Health Promotion Programs :From Theory to Practice ( Jossey-Bass Public Health )


Comprehensive coverage, real-world issues, and a focus on the practical aspects of health promotion

Health Promotion Programs combines theory and practice to deliver a comprehensive introduction to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion programs. Presenting an overview of best practices from schools, health care organizations, workplaces, and communities, this book offers clear, practical guidance with an emphasis on hands-on learning. This new second edition has been updated to include discussion on today's important issues, including health equity, the Affordable Care Act, big data, E-health, funding, legislation, financing, and more. New coverage includes programs for underserved priority populations at a geographically-diverse variety of sites, and new practice and discussion questions promote engagement on highly-relevant topics.

Public health is a critical aspect of any society, and health promotion programs play an important role. This book provides clear instruction, practical guidance, and multiple avenues to deeper investigation.

  • Plan health promotion programs from the basis of health theory
  • Gain in-depth insight on new issues and challenges in the field
  • Apply what you're learning with hands-on activities
  • Access digital learning aids and helpful templates, models, and suggestions

Designed to promote engagement and emphasize action, this book stresses the importance of doing as a vital part of learning—yet each step of the process is directly traceable to health theory, which provides a firm foundation to support a robust health promotion program. Health Promotion Programs is the essential introductory text for practical, real-world understanding.



Part 1: Foundations of Health Promotion Programs

Chapter 1: What Are Health Promotion Programs?

Health, Health Promotion, and Health Promotion Programs

Historical Context for Health Promotion

Healthy People: A National Public-Private Partnership to Promote Health

Impact of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Health Promotion

Health Education and Health Promotion

Settings for Health Promotion Programs

Stakeholders in Health Promotion Programs

Advisory Boards

Health Promotion, Health Care, and eHealth


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 2: Advancing Equity and Eliminating Health Disparities

Population Groups Experiencing Health Inequities and Disparities

Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in Health

Program Strategies to Achieve Health Equity and Eliminate Health Disparities Among Minorities

Engage Minority Groups and Communities Directly in Addressing Health Promotion Issues


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 3: Theory in Health Promotion Programs

Theory in Health Promotion Programs

Foundational Theories/Models: Intrapersonal Level

Foundational Theories/Models: Interpersonal Level

Foundational Theories/Models: Population Level

Foundational Theories/Models Applied Across the Levels

Health Promotion Program Planning Models

Using Health Theories and Planning Models


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Part 2: Planning Health Promotion Programs

Chapter 4: Assessing the Needs of Program Participants

Defining a Needs Assessment

Conducting a Health Needs Assessment

Promoting a Needs Assessment

Using Primary Data Methods and Tools

Using Secondary Data Methods and Tools

Reporting and Sharing the Findings


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 5: Making Decisions to Create and Support a Program

Identifying a Mission Statement, Goals, and Objectives

Writing Program Objectives

Deciding on Program Interventions

Selecting Health Promotion Materials

Using Evidence-Based Interventions

Developing Effective Policies and Procedures

Transitioning to Program Implementation


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Part 3: Implementing Health Promotion Programs

Chapter 6: Implementation Tools, Program Staff, and Budgets

From Program Planning to Action Planning

Preparing a Logic Model

Using a Gantt Chart to Guide Implementation

Additional Implementation Planning Tools

Planning for Implementation Challenges

Hiring and Managing High-Quality Program Staff

Budgeting and Fiscal Management


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 7: Advocacy

Creating an Advocacy Agenda for a Program

Advocacy as a Professional Responsibility

Examples of Successful Health Policy Advocacy

Becoming Fluent in the Language of Advocacy

Forming Alliances and Partnerships for Advocacy

Advocacy Methods

Advocacy and Technology


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 8: Communicating Health Information Effectively

Communication in Health Promotion Programs

Developing a Communication Plan for a Site

Developing and Pretesting Concepts, Messages, and Materials


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Key Terms


Chapter 9: Where Money Meets Mission: Developing and Increasing Program Funding

Knowing Program Funding

Sources of Program Funding

Funding Varies by Program Participants and Setting

Writing a Grant Proposal

Maintaining Relationships with Funders


Working with Board Members


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Part 4: Evaluating and Sustaining Health Promotion Programs

Chapter 10: Evaluating Health Promotion Programs

Why Evaluate a Health Promotion Program?

How Do I Get Started?

Evaluation Frameworks

Evaluation Design

Data Collection and Analysis

Evaluation Reports

Implementing an Evaluation


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 11: Big Data and Health Promotion Programs

What Is Big Data?

Data Mining with Health Promotion Big Data

Big Data Enhances the Impact and Sustainability of Health Promotion Programs

Big Data Challenges

Health Information Management and Health Informatics Professionals: Big Data Professional Fields


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Key Terms


Chapter 12: Leadership for Change and Sustainability

Catalyzing and Mastering Change

Engaging Participants and Building Support

Collective Impact

Networking, Outreach, and Referrals

Online Communities

Ensuring Competence Through Credentialing

Implementation Science to Improve Program Effectiveness

Enhancing Program Impact and Sustainability


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Part 5: Health Promotion Programs in Diverse Settings

Chapter 13 Promoting Health in Schools and Universities

Rationale for Promoting Health in Schools and Universities

Evolving Role of Promoting Health in Schools and Universities

Current Role of Promoting Health: Preschool Through Postsecondary Schooling and Universities

Resources and Tools


Career Opportunities


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 14: Patient-Centered Health Promotion Programs in Health Care Organizations

Historical Context and Evolution of Engaging Patients and Families in the Design and Delivery of Health Promotion Programs

Effective Programs in Health Care Organizations

Health Promotion Resources

Challenges for Programs in Health Care Organizations

Career Opportunities


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 15: Health Promotion Programs in Workplace Settings

Workplace Health Promotion-A Brief History and Current Trends

Leading by Example: Workplace Success Stories

The Future of Workplace Health Promotion

Career Opportunities in Workplace Health Promotion

Resources and Tools


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms


Chapter 16: Promoting Community Health: Local Health Departments and Community Health Organizations

Brief History of Community Health Organizations

Local Health Department Services

Community Health Organization Services

Resources and Tools


Career Opportunities


For Practice and Discussion

Key Terms





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