Publication subTitle :The Coming of Immediacy
Publication series :1
Publisher: Sage Publications Ltd
Publication year: 2007
E-ISBN: 9781848607361
P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781412912037
Subject: C91 Sociology
Keyword: 社会学
Language: ENG
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"John Tomlinson's book is an invitation to an adventure. It contains a precious key to unlock the doors into the unmapped and unexplored cultural and ethical condition of 'immediacy'. Without this key concept from now on it will not be possible to make sense of the social existence of our times and its ambivalences."
- Ulrich Beck, University of Munich
"A most welcome, stimulating and challenging exploration of the cultural impact and significance of speed in advanced modern societies. It successfully interweaves theoretical discourse, historical and contemporary analyses and imaginative use of literary sources, all of which are mobilised in order to provide an original, intellectually rewarding and critical account of the changing significance of speed in our everyday experience."
- David Frisby, London School of Economics and Political Science
Is the pace of life accelerating? If so, what are the cultural, social, personal and economic consequences?
This stimulating and accessible book examines how speed emerged as a cultural issue during industrial modernity. The rise of capitalist society and the shift to urban settings was rapid and tumultuous and was defined by the belief in 'progress'. The first obstacle faced by societies that were starting to 'speed up' was how to regulate and control the process. The attempt to regulate the acceleration of life created a new se