Superstring compactifications to all orders in 𝛼’
2. Type II string theory on 𝐺₂ manifolds
3. Interpretation in 3𝑑 and 4𝑑 field theory
4. Massive Kaluza-Klein modes in superspace
Supersymmetric partition functions on Riemann surfaces
2. 3d theories on Σ_{𝑔}×𝑆¹
4. 4d theories on Σ_{𝑔}×𝑇²
6. Large 𝑁 limit and black hole entropy
Appendix A. Notation, Lagrangians and supersymmetry variations
On the mathematics and physics of Mixed Spin P-fields
2. Mirror Symmetry and Gromov-Witten Invariants of Quintics
3. Witten’s Gauged Linear Sigma Model (GLSM)
4. Hyperplane Property, Ghost, and P-field
5. Fields Valued in Two GIT Quotients
6. Affine LG Phase and Spin Structure
7. The Puzzle to Link Invariants in Opposite Phases
9. Mixed Spin Fields: Quantization of the Master Space
10. Vanishing and Polynomial Relations
11. Comparison with Physical Theories
Homological mirror functors via Maurer-Cartan formalism
2. Basic example of (\C,𝑆¹) and 𝑊(𝑥)=𝑥
3. Maurer-Cartan formalism and two different potentials
4. Construction of the canonical \AI-functor
5. Elliptic curve example
6. Non-commutative mirrors and deformation quantization
7. Complete intersection mirror of the torus
Mirror symmetry, Tyurin degenerations and fibrations on Calabi-Yau manifolds
2. Setup and preliminary results
3. Batyrev-Borisov mirror symmetry
4. Dolgachev-Nikulin mirror symmetry
5. Beyond Batyrev-Borisov mirror symmetry for threefolds
6. Non-commutative fibrations
SL(2,ℂ) Chern-Simons theory and four-dimensional quantum geometry
2. Classical Correspondence
3. Quantum Correspondence
4. Wilson Graph Operator and Loop Quantum Gravity
Quantum cohomology under birational maps and transitions
2. Review on quantum Lefschetz
4. Application I: Ordinary flops
5. Application II: Blow-ups along complete intersection centers
6. Application III: Simple flips
7. Conifold transitions of Calabi–Yau 3-folds
𝐿²-kernels of Dirac-type operators on monopole moduli spaces
1. Introduction and Conclusion
2. (Singular) Monopole Moduli Space
3. Consequences of 𝑁=2 Supersymmetry
4. Mathematical Predictions
𝔅𝔓𝔖/ℭ𝔉𝔗 correspondence: Instantons at crossroads and gauge origami
1.1. Organization of the paper
2. Gauge and string theory motivations
2.1. Generalized gauge theory
2.3. Symmetries, twisting, equivariance
2.4. Gauge theories on stacks of D-branes
3.1. Generalized ADHM equations
3.2. Holomorphic equations
3.3. The moduli spaces \mM_{𝑘}*(⃗𝑛)
4. The symmetries of spiked instantons
4.1. Framing and spatial rotations
4.3. Orbifolds, quivers, defects
4.4. Our goal: compactness theorem
5.1. ADHM construction and its 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑡
5.2. Ordinary instantons from spiked instantons
5.4. One-instanton example
5.5. The canonical complex \CalS
5.7. Stratification and correspondences
5.9. The symmetries of the ADHM space
5.13. Tangent space at the fixed point
5.14. Canonical complex at the fixed point
5.16. Fixed points of smaller tori
5.17. Compactness of the fixed point set
5.18. Ordinary instantons as the fixed set
6. Crossed and folded instantons
6.2. One-instanton crossed example
6.4. One-instanton folded example
6.5. Fixed point sets: butterflies and zippers
7. Reconstructing spiked instantons
7.2. Toric spiked instantons
8. The compactness theorem
9. Integration over the spiked instantons
9.1. Cohomological field theory
9.2. Localization and analyticity
10. Quiver crossed instantons
10.2. Orbifolds and defects: ADE ×𝑈(1)× ADE
11. Spiked instantons on orbifolds and defects
12. Conclusions and future directions
Balanced embedding of degenerating Abelian varieties
2. Setup and Main Theorems
3. Construction of Theta Functions
4. Proofs of Main Theorems
The modularity/automorphy of Calabi–Yau varieties of CM type
2. The (cohomological) 𝐿-series
3. The modularity results
4. Modularity/automorphy of K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms
5. Calabi–Yau threefolds of Borcea–Voisin type