Helicopter Flight Dynamics :Including a Treatment of Tiltrotor Aircraft



List of Abbreviations

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Simulation Modelling

1.2 Flying Qualities

1.3 Missing Topics

1.4 Simple Guide to the Book

Chapter 2 Helicopter and Tiltrotor Flight Dynamics - An Introductory Tour

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Four Reference Points

2.2.1 The Mission and Piloting Tasks

2.2.2 The Operational Environment

2.2.3 The Vehicle Configuration, Dynamics, and Flight Envelope

Rotor Controls

Two Distinct Flight Regimes

Rotor Stall Boundaries

2.2.4 The Pilot and Pilot-Vehicle Interface

2.2.5 Résumé of the Four Reference Points

2.3 Modelling Helicopter/Tiltrotor Flight Dynamics

2.3.1 The Problem Domain

2.3.2 Multiple Interacting Subsystems

2.3.3 Trim, Stability, and Response

2.3.4 The Flapping Rotor in a Vacuum

2.3.5 The Flapping Rotor in Air - Aerodynamic Damping

2.3.6 Flapping Derivatives

2.3.7 The Fundamental 90∘ Phase Shift

2.3.8 Hub Moments and Rotor/Fuselage Coupling

2.3.9 Linearization in General

2.3.10 Stability and Control Résumé

2.3.11 The Static Stability Derivative Mw

2.3.12 Rotor Thrust, Inflow, Zw, and Vertical Gust Response in Hover

2.3.13 Gust Response in Forward Flight

2.3.14 Vector-Differential Form of Equations of Motion

2.3.15 Validation

2.3.16 Inverse Simulation

2.3.17 Modelling Review

2.4 Flying Qualities

2.4.1 Pilot Opinion

2.4.2 Quantifying Quality Objectively

2.4.3 Frequency and Amplitude - Exposing the Natural Dimensions

2.4.4 Stability - Early Surprises Compared with Aeroplanes

2.4.5 Pilot-in-the-Loop Control; Attacking a Manoeuvre

2.4.6 Bandwidth - A Parameter for All Seasons?

2.4.7 Flying a Mission Task Element

2.4.8 The Cliff Edge and Carefree Handling

2.4.9 Agility Factor

2.4.10 Pilot's Workload

2.4.11 Inceptors and Displays

2.4.12 Operational Benefits of Flying Qualities

2.4.13 Flying Qualities Review

2.5 Design for Flying Qualities; Stability and Control Augmentation

2.5.1 Impurity of Primary Response

2.5.2 Strong Cross-Couplings

2.5.3 Response Degradation at Flight Envelope Limits

2.5.4 Poor Stability

2.5.5 The Rotor as a Control Filter

2.5.6 Artificial Stability

2.6 Tiltrotor Flight Dynamics

2.7 Chapter Review

Chapter 3 Modelling Helicopter Flight Dynamics: Building a Simulation Model

3.1 Introduction and Scope

3.2 The Formulation of Helicopter Forces and Moments in Level 1 Modelling

3.2.1 Main Rotor

Blade Flapping Dynamics - Introduction

The Centre-Spring Equivalent Rotor

Multiblade Coordinates

Rotor Forces and Moments

Rotor Torque

Rotor Inflow

Momentum Theory for Axial Flight

Momentum Theory in Forward Flight

Local-Differential Momentum Theory and Dynamic Inflow

Rotor Flapping-Further Considerations of the Centre-Spring Approximation

Rotor in-Plane Motion: Lead-Lag

Rotor Blade Pitch

Ground Effect on Inflow and Induced Power

3.2.2 The Tail Rotor

3.2.3 Fuselage and Empennage

The Fuselage Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

The Empennage Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

3.2.4 Powerplant and Rotor Governor

3.2.5 Flight Control System

Pitch and Roll Control

Yaw Control

Heave Control

3.3 Integrated Equations of Motion of the Helicopter

3.4 Beyond Level 1 Modelling

3.4.1 Rotor Aerodynamics and Dynamics

Rotor Aerodynamics

Modelling Section Lift, Drag, and Pitching Moment

Modelling Local Incidence

Rotor Dynamics

3.4.2 Interactional Aerodynamics

3.5 Chapter 3 Epilogue

Appendix 3A Frames of Reference and Coordinate Transformations

3A.1 The Inertial Motion of the Aircraft

3A.2 The Orientation Problem - Angular Coordinates of the Aircraft

3A.3 Components of Gravitational Acceleration along the Aircraft Axes

3A.4 The Rotor System - Kinematics of a Blade Element

3A.5 Rotor Reference Planes - Hub, Tip Path, and No-Feathering

Chapter 4 Modelling Helicopter Flight Dynamics: Trim and Stability Analysis

4.1 Introduction and Scope

4.2 Trim Analysis

4.2.1 The General Trim Problem

4.2.2 Longitudinal Partial Trim

4.2.3 Lateral/Directional Partial Trim

4.2.4 Rotorspeed/Torque Partial Trim

4.2.5 Balance of Forces and Moments

4.2.6 Control Angles to Support the Forces and Moments

4.3 Stability Analysis

4.3.1 Linearization

4.3.2 The Derivatives

The Translational Velocity Derivatives

The Derivatives Xu, Yv, Xv, and Yu (Mv and Lu)

The Derivatives Mu and Mw

The Derivatives Mw, Mv, and Mv

The Derivative Zw

The Derivatives Lv, Nv

The Derivatives Nu, Nw, Lu, Lw

The Angular Velocity Derivatives

The Derivatives Xq, Yp

The Derivatives Mq, Lp, Mp, Lq

The Derivatives Nr, Lr, Np

The Control Derivatives

The Derivatives Z𝜃0, Z𝜃1s

The Derivatives M𝜃0, L𝜃0

The Derivatives M𝜃1s, M𝜃1c, L𝜃1s, L𝜃1c

The Derivatives Y𝜃OT, L𝜃OT, N𝜃OT

The Effects of Nonuniform Rotor Inflow on Damping and Control Derivatives

Some Reflections on Derivatives

4.3.3 The Natural Modes of Motion

The Longitudinal Modes

The Lateral/Directional Modes

Comparison with Flight

Appendix 4A The Analysis of Linear Dynamic Systems (with Special Reference to 6-Dof Helicopter Flight)

Appendix 4B The Three Case Helicopters: Lynx, Bo105 and Puma

4B.1 Aircraft Configuration Parameters

The RAE (DRA) Research Lynx, ZD559

The DLR Research Bo105, S123

The RAE (DRA) Research Puma, XW241

Fuselage Aerodynamic Characteristics




Empennage Aerodynamic Characteristics




4B.2 Stability and Control Derivatives

4B.3 Tables of Stability and Control Derivatives and System Eigenvalues

Appendix 4C The Trim Orientation Problem

Chapter 5 Modelling Helicopter Flight Dynamics: Stability Under Constraint and Response Analysis

5.1 Introduction and Scope

5.2 Stability Under Constraint

5.2.1 Attitude Constraint

5.2.2 Flight Path Constraint

Longitudinal Motion

Lateral Motion

5.3 Analysis of Response to Controls

5.3.1 General

5.3.2 Heave Response to Collective Control Inputs

Response to Collective in Hover

Response to Collective in Forward Flight

5.3.3 Pitch and Roll Response to Cyclic Pitch Control Inputs

Response to Step Inputs in Hover - General Features

Effects of Rotor Dynamics

Step Responses in Hover - Effect of Key Rotor Parameters

Response Variations with Forward Speed

Stability Versus Agility - Contribution of the Horizontal Tailplane

Comparison with Flight

5.3.4 Yaw/Roll Response to Pedal Control Inputs

5.4 Response to Atmospheric Disturbances

Modelling Atmospheric Disturbances

Modelling Helicopter Response

Ride Qualities

Appendix 5A Speed Stability Below Minimum Power; A Forgotten Problem?

Chapter 6 Flying Qualities: Objective Assessment and Criteria Development

6.1 General Introduction to Flying Qualities

6.2 Introduction and Scope: The Objective Measurement of Quality

6.3 Roll Axis Response Criteria

6.3.1 Task Margin and Manoeuvre Quickness

6.3.2 Moderate to Large Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Quickness and Control Power

6.3.3 Small Amplitude/Moderate to High Frequency: Bandwidth

Early Efforts in the Time Domain


Phase Delay

Bandwidth/Phase Delay Boundaries

Civil Applications

The Measurement of Bandwidth

Estimating 𝝎bw and 𝝉p

Control Sensitivity

6.3.4 Small Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Dynamic Stability

6.3.5 Trim and Quasi-Static Stability

6.4 Pitch Axis Response Criteria

6.4.1 Moderate to Large Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Quickness and Control Power

6.4.2 Small Amplitude/Moderate to High Frequency: Bandwidth

6.4.3 Small Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Dynamic Stability

6.4.4 Trim and Quasi-Static Stability

6.5 Heave Axis Response Criteria

6.5.1 Criteria for Hover and Low-Speed Flight

6.5.2 Criteria for Torque and Rotorspeed During Vertical Axis Manoeuvres

6.5.3 Heave Response Criteria in Forward Flight

6.5.4 Heave Response Characteristics in Steep Descent

6.6 Yaw Axis Response Criteria

6.6.1 Moderate to Large Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Quickness and Control Power

6.6.2 Small Amplitude/Moderate to High Frequency: Bandwidth

6.6.3 Small Amplitude/Low to Moderate Frequency: Dynamic Stability

6.6.4 Trim and Quasi-Static Stability

6.7 Cross-Coupling Criteria

6.7.1 Pitch-to-Roll and Roll-to-Pitch Couplings

6.7.2 Collective to Yaw Coupling

6.7.3 Sideslip to Pitch and Roll Coupling

6.8 Multi-Axis Response Criteria and Novel-Response Types

6.8.1 Multi-Axis Response Criteria

6.8.2 Novel Response Types

6.9 Objective Criteria Revisited

Chapter 7 Flying Qualities: Subjective Assessment and Other Topics

7.1 Introduction and Scope

7.2 The Subjective Assessment of Flying Quality

7.2.1 Pilot Handling Qualities Ratings - HQRs

7.2.2 Conducting a Handling Qualities Experiment

Designing a Mission Task Element

Evaluating Roll Axis Handling Characteristics

7.3 Special Flying Qualities

7.3.1 Agility

Agility as a Military Attribute

The Agility Factor

Relating Agility to Handling Qualities Parameters

7.3.2 The Integration of Controls and Displays for Flight in Degraded Visual Environments

Flight in DVE

Pilotage Functions

Flying in DVE

The Usable Cue Environment

UCE Augmentation with Overlaid Symbology

7.3.3 Carefree Flying Qualities

7.4 Pilot's Controllers

7.5 The Contribution of Flying Qualities to Operational Effectiveness and the Safety of Flight

Chapter 8 Flying Qualities: Forms of Degradation

8.1 Introduction and Scope

8.2 Flight in Degraded Visual Environments

8.2.1 Recapping the Usable Cue Environment

8.2.2 Visual Perception in Flight Control - Optical Flow and Motion Parallax

8.2.3 Time to Contact; Optical Tau, 𝝉

8.2.4 𝝉 Control in the Deceleration-to-Stop Manoeuvre

8.2.5 Tau-Coupling - A Paradigm for Safety in Action

8.2.6 Terrain-Following Flight in Degraded Visibility

𝝉 on the Rising Curve

8.2.7 What Now for Tau?

8.3 Handling Qualities Degradation through Flight System Failures

8.3.1 Methodology for Quantifying Flying Qualities Following Flight Function Failures

8.3.2 Loss of Control Function

Tail Rotor Failures

8.3.3 Malfunction of Control - Hard-Over Failures

8.3.4 Degradation of Control Function - Actuator Rate Limiting

8.4 Encounters with Atmospheric Disturbances

8.4.1 Helicopter Response to Aircraft Vortex Wakes

The Wake Vortex

Hazard Severity Criteria

Analysis of Encounters - Attitude Response

Analysis of Encounters - Vertical Response

8.4.2 Severity of Transient Response

8.5 Chapter Review

Appendix 8A HELIFLIGHT, HELIFLIGHT-R, and FLIGHTLAB at the University of Liverpool


8A.2 Immersive Cockpit Environment


Chapter 9 Flying Qualities: The Story of an Idea

9.1 Introduction and Scope

9.2 Historical Context of Rotorcraft Flying Qualities

9.2.1 The Early Years; Some Highlights from the 1940s-1950s

9.2.2 The Middle Years - Some Highlights from the 1960s-1970s

9.3 Handling Qualities as a Performance Metric - The Development of ADS-33

9.3.1 The Evolution of a Design Standard - The Importance of Process

9.3.2 Some Critical Innovations in ADS-33

9.4 The UK MoD Approach

9.5 Roll Control; A Driver for Rotor Design

9.6 Helicopter Agility

9.6.1 ADS-33 Tailoring and Applications

9.6.2 Handling Qualities as a Safety Net; The Pilot as a System Component

9.7 The Future Challenges for Rotorcraft Handling Qualities Engineering

Chapter 10 Tiltrotor Aircraft: Modelling and Flying Qualities

10.1 Introduction and Scope

10.2 Modelling and Simulation of Tiltrotor Aircraft Flight Dynamics

10.2.1 Building a Simulation Model

Multi-Body Dynamic Modelling

Axes Systems

Gimbal Rotors

FXV-15 Model Components and Data

Gimballed Proprotor Family

Wing Family

Fuselage Family

Empennage Family

Power Plant and Transmission Family

Flight Control System Family

10.2.2 Interactional Aerodynamics in Low-Speed Flight

10.2.3 Vortex Ring State and the Consequences for Tiltrotor Aircraft

10.2.4 Trim, Linearisation, and Stability

10.2.5 Response Analysis

10.3 The Flying Qualities of Tiltrotor Aircraft

10.3.1 General

10.3.2 Developing Tiltrotor Mission Task Elements

Acceleration-Deceleration Characteristics

Flexibility of Operation

Tolerance in the Transition Programme

Control Margin

Trim Changes

Rate of Pitch Control Movement

10.3.3 Flying Qualities of Tiltrotors; Clues from the Eigenvalues

10.3.4 Agility and Closed-Loop Stability of Tiltrotors

Lateral-Directional Agility and Closed-Loop Stability

Longitudinal Pitch-Heave Agility and Closed-Loop Stability

10.3.5 Flying Qualities during the Conversion

10.3.6 Improving Tiltrotor Flying Qualities with Stability and Control Augmentation

Rate Stabilisation

V-22 Power Management and Control

Unification of Flying Qualities

Flying Qualities of Large Civil Tiltrotor Aircraft

10.4 Load Alleviation versus Flying Qualities for Tiltrotor Aircraft

10.4.1 Drawing on the V-22 Experience

Transient Driveshaft and Rotor Mast Torque

Proprotor Flapping

Oscillatory Yoke In-plane/Chordwise Bending

Nacelle Conversion Actuator Loads

10.4.2 Load Alleviation for the European Civil Tiltrotor

Modelling for SLA - Oscillatory Yoke (Chordwise) Bending Moments

Control Laws for SLA

10.5 Chapter Epilogue; Tempus Fugit for Tiltrotors

Appendix 10A Flightlab Axes Systems and Gimbal Flapping Dynamics

10A.1 FLIGHTLAB Axes Systems

10A.2 Gimbal Flapping Dynamics

Appendix 10B The XV-15 Tiltrotor

Aircraft Configuration Parameters

XV-15 3-view

XV-15 Control Ranges and Gearings

10C.2 FXV-15 Stability and Control Derivative and Eigenvalue Tables

Helicopter Mode (Matrices Shown with and without (nointf) Aerodynamic Interactions)

Conversion Mode

Airplane Mode

Appendix 10D Proprotor Gimbal Dynamics in Airplane Mode

Appendix 10E Tiltrotor Directional Instability Through Constrained Roll Motion: An Elusive, Paradoxical Dynamic

10E.1 Background and the Effective Directional Stability

10E.2 Application to Tiltrotors




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