1. Output, Demographic, and Employment Transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
Employment Transformation
2. Transformation and Productivity: Comparison with Asia
Productivity Transformation
3. Projecting Output, Employment, and Productivity Forward through 2020
1. Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia: Real GDP Growth
2. Selected Regions: Development of Sectoral Output Shares
3. Sub-Saharan Africa: Population by Age Group, 2005–20
4. Sub-Saharan Africa: Estimated Distribution of Employment by Country Type and Sector, 2010
5. Sectoral Shares of Employment Low- and Low-middle-Income Countries, 2002 and 2010
6. Selected Countries: Labor Productivity and Changes in Employment Shares: 2000–10
7. Labor Productivity and Changes in Relative Productivity Level, 2000–10
8. Low Income Asian Countries: Labor Productivity and Changes in Employment Shares, 2000–10
9. Low income Asian Countries: Labor Productivity and Changes in Relative Productivity Level, 2000–10
10. Selected Countries: Industry Productivity
11. Selected Countries: Services Productivity
12. Sub-Saharan Africa: Sectoral Share of GDP by Country Type, 2005–20
13. Sub-Saharan Africa: Estimated Distribution of Employment by Country Type and Sector, 2020
14. Sub-Saharan Africa: Labor Productivity and Changes in Employment Shares: 2005–20
15. Labor Productivity and Changes in Relative Productivity Level, 2005–20
1. Sub-Saharan Africa and High-Growth Comparators: Employed Population Ages 15–64, 2010 (Percent)
Appendix Table 1. Sub-Saharan Africa: Country Groups Used in This Paper
Appendix Table 2. Asia: Country Groups Used in This Paper
Appendix Table 3. List of Country Abbreviations
Appendix Table 4. Sub-Saharan Africa and Asian Countries: GDP per Capita