ECAI 2010 :19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications )

Publication subTitle :19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Publication series : Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications

Author: Coelho H.;Studer R.;Wooldridge M.  

Publisher: Ios Press‎

Publication year: 2010

E-ISBN: 9781607506065

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781607506058

Subject: TP Automation Technology , Computer Technology

Keyword: 自动化技术、计算机技术

Language: ENG

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is of central importance to contemporary computer science and informatics. Techniques, results and concepts developed under the banner of AI research have not only benefited applications as diverse as medicine and industrial systems applications, but are of fundamental importance in areas such as economics, philosophy, linguistics, psychology and logical analysis. This book contains the proceedings of the nineteenth biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), which since 1974 has been Europe’s principal opportunity for researchers to present and hear about the very best contemporary AI research in all its diverse forms and applications. From a total of 607 submitted papers, the 135 full papers selected for presentation after review are collected here, together with a further 91 submissions selected for presentation as short papers. This book is an essential resource for anyone who wishes to keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of AI. The book also includes papers from one of ECAI’s associated conferences: Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS).


Extending Clause Learning DPLL with Parity Reasoning

Session 1B. Description Logics & Ontologies

Complexity of Axiom Pinpointing in the DL-Lite Family of Description Logics

Tractable Reasoning with DL-Programs over Datalog-Rewritable Description Logics

Enriching EL -Concepts with Greatest Fixpoints

Tableau-Based Forgetting in ALC Ontologies

Verifying Properties of Infinite Sequences of Description Logic Actions

Session 1C. Cooperation

A Hybrid Continuous Max-Sum Algorithm for Decentralised Coordination

BnB-ADOPT+ with Several Soft Arc Consistency Levels

Optimal Task Migration in Service-Oriented Systems: Algorithms and Mechanisms

Modeling the Problem of Many Hands in Organisations

Learning Better Together

Session 1D. Diagnosis & Discovery

Event Model Learning from Complex Videos Using ILP

A Decentralised Symbolic Diagnosis Approach

Diagnosability Analysis of Discrete Event Systems with Autonomous Components

Diagnosing Process Trajectories Under Partially Known Behavior

Session 1E. Argumentation & Dialogue

Computation in Extended Argumentation Frameworks

An Argumentation-Based Approach to Database Repair

A Common Computational Framework for Semiring-Based Argumentation Systems

Behavior-Oriented Commitment-Based Protocols

Session 1F. Learning-Based Applications (PAIS)

Using Crowdsourcing and Active Learning to Track Sentiment in Online Media

Multiscale Adaptive Agent-Based Management of Storage-Enabled Photovoltaic Facilities

Non-Intrusive Detection of Driver Distraction Using Machine Learning Algorithms

Learning and Meta-Learning for Coordination of Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles. A Preliminary Analysis

Classification of Dreams Using Machine Learning

Session 2A. Robotics & Autonomous Systems

Deep Reasoning in Clarification Dialogues with Mobile Robots

Stream-Based Reasoning Support for Autonomous Systems

Variable Level-Of-Detail Motion Planning in Environments with Poorly Predictable Bodies

Session 2B. Coalitions & Teams

Computational Aspects of Extending the Shapley Value to Coalitional Games with Externalities

On the Stability of an Optimal Coalition Structure

EA2: The Winning Strategy for the Inaugural Lemonade Stand Game Tournament

Session 2C. Planning

Planning with Concurrency Under Resources and Time Uncertainty

Brothers in Arms? On AI Planning and Cellular Automata

Landmarks in Hierarchical Planning

Session 2D. Uncertainty - Bayesian Methods

The Necessity of Bounded Treewidth for Efficient Inference in Bayesian Networks

Context-Specific Independence in Directed Relational Probabilistic Models and Its Influence on the Efficiency of Gibbs Sampling

Bayesian Monte Carlo for the Global Optimization of Expensive Functions

Session 2E. Preference Modelling & Aggregation

An Empirical Study of the Manipulability of Single Transferable Voting

Dynamic Matching with a Fall-Back Option

Learning Conditionally Lexicographic Preference Relations

Session 2F. Biology and Nature-Related Applications (PAIS)

Identifying Necessary Reactions in Metabolic Pathways by Minimal Model Generation

Interval Forecast of Water Quality Parameters

Data Mining for Biodiversity Prediction in Forests

Session 3A. Clustering & Classification

Boosting Clustering by Active Constraint Selection

A Very Fast Method for Clustering Big Text Datasets

Active Testing Strategy to Predict the Best Classification Algorithm via Sampling and Metalearning

Improving Hierarchical Classification with Partial Labels

Session 3B. Planning

Implicit Learning of Compiled Macro-Actions for Planning

Strengthening Landmark Heuristics via Hitting Sets

Sound and Complete Landmarks for And/Or Graphs

Iterative Bounding LAO*

Session 3C. Reinforcement Learning

Analysis of Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Perturbed Demonstrations

Case-Based Multiagent Reinforcement Learning: Cases as Heuristics for Selection of Actions

Uncertainty Propagation for Efficient Exploration in Reinforcement Learning

The Dynamics of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Session 3D. Negotiation & Allocation

An Efficient Procedure for Collective Decision-Making with CP-Nets

Modelling Multilateral Negotiation in Linear Logic

Fair Division Under Ordinal Preferences: Computing Envy-Free Allocations of Indivisible Goods

LP Solvable Models for Multiagent Fair Allocation Problems

Session 3F. Adaptive Systems (PAIS)

Using Bayesian Networks in an Industrial Setting: Making Printing Systems Adaptive

Context-Aware Media Agent for Public Spaces

An Iterative A* Algorithm for Planning of Airport Ground Movements

A Fault-Model-Based Debugging Aid for Data Warehouse Applications

Session 4A. Machine Learning - Kernel Methods

Kernel-Based Hybrid Random Fields for Nonparametric Density Estimation

Multitask Kernel-Based Learning with Logic Constraints

Kernel Methods for Revealed Preference Analysis

Regression Learning with Multiple Noisy Oracles

Session 4B. Planning

Constraint Based Planning with Composable Substate Graphs

Knowledge Compilation Using Interval Automata and Applications to Planning

Compiling Uncertainty Away in Non-Deterministic Conformant Planning

Analyzing Flexible Timeline-Based Plans

Session 4C. Description Logics & Ontologies

A Unified Framework for Non-Standard Reasoning Services in Description Logics

Parallel TBox Classification in Description Logics - First Experimental Results

Logical Ontology Validation Using an Automatic Theorem Prover

Integrating Bipolar Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology in Description Logics for Spatial Reasoning

Computing the Data Semantics of WSDL Specifications via Gradient Boosting

Session 4D. Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval

Opinion Question Answering: Towards a Unified Approach

From Bursty Patterns to Bursty Facts: The Effectiveness of Temporal Text Mining for News

Extraction of Places Related to Flickr Tags

Automatic Free-Text-Tagging of Online News Archives

Learning Aggregation Functions for Expert Search

Session 4E. Logical Foundations of MAS

Parallel Model Checking for Temporal Epistemic Logic

The Complexity of Epistemic Model Checking: Clock Semantics and Branching Time

Higher-Order Coalition Logic

Mental State Ascription Using Dynamic Logic

On the (Un-)Decidability of Model Checking Resource-Bounded Agents

Session 4F. Auctions & Trading Systems

An Equilibrium Analysis of Competing Double Auction Marketplaces Using Fictitious Play

Addressing the Exposure Problem of Bidding Agents Using Flexibly Priced Options

Designing a Successful Adaptive Agent for TAC Ad Auction

Session 5A. Trust & Recommendation

Propagation of Opinions in Structural Graphs

Social Recommendation with Interpersonal Influence

Recommendations Over Domain Specific User Graphs

Session 5B. Belief Revision, Update & Merging

Foundations of Tree-Like Local Model Updates

The Epistemic View of Belief Merging: Can We Track the Truth?

Majority Merging: From Boolean Spaces to Affine Spaces

Session 5C. Belief-Desire-Intention Architectures

Semantics for the Jason Variant of AgentSpeak (Plan Failure and Some Internal Actions)

Belief-Goal Relationships in Possibilistic Goal Generation

Predicting Responsiveness of BDI Agent

Session 5D. Applications

Automating Layouts of Sewers in Subdivisions

Adaptive Gaussian Process for Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting

Introducing Personality into Team Dynamics

Session 5E. Processes & Stochastic Models

EP for Efficient Stochastic Control with Obstacles

Constraint-Based Controller Synthesis in Non-Deterministic and Partially Observable Domains

Decision-Theoretic Optimal Sampling in Hidden Markov Random Fields

Session 6A. Logical Foundations of KR

Metric Propositional Neighborhood Logics: Expressiveness, Decidability, and Undecidability

An Axiom System for a Spatial Logic with Convexity

Optimal Tableaux for Conditional Logics with Cautious Monotonicity

Linear Logic for Non-Linear Storytelling

ProbLog Technology for Inference in a Probabilistic First Order Logic

Session 6B. Search & Heuristics

A Note on the Complexity of Some Multiobjective A* Search Algorithms

Contract Search: Heuristic Search Under Node Expansion Constraints

Fast Local Search for Fuzzy Job Shop Scheduling

Relative-Order Abstractions for the Pancake Problem

ISAC - Instance-Specific Algorithm Configuration

Session 6C. Natural Language Processing

Using Background Knowledge to Support Coreference Resolution

Detecting Ironic Intent in Creative Comparisons

Cross-Domain Contextualization of Sentiment Lexicons

Learning to Author Text with Textual CBR

Classifier Ensemble Using Multiobjective Optimization for Named Entity Recognition

Session 6D. Machine Learning & Data Mining

Mining Outliers with Adaptive Cutoff Update and Space Utilization (RACAS)

Feature Selection by Approximating the Markov Blanket in a Kernel-Induced Space

Recognising Agent Behaviour During Variable Length Activities

Continuous Conditional Random Fields for Regression in Remote Sensing

Combining Local and Global KNN with Cotraining

Session 6E. Clustering & Classification

Multi Grain Sentiment Analysis using Collective Classification

Temporal Relations Learning with a Bootstrapped Cross-Document Classifier

Describing the Result of a Classifier to the End-User: Geometric-Based Sensitivity

Soft Nearest Convex Hull Classifier

Using Domain Knowledge to Guide Lattice-Based Complex Data Exploration

Session 6F. Constraints

Adaptive Branching for Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Symmetries of Symmetry Breaking Constraints

Solving Pseudo-Boolean Modularity Constraints

Learning When to Use Lazy Learning in Constraint Solving

Session 7A. Action, Time, and Change

LTL Goal Specifications Revisited

On the Verification of Very Expressive Temporal Properties of Non-Terminating Golog Programs

Session 7B. Foundations of Logical Reasoning

The Complexity of Handling Minimal Solutions in Logic-Based Abduction

Abduction of Distributed Theories Through Local Interactions

Session 7C. Neural Nets

A NEAT Way for Evolving Echo State Networks

Unsupervised Layer-Wise Model Selection in Deep Neural Networks

Session 7D. Origins of Language

Acquisition of Grammar in Autonomous Artificial Systems

Open-Ended Grounded Semantics

Session 7E. Uncertainty in AI

Adaptive Markov Logic Networks: Learning Statistical Relational Models with Dynamic Parameters

Min-Based Causal Possibilistic Networks: Handling Interventions and Analyzing the Possibilistic Counterpart of Jeffrey's Rule of Conditioning

Session 7F. Logic & Answer Set Programming

On Testing Answer-Set Programs

On Semantic Update Operators for Answer-Set Programs

Short Papers

Completeness-Preserving Pruning for Optimal Planning

Project Scheduling as a Disjunctive Temporal Problem

On Finding Compromise Solutions in Multiobjective Markov Decision Processes

A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Cooperative Control and Adjustable Autonomy

Learning Action Effects in Partially Observable Domains

A Probabilistic Approach to Appearance-Based Localization and Mapping

Scalable Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Grid Maps with Tractability and Completeness Guarantees

Behavior-Analysis and -Prediction for Agents in Real-Time and Dynamic Adversarial Environments

Integrating Probability Constraints into Bayesian Nets

Probabilistic Logic with Conditional Independence Formulae

Towards Learning to Rank in Description Logics

Buried Utility Pipeline Mapping Based on Street Survey and Ground Penetrating Radar

Exploiting the Accumulated Evidence for Gene Selection in Microarray Gene Expression Data

Diagnosis Discrimination for Ontology Debugging

A Contextual Reading of Conditional Commitments

Acceptability Semantics Accounting for Strength of Attacks in Argumentation

An Argumentation-Based Dialog for Social Evaluations Exchange

Dealing with the Dynamics of Proof-Standard in Argumentation-Based Decision Aiding

On the Use of Argumentation in Multi-Agent Planning

Preference-Based Argumentation Framework with Varied-Preference Intensity

ABA: Argumentation Based Agents

On Admissibility in Timed Abstract Argumentation Frameworks

Fair Mechanisms for Recurrent Multi Unit Combinatorial Auctions

Balancing Optimality and Robustness in Resource Allocation Problems

A Knapsack-Based Approach to Bidding in Ad Auctions

Coalition Formation Strategies for Self-Interested Agents in Hedonic Games

A Network Flow Approach to Coalitional Games

Taking the Final Step to a Full Dichotomy of the Possible Winner Problem in Pure Scoring Rules

Complexity of Merging and Splitting for the Probabilistic Banzhaf Power Index in Weighted Voting Games

Alice and Bob Will Fight: The Problem of Electing a Committee in the Presence of Candidate Interdependence

Egalitarian Utilities Divide-and-Coordinate: Stop Arguing About Decisions, Let's Share Rewards!

Reasoning About Norm Compliance with Rational Agents

Collective Sensor Configuration in Uncharted Environments

On the Life-Cycle of BDI Agent Goals

A Unified Interaction-Aware Goal Framework

An Alternative Approach for Reasoning About the Goal-Plan Tree Problem

Trust in Complex Actions

Analogical Learning Using Dissimilarity Between Tree-Structures

Complexity in Analogy Tasks: An Analysis and Computational Model

Efficient Explanations for Inconsistent Constraint Sets

Improving RFID's Location Based Services by Means of Hidden Markov Models

Human Activity Recognition in Intelligent Home Environments: An Evolving Approach

Joint Handling of Rational and Behavioral Reactions in Assistant Conversational Agents

What If It Suddenly Fails? Behavioral Aspects of Advanced Driver Assistant Systems on the Example of Local Danger Alerts

Selecting Information Based on Artificial Forms of Selective Attention

ANTIPA: An Agent Architecture for Intelligent Information Assistance

Nested Monte-Carlo Expression Discovery

Vectorial Pattern Databases

Improving the Global Constraint SoftPrec

Data-Driven Detection of Recursive Program Schemes

Horn Belief Change: A Contraction Core

A Motivation-Based Mechanism to Design Behaviors

Preferential vs Rational Description Logics: Which One for Reasoning About Typicality?

Refining the Notion of Effort

A Constructive Conditional Logic for Access Control: A Preliminary Report

A Logical Model of Intention and Plan Dynamics

Non-Elementary Speed Up for Model Checking Synchronous Perfect Recall

Querying in EL+ with Nonmonotonic Rules

Improving the Efficiency of Ontology Engineering by Introducing Prototypicality

Implementing Simple Modular ERDF Ontologies

Local Search Algorithms on the Stable Marriage Problem: Experimental Studies

A Combined Calculus on Orientation with Composition Based on Geometric Properties

Knowledge-Based Adaptive Thresholding from Shadows

A Qualitative Representation of Route Networks

Restarts and Nogood Recording in Qualitative Constraint-Based Reasoning

Strategic Planning in the Game of Go Using Coupled Non-Linear Oscillators

Semi-Automatic Revision of Formalized Knowledge

Instruction Cache Prediction Using Bayesian Networks

Unsupervised Feature Generation Using Knowledge Repositories for Effective Text Categorization

Discovering an Event Taxonomy from Video Using Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Graphs

Advances in Class Noise Detection

Time-Slice Density Estimation for Semantic-Based Tourist Destination Suggestion

Knowledge Compilation for Itemset Mining

Towards Argumentation-Based Multiagent Induction

The Advantages of Seed Examples in First-Order Multi-Class Subgroup Discovery

Generating Time Series Reference Models Based on Event Analysis

Mining Physiological Data for Discovering Temporal Patterns on Disease Stages

Drift Severity Metric

Prediction of Attributes and Links in Temporal Social Networks

Reliable Predictive Intervals for the Critical Frequency of the F2 Ionospheric Layer

Decentralised Supply Chain Formation: A Belief Propagation-Based Approach

Formal Analysis of Models for the Mammalian Vision System

Implementing an Intelligent Moving Average with a Neural Network

Bagged Biclustering for Microarray Data

On the Maximalization of the Witness Sets in Independent Set Readings

Automatic Creation of a Conceptual Base for Portuguese Using Clustering Techniques

Investigating Human Speech Processing as a Model for Spoken Dialogue Systems: An Experimental Framework

Automatically Constructing Dictionaries for Extracting Meaningful Crime Information from Arabic Text

GNUsmail: Open Framework for On-Line Email Classification

Discovering Collaboration Opportunities in Research-Oriented Networks

High-Level Perception as Focused Belief Revision

Author Index

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