An implementation of the Trigram Phrase Matching method for text similarity problems
An electronic patient record implementation using clinical document architecture
Mobile guidelines for pharmacologic treatment of hypertension
Artificial Neural Networks as an Engine of Internet Based Hypertension Prediction Tool
Development of a Clinical Pathways Analysis System with Adaptive Bayesian Nets and Data Mining Techniques
Development of an Expert System for Differentiating Tension Type Headaches from Migraines
Quality management issues for medical ICT
MET System: a New Approach to m-Health in Emergency Triage
Robotic Technology Applied to Meet the Requirements of Tools to Support Microsurgery and Cellular Surgery
Emotional Prosody Measurement (EPM): A Voice-Based Evaluation Method for Psychological Therapy Effectiveness
Errors in Medical Practice: Identification, Classification and Steps Towards Reduction
Using the Sense of Smell in Telemedical Environments
Power to the Patient, using DI@L-log
Interactive Telemedicine as a Tool to Avoid a Digital Divide in the World
Part 2. Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Trials: Statistics & Pharmacokinetic Principles
Part 3. Communication and ICT in Healthcare: Theory and Practice
The impact of structuring multidisciplinary team conferences mediated by ICT in the treatment of patients with rheumatic diseases
Enhanced Communication Between Care Professionals and Patients with Hemophilia by Using a Web Enabled Electronic Logbook
Part 4. The Use of Information and Communication Technology for Treatment and Monitoring of Chronic Disabled Persons at Home
Tele-Homecare for Chronically Ill Persons: Pilot Trials, Medical Outcomes and Future Perspectives
Remote Training and Monitoring
ICT Applications for tele-consultation to increase efficiency and effectiveness of care
Part 5. Information Technology and Behavioral Medicine: Impact on Autism Treatment & Research
Information Technology and Behavioral Medicine: Impact on Autism Treatment & Research 1
The Challenges of Imaging Based Computational Fluid Dynamics
Image-Based Modeling of Carotid Bifurcation Flows
CFD Modeling of Carotid Bifurcation Flow Based on 3D Ultrasound: Correlations of Wall Shear Stress with Intima Media Thickness in Normo- and Hypertensives
Flow Patterns and Wall Shear Stresses in Patient-Specific Models of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Part 7. Diagnostics and Virtual Training in Vascular Diseases
Vascular specialists training, the practice and the future
Quantitative analysis of vascular images, in particular of abdominal aorta aneurysms from 3D CTA data sets
The EAG tool: a decision support system for selection of abdominal aorta aneurysm endografts
Stereopsis in Medical Virtual-Learning-Environments
Part 8. Good Healthcare Innovation Practice - A Network-Driven, Knowledge-Conscious Approach for Innovation in the (Dutch) Healthcare Sector
GOOD HEALTHCARE INNOVATION PRACTICE (GHIP) A network-driven, knowledge-conscious approach for innovation in the (Dutch) Healthcare sector.
Part 10. The Cognitive Cube; Evaluation, staging, care and rehabilitation IT methodology for cognitive impairments in the elderly
Cognition, interaction and ageing: an Internet workshops exploratory Study
Part 11. EC e-Health Projects
A service for remote screening of physiological data and follow up of patients using a home gateway and domestic wireless technologies
Mobile Patient Monitoring: the MobiHealth System
JUST in Time Health Emergency Interventions: An innovative approach to training the citizen for emergency situations using Virtual Reality Techniques and Advanced IT Tools (The Web-CD)
JUST in Time Health Emergency Interventions: An innovative approach to training the citizen for emergency situations using Virtual Reality Techniques and Advanced IT Tools (The VR Tool)
COCOON Building knowledge driven and dynamically networked communities within European healthcare systems
Team Work based Care in Speech and Language Therapy through Web-based Tools and Methods
Part 12. Telehomecare and Monitoring
Cost-Effective Health Services for Interactive Continuous Monitoring of Vital Signs Parameters — the e-Vital Concept
Ambulatory Monitoring for Chronic Cardiac and Pulmonary Patients
A New Model for Home Care for COPD
A New Monitoring Service for Long Term Residential Care
A Reference Architecture for Telemonitoring
Part 13. Electronic Health Record Security
MDA-based EHR Application Security Services
Implementing MDA-based Distributed, Interoperable, Flexible, Scalable, Portable, and Secure EHR Systems
A Peculiar Aspect of Patients' Safety: The Discriminating Power of Identifiers for Record Linkage
High Level Security Policies for Health Care Establishments
High Level Security Policies for Health: From Theory to Practice
Access Control Management in Practical Settings
Policy Management and Access Control in Practice
Security Infrastructure Services for Electronic Archives and Electronic Health Records
Secondary Use of the EHR via Pseudonymisation
Use of the ISO/IEC 17799 Framework in Healthcare Information Security Management
Security Requirements in EHR systems and Archives
Electronic Health Record on Cards
Part 14. The Challenges in the Migration to 4G Mobile System — M-Health Prospective
Non-Telephone Healthcare: The Role of 4G and Emerging Mobile Systems for Future m- Health Systems