Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, and Hypnosis for Smoking Cessation :A Scientifically Informed Intervention


Indications of Success for our Program

Chapter 3 Before You Start: Tips for Facilitators

Tips from Motivational Interviewing

1 Build Rapport, Show Empathy, and Use Open‐ended Questions

2 Evoking “Change Talk” by Thinking and Visualizing Success

3 Encouraging Self‐reflection, Self‐determination, and Owning Goals

4 Normalizing

5 The Columbo Approach

6 Enlisting Social Support

7 Reinforcing Gains and Promoting Harm Reduction

8 Readiness to Change

9 Motivational Statements

1 Smoking is Programmed Behavior

2 Acknowledging Smoking Cravings—“Surfing the Urge”

3 Timing and Stress

4 The Invidious Effects of Modeling Smoking Behaviors

5 De-conceptualizing Cigarettes as a “Friend”

6 Who Am I doing This for? Motivation and Values

Chapter 4 Beginning the Program: The First Treatment Session

Introductions and Room Set Up

Session 1

The Winning Edge DVD

Materials to Accompany the DVD Slide Presentation

The Educational Slide Presentation/DVD

Welcome and Development of the Program

Overview of The Winning Edge

Cognitive‐behavioral Strategies

Empowering Participants with Knowledge

Program Endorsement by a Health Care Professional (See Video Clip Embedded within the DVD)

Enhancing Motivation and Enlisting Social Support

Cognitive Therapy Strategies: Addressing Dysfunctional Thoughts

Behavior Therapy: Putting Words into Action

Mindfulness and Acceptance: Letting go of the Urge to Smoke

Managing Urges and Behavioral Substitution

Setting Goals: Incentivizing Success

Relapse Prevention: Planning for Difficult Moments

Home Study Materials: Buttressing Success

Self-hypnosis: The Ultimate Component of The Winning Edge Approach

Chapter 5 Interview with a Coping Model and Self-Hypnosis Script 1

Coping Model Script

Self-hypnosis Script 1: “Learning Hypnosis”

Chapter 6 Handouts and Worksheets to Accompany Session 1

Postsession Experience Scale: (Treatment Session 1; After Hypnosis)

Strength of the Habit

Behavioral Contract Not to Smoke

Reasons to Stop Smoking

“Top Five” Reasons to Stop Smoking Cards

Identifying Triggers

Alternative Behaviors

Rewards for Achieving My Goal

Social Support

My Extra-Special Buddy

Challenging Counterproductive Beliefs and Myths Handout: (to be reviewed between treatment sessions 1 and 2)

Acknowledging Feelings of Ambivalence

Deconceptualizing Smoking as a “Friend” and Some Thoughts about Smoking Friends

Two Common Myths Associated with Stopping Smoking

Self-Monitoring of Smoking (Sample Page)

SELF-MONITORING SUMMARY: Add up the Total Number of Cigarettes you Smoked Each Day Since our Last Session.

Daily Practice of Treatment CD 1: Learning Hypnosis

Chapter 7 Completing the Program: The Second Treatment Session

Session 2 Treatment Slides

Self-hypnosis Script 2: “Being a Nonsmoker!”

Chapter 8 Treatment Session 2 Handouts and Follow-Up Forms

Motivation/Work Questionnaire

CD 2 and “Stop-Smoking‐Success Sheet”

Follow-up Phone Call (General Guidelines)

Chapter 9 Common Questions, Individualizing Treatment, and Extensions Beyond Smoking Cessation

Gender Differences

Weight Gain and Weight Gain Concerns

Are Light Cigarettes Safer than Regular Cigarettes?

The Use of e-cigarettes and the Effects of Nicotine on the Brain

Water Pipes, Hookah, and Shisha

Medications for Smoking Cessation

Over-the-counter Nicotine Replacement Products

Smoking and Comorbid Conditions


Individualizing the Treatment

Revising and Extending the Treatment Beyond Smoking Cessation

Chapter 10 Review of Overall Program Scheme and Forms to Aid Research and Data Collection

Week 1: Assessment (Approximately 2 hr but will Vary Depending on how many Assessment Measures are Included)

Week 2: Treatment Session 1 (Approximately 2 hr)

Week 3: Treatment Session 2 (Approximately 2 hr)

Week 4: Telephone Support (Approximately 10 min)

Week 5: First follow-up Session (Approximately 1 hr)

Week 7: Second Follow-up Session (Approximately 1 hr)

Three-month Follow-up (Approximately 10–15 min)

Six-, 12-, 24-month Follow‐up (Completion Time: Approximately 5 min)

Advertising the Program, Fact Sheets, and Follow‐up Forms

Study Notice

The Winning Edge Smoking Cessation Program: FACT SHEET

Consent Form Template: Consent to Participate in Research


Data Form Samples

3-Month Follow-Up

[6-12-24]-Month Follow-Up


Name Index (selective author list)

Subject Index