European Territorial Governance ( Housing and Urban Policy Studies )

Publication series : Housing and Urban Policy Studies

Author: Zonneveld W.;de Vries J.;Janssen-Jansen L.  

Publisher: Ios Press‎

Publication year: 2012

E-ISBN: 9781614991410

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781614991403

Subject: TU984 Urban Planning

Keyword: 城市规划

Language: ENG

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The 1990s ended with the birth of the concept of European spatial planning, which became a unique catalyst of change in Europe and in EU member states and regions. This book examines both the evolution of territorial governance at a European and transnational level and how this new type of governance affects planning at the local and regional level. It not only brings together a number of papers written by academic scholars but also several reflective contributions by practitioners. As such, this book seeks to contribute to various theoretical and empirical discussions: the institutionalization of European policy and integration; the Europeanisation of policy and planning; multi-level and multi-actor policy making; the contested nature of the knowledge base of European territorial governance and the role of visualization in politics and planning. This volume has wide-ranging appeal for academics, practitioners and students in the field of urban and regional planning, geography and European studies.


Back to politics: a response to the apolitical approach

The European Union and territorial governance

Conclusion: three scenarios for European territorial governance

Further reading


Territorial cohesion and the European open method of coordination


Territorial cohesion: spatializing the European social model

The dilemma of social Europe

Conclusion: discussing social models

Further reading


The long and winding road to EU territorial governance


The 1950s: no European integration without `planification'

Planning professionals advocating European spatial planning

CRONWE: Planners forming a network of their own

How CRONWE became redundant

The spatial dimension of human rights: the Council of Europe

The call by the Assembly

A manifesto

A new political platform: CEMAT

A charter, a strategy and guiding principles

The European Community on spatial development

The European Commission awakens

Filling in an institutional vacuum

A policy document on balance

On application: the aftermath of the ESDP

The Territorial Agenda

Conclusions and lessons to be learned

Further reading


Part II Towards European territorial governance

The Portuguese, Slovenian and French presidencies 2007-2008. A sea change in European spatial planning?


Sources, context, theoretical framework

Portuguese presidency

Slovenian presidency

The French presidency

The working groups

The Directors-General meeting

The Notes on Territorial Cohesion

The Notes on the Action Programme

The Notes on Cohesion Policy

The Marseille ministerial

Territorial cohesion and the Green Paper

Future of cohesion policy

The implementation of the Territorial Agenda



Further reading


The future European agenda

EU territorial governance: a reaction to change

What happened to the ESDP?

The concept of territorial cohesion and the re-emergence of the territorial governance issue

The Rotterdam Agenda for territorial cohesion

The Lisbon challenge as an incentive for integrating the territorial dimension

Towards implementation while respecting subsidiarity: reaching out to stakeholders

Providing the evidence instead of new rules and policies

Improving EU territorial governance

Formal or informal?

Integration or separation?

The open method of coordination or the community method?

Quo vadis?

Further reading


Towards a multi-level polity? Regionalisation and the `Europeanisation' of regional policy


Regionalism and regionalisation in European countries

European regions and EU cohesion policy

European regions in a multi-level governance system

The `Europeanisation' of regional policy: between adaptation and experimentation

Regional policy: a possible contribution to a more effective and democratic EU politics?


Further reading


Europeanisation of domestic spatial planning. Exposing apparent differences or unspoken convergence?


Europeanisation: where do we stand?

European spatial planning: possible riverbed for Europeanisation?

The domestic dimension of change: systematising differences among member states

Domestic changes in the making: the UK example

Changing practices: how the UK embraced European spatial planning

Conclusion: apparent differences or unspoken convergence?

Further reading


Part III Generating knowledge for and from European territorial governance

The effects of non-spatial EU policies on spatial developments. The case of the Netherlands


Policies with a spatial impact

Impacts of sectoral policies: some Dutch examples

Agricultural policy

Regional policy

Competition policy

Environmental policy

Conclusion: Reflection on impacts

Further reading


Breaking the deadlock Lessons from cross-border spatial projects in Flanders and the Netherlands


Assessing cross-border projects

Three projects

A delayed high speed train

Deepening and widening the Scheldt River

Iron Rhine: a dead end?


Content: the dominance of the state perspective

Time: issue linkage and compensation are crucial

Support: lack of awareness of the frames of reference of the `others'

Knowledge: joint fact finding a promising approach


Further reading


Preparing evidence for territorial policies in Europe


The needs for European territorial research

The political sensitivities of European territorial research

What are the deliveries?

Topics in the SPESP

Topics in ESPON

Discussion of results

The application of ESPON knowledge

Things remain relative

Further reading


Polycentricity in transnational planning initiatives ESDP applied or ESDP reinvented?


Learning communities, governance platforms and communities of interest

The ESPON programme: polycentricity leading to a dead end?

INTERREG: a preamble to polycentricity waiting to be followed up?


Further reading


Territorial scenarios for Europe



Scenarios and European territorial governance

Scenario approaches

ESPON scenarios as a practical example

Applied scenario approach

Three prospective policy scenarios

Messages and policy recommendations derived from the scenarios


Further reading


Images of Europe, images for Europe


A megalopolis in North-West Europe? Early images of the European territory

Towards a better understanding of spatial development patterns in Europe

The ESDP process: developing a spatial perspective without images

Transnational visioning: limited scope for visualisation

Global competitiveness and cohesion: spatial images in the post-ESDP period

Spatial positioning in the European Union


Further reading


Part IV Discussion and outlook

European territorial governance: Conclusions

European territorial governance

Territorial governance as a political and bureaucratic battle field

A wide variety of challenges

Territorial cohesion

Climate change

Effects of European policies

A territorial perspective on European integration and policies

Building European territorial governance capacity


