Procurement customs and regulations
The current application of instruments
The purchasing of Dutch housing associations' maintenance services: state of the art and a decision framework
Maintenance in Dutch practice
The purchasing of maintenance in Dutch practice
The social rented sector in the Dutch housing market
Maintenance services as the means to fulfil tasks
A framework for purchasing
Comparing housing associations with the public and private sector: retail and municipality
How to deal with customer demands?
Authorities and organisation
The citizen and municipal services
The influence of the citizen
The market and consumption
Service and product delivery
Influence on management and policy
What could be learned from retail and municipalities?
Impact of maintenance services on tenant satisfaction in social housing
Satisfaction with maintenance
Literature review and expectations
Measures of attribute importance and impact on tenant satisfaction
The questionnaire and response
Mean importance ratings and satisfaction scores
Top three rankings of most important maintenance services
Discussion and conclusions
Securing high-performance maintenance service delivery
Objectives of maintenance
Current use of performance indicators
Maintenance services and performance measurement
Maintenance contractors and the service delivery process
Managing maintenance service delivery
Determinants of maintenance service quality
Case: the 'KWH-huurlabel'
Important determinants of maintenance service quality
KWH-huurlabel and public performance criteria
Securing customer satisfaction through component service specifications
Component services and service supply chains
The importance of specifications for ensuring customer satisfaction
Maintenance services purchased by Dutch housing associations
Differences with regard to the character of interactions during the works
Differences with regard to the need for perceived control over service delivery
Results of the document analysis
Maintenance of heating and water systems
Tenants' priorities versus specifications
Conclusions and discussion
Limitations and future research
The end-customer focus of maintenance service specifications for purchasing
Customer-oriented specifications
Maintenance types and documents
Documents and determinants of maintenance service quality
Types of maintenance and quality of service determinants
Conclusions and recommendations
Optimising commodity strategies
The choice of performance requirements
The form of performance indicators
Adapting specifications to suppliers' qualities
Rational decision-making and specifying maintenance services
Giving extra emphasis to performance requirements
Maintenance service suppliers' resources
Supplier selection as means of limiting opportunistic behaviour
What can be demanded from the maintenance firm?
The relationship between the housing association and the maintenance service supplier
Using coordination mechanisms to optimise service quality
The choice of the most suitable coordination mechanism
Limiting opportunism risks
Transaction-specific investments
The core competence approach and insourcing
Conclusions and recommendations
Goals for purchasing maintenance services
Characteristics of the housing association and its customers
Characteristics of the maintenance sector
Regulatory purchasing requirements
Maintenance services and tenant preferences
Characteristics of the maintenance service and the implications for commodity strategy development
Optimisation of the commodity strategy
Differentiated approaches
Policy and managerial recommendations
Recommendations for further research
Appendix 1. Characteristics of the respondents
Appendix 2. Tenant questionnaire - Dutch version
Tenant questionnaire - English version (not used)
Appendix 3. Regression analysis
Appendix 4. Determinants of maintenance service quality
Appendix 5. Planned maintenance and reactive maintenance as sequential processes