Modular Forms and Hecke Operators ( Translations of Mathematical Monographs )

Publication series : Translations of Mathematical Monographs

Author: A. N. Andrianov;V. G. Zhuravlev  

Publisher: American Mathematical Society‎

Publication year: 2018

E-ISBN: 9781470445621

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780821802779

Subject: O15 algebra, number theory, combinatorial theory

Keyword: 数学

Language: ENG

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Modular Forms and Hecke Operators


The concept of Hecke operators was so simple and natural that, soon after Hecke's work, scholars made the attempt to develop a Hecke theory for modular forms, such as Siegel modular forms. As this theory developed, the Hecke operators on spaces of modular forms in several variables were found to have arithmetic meaning. Specifically, the theory provided a framework for discovering certain multiplicative properties of the number of integer representations of quadratic forms by quadratic forms. Now that the theory has matured, the time is right for this detailed and systematic exposition of its fundamental methods and results. Features: The book starts with the basics and ends with the latest results, explaining the current status of the theory of Hecke operators on spaces of holomorphic modular forms of integer and half-integer weight congruence-subgroups of integral symplectic groups. Hecke operators are considered principally as an instrument for studying the multiplicative properties of the Fourier coefficients of modular forms. It is the authors' intent that Modular Forms and Hecke Operators help attract young researchers to this beautiful and mysterious realm of number theory.


Titles in series

Title page



Chapter 1. Theta-series

Chapter 2. Modular forms

Chapter 3. Hecke rings

Chapter 4. Hecke operators

Appendix 1. Symmetric matrices over a field

Appendix 2. Quadratic spaces

Appendix 3. Modules in quadratic fields and binary quadratic forms



List of notation

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