1. Policy Challenges and Constraints
Policy Challenges Associated with SACU Revenues
Policy and Institutional Constraints
2. Addressing Fiscal Policy Volatility in Lesotho and Swaziland
Managing SACU Revenue in a “Constrained” Economy
Welfare-Enhancing Role of Fiscal Rules
3. From Discretionary to a Rules-Based Fiscal Policy Framework
Groundwork for Successful Fiscal Rules
Steps Toward a Rules-Based Policy
1. Volatility, Government Expenditure, and Long-Term Growth
2. Lesotho and Swaziland: Groundwork for Successful Fiscal Rules
I. SACU and SACU Revenues
II. Fiscal Rules: International Experience
III. Baseline Calibration: Parameter Setting
IV. Baseline Calibration: Policy Parameters
1a. Composition of Fiscal Revenues
1b. Fiscal Balances and Expenditures
2. SACU Revenues for Lesotho and Swaziland and South Africa’s GDP Growth
3. SACU Revenues for Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and Swaziland: Forecasts and Outturns
4. Financing Sources for Government Deficit
5a. Policy Experiment: Impulse Responses to SACU Revenue Shocks (Lesotho)
5b. Policy Experiment: Impulse Responses to SACU Revenue Shocks (Swaziland)
6. Consumption Compensation
7. Consumption Compensation by Type of Household
A1. Retroactive Adjustments for SACU Revenues of Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, and Swaziland
A2. Fiscal Rules and Exchange Rate Regimens
1. Average Size of the SACU Revenue
A1. Countries with Fiscal Rules and Managed Exchange Rate Regimes