Data types and structures
Dataframes, lists, arrays, and matrices
Base graphics and ggplot2
Introduction to the tidyverse
A simple Shiny-enabled line plot
Installing Shiny and running the examples
Chapter 2: Shiny First Steps
Types of Shiny application
Interactive Shiny documents in RMarkdown
A minimal example of a full Shiny application
The ui.R of the minimal example
A note on HTML helper functions
The server.R of the minimal example
Embedding applications in documents
The Gapminder application
Chapter 3: Integrating Shiny with HTML
Running the applications and code
Custom HTML links in Shiny
Including a Shiny app on a web page
Defining code in the ui.R file
Take a step back and rewind
Chapter 4: Mastering Shiny's UI Functions
Combining layout functions
Streamlining the UI by hiding elements
Beautiful tables with DataTable
The reactive user interface example – server.R
The reactive user interface example – ui.R
Progress bar with shinycssloaders
Alternative Shiny designs
Chapter 5: Easy JavaScript and Custom JavaScript Functions
Example 1 – reading and writing the DOM
Example 2 – sending messages between client and server
Responding to events in JavaScript
Applications in this chapter
Sidebar application with extra styling
Resizing the Google chart
Reading client information and GET requests in Shiny
Custom interfaces from GET strings
Downloading graphics and reports
Downloadable reports with knitr
Downloading and uploading data
Encoding the state into a URL
Multiple-file application
Bookmarking by saving the state to the server
Linking interactive widgets
Chapter 8: Code Patterns in Shiny Applications
A closer look at reactivity
Controlling specific input with the isolate() function
Running reactive functions over time (execution scheduling)
Event-handling using observeEvent and eventReactive
Handling errors (including validate() and req())
Handling missing input with req()
Chapter 9: Persistent Storage and Sharing Shiny Applications
Using Git and GitHub within Rstudio
Sharing applications using Git
Sharing using .zip and .tar without RStudio
Running Shiny app on Amazon AWS
Scoping, loading, and reusing data in Shiny applications
Temporary data input/output
Database using Dplyr, DBI, and POOL
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