFIEE'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of WOFIEE'12
The University as an Incubator for Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Physical Activity and Team Work with Pervasive Games
Adapting e-Learning Contents Based on Navigation Styles and Preferences
An Entrepreneurship Model for Future Intelligent Educational Environments
Intelligent Assistive Interfaces for Editing Mathematics
The InterReality Portal: A Mixed Reality Co-Creative Intelligent Learning Environment
1st International Workshop on Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces Applied in Skills Transfer, Healthcare and Rehabilitation (IMIASH'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of IMIASH'12
Knee Rehabilitation with Fuzzy Velocity and Force Control and Compensation of Weight
Ocular and Craniofacial Trauma Treatment Training System: Overview & Eyelid Laceration Module
Capturing the Rower Performance on the SPRINT Platform
Event-Driven Surgical Gesture Segmentation and Task Recognition for Ocular Trauma Simulation
Development of a Natural Interaction Interface for People with Disabilities in a Home Automation Control Room
Visuo-Vibrotactile Stimuli Applied for Skills Transfer and Rehabilitation
Virtual Reality Sports Training
2nd Int. Workshop on Reliability of Intelligent Environments (WoRIE'12)
Introduction to the Proceedings of WoRIE'12
Towards Reliability of Intelligent Environments Through Testing Services and Applications
MidBlocks: A Supervising Middleware for Reliable Intelligent Environments
Consistency in Context-Aware Behavior: A Model Checking Approach
Using Simulation and Verification to Inform the Development of Intelligent Environments
A Proposal for Evaluating the Privacy Management Through "Fair Trade" Metaphor
FollowMe: A Bigraphical Approach
1st International Workshop on Improving Industrial Automation Using the Intelligent Environments Paradigm (AIE'12)
Preface to the Workshop on Improving Industrial Automation Using the Intelligent Environments Paradigm IA'12