Preparing for the New Era of Transport Policies: Learning from Experience ( Volume 1 )

Publication series :Volume 1

Author: Shiftan   Yoram;Kamargianni   Maria  

Publisher: Elsevier Science‎

Publication year: 2018

E-ISBN: 9780128152959

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780128152942

Subject: U Transportation

Keyword: 交通运输

Language: ENG

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Advances in Transport Policy and Planning assesses both successful and unsuccessful practices and policies from around the world on the topic. This new release includes chapters that focus on An Empirical Investigation of the Reward Incentive and Trip Purposes on Departure Time Behavior Change, Planning Sustainable Transport Systems by Promoting Urban Cycling in Moscow, Russia: Learning from International Experience, the Past, Present and Future of Transit-Oriented Development in three European Capital City Regions, Institutional Influences on the Development of Urban Freight Transport Policies by Local Authorities, Rethinking of Parking Policies for the new Transport Planning Era, and more.

  • The objective of this book is to provide policy makers, planners, and researchers, documentation and lessons learned from various experience around the world to help them design a more sustainable transportation system for the future taking into account societal and technological changes


Chapter One: Integrated Multilevel Measures for the Transformation to a Transit Metropolis: The Successful and Unsuccessf ...

1. Introduction

2. Background and Literature Review

2.1. Fast Travel Demand Growth of Beijing

2.2. Public Transit Systems in Beijing

2.3. Transformation to a Transit Metropolis

3. Methodology

3.1. Transportation Policy Decomposition

3.2. Implementation Effects Analysis

3.3. Sustainability Evaluation

4. Case Study and Results Analysis

4.1. Transport Policy Decomposition Results Analysis

4.2. Implementation Effects Analysis

4.3. Sustainability Evaluation Results Analysis

5. Discussions

6. Summary and Conclusions



Further Reading

Chapter Two: Why Do Some BRT Systems in the Global South Fail to Perform or Expand?

1. Introduction

2. Background: Obstacles to Public Transport in the Global South

3. Case Study Contexts: Bangkok, Delhi, Hanoi, Lagos, and Lima

4. Findings: Barriers to the Creation or Expansion of Successful Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

4.1. Institutional and Legislative Context

4.2. Political Leadership and Commitment

4.3. Management of Competing Modes

4.4. Public Participation

4.5. Funding and Coordination

4.6. Physical Design

4.7. Image Promotion

5. Conclusion


Chapter Three: Assessing Safety Implications of Bus Priority Systems: A Case-Study of a New BRT System in the Haifa Metro ...

1. Introduction

2. Current Knowledge on Safety Impacts of Bus Priority Systems

3. The Local Context of the Study

3.1. Bus Priority Policy Related Developments in Israel

3.2. The New BRT System in Haifa

4. The Study´s Data and Methods

4.1. The Haifa BRT Configurations

4.2. Accident Data

4.3. Accident Analyses

5. Evaluation Results

5.1. After-Before Comparisons

5.2. Monthly Accident Trends During BRT Operation

5.3. Factors Associated With Accident Occurrences at the BRT Sites

6. Discussion and Future Needs

6.1. Safety Impacts of the New BRT System and Practical Implications

6.2. Future Needs



Chapter Four: Past, Present and Future of Transit-Oriented Development in Three European Capital City-Regions

1. Introduction

2. Spatial Planning Policy in Austria, the Netherlands, and Sweden

2.1. Austria

2.2. The Netherlands

2.3. Sweden

3. TOD Policy and Practice in Vienna, Amsterdam, and Stockholm

3.1. Vienna

3.2. Amsterdam

3.3. Stockholm

4. Conclusion


Chapter Five: Transport Policy in the Era of Ridehailing and Other Disruptive Transportation Technologies

1. Introduction

2. Transportation at the Time of Shared Mobility

3. Adoption of Ridehailing

4. Impacts of Ridehailing on the Use of Other Travel Modes

5. Ridehailing and the Future of Transportation



Chapter Six: An Empirical Investigation of the Reward Incentive and Trip Purposes on Departure Time Behavior Change

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

2.1. Departure Time Choice

2.2. Incentive-Based Strategies

3. Analysis Methodology

4. Empirical Study Data

4.1. Data Collection Process

4.2. Participants

4.3. Departure Time Pattern

4.4. Point Scheme and Scenarios

4.5. Inferring Trip Purposes

4.6. Variable Specifications

5. Results and Discussions

6. Conclusion



Chapter Seven: Institutional Influences on the Development of Urban Freight Transport Policies by Local Authorities

1. Introduction

2. Designing Policy for the Urban Freight Transport Sector

3. Institutional Theory and Institutional Isomorphism

4. Three Country Case Studies

4.1. Scotland

4.2. England

4.3. Sweden

5. Cross-Case Analysis and Institutional Discussion

5.1. Coercive Influences

5.2. Normative Influences

5.3. Mimetic Influences

6. Conclusion


Further Reading

Chapter Eight: Europe’s Freight Transport Policy: Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation

1. Introduction

2. Methodology

3. Literature Review Findings

3.1. Timeline and Key Policies

4. Analysis of Key Policy Papers Effecting Freight

4.1. 2001 White Paper ``European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to Decide”

4.2. 2006 Mid-term Review ``Keep Europe Moving—Sustainable Mobility for Our Continent”

4.3. 2007 Freight Transport Agenda

4.4. 2007 Freight Transport Logistics Action Plan (FTLAP)

4.5. 2007 Toward a Rail Network Giving Priority to Freight

4.6. 2007 Communication on a European Ports Policy

4.7. 2009 Maritime Transport Policy

4.8. 2011 White Paper Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area

4.9. 2015 Mid-term Review of 2011 White Paper

5. Synthesis of Europe´s Freight Policy

6. Successful and Unsuccessful Freight Policies




Chapter Nine: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Transport Planning: Toward a New Era?

1. Introduction

2. Theoretical Difficulties in Dealing With GHG Emissions Mobility Plans and GHG Emissions

3. Practical Consequences for Mobility Plans

3.1. France

3.2. United Kingdom

3.3. Germany

3.4. Austria

3.5. Italy

3.6. Eastern Europe

3.7. Northern Europe

3.8. Extra-European countries

4. A Developing Trend in Urban Mobility Plans

4.1. The CHP 2025 of Copenhagen

4.2. PMU of Barcelona

4.3. SUMP 2025plus of Dresden

4.4. PUMS of Milan

4.5. MST of London

4.6. PUMS of Parma

4.7. An Extra-EU overview

4.8. Lesson Learnt

5. Future Perspectives


Further Reading

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