Three-Dimensional Partonic Structure of the Nucleon ( International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” )

Publication series : International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”

Author: Anselmino M.;Avakian H.;Hasch D.  

Publisher: Ios Press‎

Publication year: 2013

E-ISBN: 9781614991977

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781614991960

Subject: O4 Physics

Keyword: 物理学

Language: ENG

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The three-dimensional nucleon structure is central to many theoretical and experimental activities, and research in this field has seen many advances in the last two decades, addressing fundamental questions such as the orbital motion of quarks and gluons inside the nucleons, their spatial distribution, and the correlation between spin and intrinsic motion. A real three-dimensional imaging of the nucleon as a composite object, both in momentum and coordinate space, is slowly emerging. This book presents lectures and seminars from the Enrico Fermi School: Three-Dimensional Partonic Structure of the Nucleon, held in Varenna, Italy, in June and July 2011. The topics covered include: partonic distributions, fragmentation functions and factorization in QCD; theory of transverse momentum dependent partonic distributions (TMDs) and generalized partonic distributions (GPDs); experimental methods in studies of hard scattering processes; extraction of TMDs and GPDs from data; analysis tools for azimuthal asymmetries; models for TMDs and numerical methods; future experiments. The school aimed to educate postgraduate students to enable them to specialize in hard scattering and partonic azimuthal distributions analysis, thus equipping them to joining any of the current dedicated experiments or perform theoretical and phenomenological studies of TMDs and GPDs.


Momenta and phase space

Quantum field theory

Electroweak scattering processes

Structure functions and cross-sections

Virtual photon cross-sections

Form factors

Partons in QCD

The diagrammatic approach

Correlators, describing parton distributions

The operator in coordinate space

Interpretation as densities

Relation to forward amplitudes

Quark correlation functions in 1PI leptoproduction

Structure functions and cross-sections

The parton model approach

Collinear parton distributions

Bounds on the distribution functions

Transverse-momentum-dependent correlation functions

Fragmentation functions

Examples of azimuthal asymmetries

Inclusion of subleading contributions

Color gauge invariance

Gluonic pole matrix elements

Gluon TMDs

Concluding remarks

Appendix A What information is in the form factors

Appendix B Polarized leptoproduction

Appendix C Polarized parton densities

Appendix D Forms of quantization

Appendix E Field quantization in front form

Generalized parton distributions


Factorization in QCD

Examples for factorization: DIS and DVCS


Dominant momentum regions

Power counting

Collinear expansion

Parton distributions and hard-scattering kernels

Loop corrections and evolution

Properties and physics of GPDs

Sum rules

Impact parameter

Transverse deformation and spin-orbit correlations

Transverse momentum vs. transverse position of partons

Studying GPDs in exclusive reactions

From process amplitudes to GPDs

A closer look at DVCS

TMDs at work



Inclusive DIS

DIS in the parton model

DIS beyond the parton model

Semi-inclusive DIS

Semi-inclusive DIS in the parton model

The correlation functions

Structure functions in the parton model

Beyond the parton model

Beyond the parton model: high transverse momentum

Some phenomenology: unpolarized cross-sections

Weighted asymmetries

Phenomenology of transverse-momentum-dependent distributions


Moments of TMDs and three-dimensional partonic structure

The Hilbert space of state vectors


Hadron tensors and structure functions

SIDIS cross-section

Structure functions



Sivers asymmetry

Phenomenological extractions and models of Sivers function

Wanzura-Wilczek approximation

A_LL asymmetry

A^cos(phi_h-phi_S)_LT asymmetry

Appendix A

Models for TMDs and numerical methods


Transverse-momentum-dependent parton distributions


Helicity and four-component bases

Model relations

Amplitude approach

Connection between light-cone helicity and canonical spin

TMDs in canonical-spin basis

Spherical symmetry

Wave function approach

Overlap representation of the TMDs on the light cone

Overlap representation of the TMDs in the canonical-spin basis

Spherical symmetry

SU(6) spin-flavour symmetry

Quark models

Light-cone models

Covariant parton model

Mean-field models

Spectator models

SU(6)-symmetry breaking in a light-cone constituent quark model

Light-cone constituent quark model

Results for TMDs



Appendix A Spinors and polarization four-vectors

Appendix B Components of the 3Q LCWF in the light-cone and canonical polarization bases

Appendix C Connection to a quark-diquark picture

Appendix C.1 Scalar diquark

Appendix C.2 Axial-vector diquark

Deep virtual Compton scattering: From data to generalized parton distributions (or Compton form factors)


From GPDs to data

The DVCS data

From data to GPDs


Analysis tools for azimuthal asymmetries

Definition of azimuthal asymmetries

Maximum-likelihood method

Graphical illustration of statistical uncertainties of parameters

Advantages and disadvantages


Implementation of the maximum-likelihood method

Beam/target polarization balancing


Spin physics at COMPASS: Present and future


The COMPASS experiment at CERN

Longitudinal spin structure results



Transverse spin structure results


Transverse-momentum dependent distributions

COMPASS plans for the future

GPD programme

Drell-Yan programme


The JLab 12GeV upgrade and the initial science program


The electron accelerator and the 12GeV experimental equipment

Generalized parton distributions and deeply virtual Compton scattering

Semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering and TMDs

Inclusive structure functions and moments

Valence quark structure and flavor dependence at large x

Spin structure functions and parton distributions

Global analysis of polarized parton densities

Moments of spin structure functions

Electromagnetic form factors at short distances

Nucleon elastic form factors

Nucleon resonance transition form factors

Gluonic excitations of hadrons

Hybrid mesons

Hybrid baryons

Quarks and hadrons in the nuclear medium

Color transparency

Quark propagation and hadron formation

Search for new physics

Search for physics beyond the Standard Model

Heavy photon search


The structure of the nucleon at an EIC


Introduction: The physics case of an EIC

Spin and flavour structure of the proton

Three-dimensional nucleon structure

Some more exciting topics for an EIC

EIC realisations: Introduction

EIC realisations: Baseline designs at BNL and JLab


MEIC at JLab

EIC realisations: Challenges and R&D

Luminosity at a collider

Energy recovering linacs

Crab crossing

Electron cooling

Ring design

EIC realisations: Kinematics and requirements

Kinematic range in x and Q2

Particle identification

Vertex detectors

The very forward (backward) region

EIC realisations: Detector concepts


Fermi problem


The problem

Analysis of the results


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