Section 1: TPCK/TPACK as a Learning Model for Integrating Technology in Teacher Education
Chapter 1: Teachers' Knowledge, Beliefs, and Perceptions About Mathematics Teaching
Chapter 2: Building Knowledge for Technology Integration in Learning to Teach Secondary School Mathematics
Chapter 3: Developing TPACK in Elementary Mathematics Education
Chapter 4: Beyond Apps in Pre-Service Education
Chapter 5: The Development of Technology Integration in a Graduate Course for Practicing Teachers
Chapter 6: The Practices of Learning Assessment in the Initial Teacher Training
Chapter 7: Transforming Preservice Teacher TPACK by Transforming Faculty Digital Agency
Section 2: Pedagogical Approaches for Enhancing TPCK/TPACK in Teacher Education
Chapter 8: Creating Laboratories of Practice for Developing Preservice Elementary Teachers' TPACK
Chapter 9: Development and Transfer of TPACK From Pre-Service to In-Service Experience for a Special Education Elementary School Teacher
Chapter 10: Flipped Classroom, Cognitive Flexibility Theory, and Cognitive Operators of Complexity
Chapter 11: Developing TPACK Understanding Through Experiential Faculty Development
Chapter 12: Online Instructional Strategies for Enhancing Teachers' TPACK
Chapter 13: Engaging a Workbench Dialectic Inquiry Model in an Online Master's Degree Program
Chapter 14: A Study on Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Experiences of Primary School Teachers Throughout Blended Professional Development Programs
Section 3: Technological Approaches for Enhancing TPCK/TPACK in Teacher Education
Chapter 15: Developing TPACK for Elementary Education Teacher Candidates in an Instructional Design and Technology Integration Course
Chapter 16: Developing Pre-Service Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge With E-TPCK
Chapter 17: Eliciting Pre-Service Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Function Knowledge
Chapter 18: Adding a New Dimension to Teaching Mathematics Educators
Chapter 19: Preparing Pre-Service STEM Teachers to Teach Using Digital Modeling and Simulation Applications
Compilation of References