The International Council on Medical and Care Compunetics (ICMCC) wants to emphasize the computing and networking synergies in medicine and (health)care. The term compunetics was introduced to present the union of computing and (social) networking. ICMCC wants to bring together as many aspects of medical and care compunetics as possible by forming a Global Knowledge Center. The availability of information works on both the BTB and the BTC level, as the structure will aim at both the consumers and the professionals (caregivers). Patients / consumers will be able to obtain information related to their illness or handicaps, so that they will be more knowledgeable about possible treatments and treatment alternatives. Professionals will be able to find relevant information (medical, technical, scientific) in a fast and efficient way. Industry (and more specifically SME’s) will have access to technical information from a central portal. The shifting paradigm of health from reparative to preventive will enhance the necessity of consumer related information that, when efficiently obtained, can be of great economical benefit. In a world where the need for care is growing rapidly and where it is impossible to expect a growth in the number of caregivers, information is becoming more and more crucial. Not only because an informed patient is an economic benefit, but also because awareness amongst professionals about developments in their own and related fields can save enormous amounts o
VEMH - Virtual Euro-Mediterranean Hospital for Global Healthcare
A Distributed Database and a New Application for the DRG System
Incorporating the Sense of Smell into Haptic Surgical Simulators
"Joining Up" e-Health & e-Care Services: Meeting the Demographic Challenge
Development and Deployment of a Health Information System in Transitional Countries (Croatian Experience)
The Surveillance of the People with Chronicle Diseases Making the Personal Electronic Folder in Pharmacies for these Patients
Improving End of Life Care: An Information Systems Approach to Reducing Medical Errors
Standardized Semantic Markup for Reference Terminologies, Thesauri and Coding Systems: Benefits for Distributed E-Health Applications
Development of an Expert System for Classification of Medical Errors
Model of Good Practice Tools for Risk Reduction and Clinical Governance
Optimisation Issues of High Throughput Medical Data and Video Streaming Traffic in 3G Wireless Environments
A New Algorithm for Content-Based Region Query in Databases with Medical Images
Economic Impact of Telemedicine: A Survey
ICT, e-Health & Managing Healthcare - Exploring the Issues & Challenges in Indian Railway Medical Services
EC e-Health Projects Symposium
Intracorporeal Videoprobe (IVP)
Fischer's Fused Full Field Digital Mammography and Ultrasound System (FFDMUS)
Symposium on Telehomecare
Freeband: The Research Program for Ambient Intelligent Communication
Use of Information and Communication Technology in Health Care
A Dynamic Interactive Social Chart in Dementia Care - Attuning Demand and Supply in the Care for Persons with Dementia and their Carers
Personal Networks Enabling Remote Assistance for Medical Emergency Teams
Context Aware Tele-Monitoring and Tele-Treatment Services
Tele-Cardiology for Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: The 'SHL' Experience in Israel and Germany
Hybrid and Customized Approach in Telemedicine Systems: An Unavoidable Destination
Standardization of Demographic Service for a Federated Healthcare Environment
Telemedicine Training & Treatment Centre "A European Rollout of a Medical Best Practice"
Symposium on Information/Knowledge Management
An Interactive Framework for Developing Simulation Models of Hospital Accident and Emergency Services
A Software Tool to Aid Budget Planning for Long-Term Care at Local Authority Level
A Software System for Clinical Monitoring
Software Support in Automation of Medicinal Product Evaluations
Crossing Heterogeneous Information Sources for Better Analysis of Health and Social Care Data
Clinical Knowledge Management: An Overview of Current Understanding
Symposium on Patient Empowerment
Health Informatics: A Roadmap for Autism Knowledge Sharing