Alignment of Targeted CCSS with OE Skills and Habits
Electronic Supports and Versions of Materials
Unit 1: Reading Closely for Textual Details: “A wall of separation”
Sequencing Learning Over Time and Across Grade Levels
Introduction to the Reading Closely Literacy Toolbox
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
Common Core State Standards Alignment
Part 1: Understanding Close Reading
Activity 1: Introduction to the Unit
Activity 2: Attending to Details
Activity 3: Reading Closely for Details
Activity 4: Attending to Details in Multimedia
Activity 5: Independent Reading and Research
Part 1: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 2: Questioning Texts
Activity 1: How Skillful Readers Approach Texts
Activity 2: Approaching a New Text
Activity 3: Analyzing Text withText-Specific Questions
Activity 4: Posing Text-Specific Questions
Activity 5: Independent Writing
Part 2: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 3: Analyzing Details
Activity 1: Analyzing Textual Detail
Activity 2: Analyzing and Discussing Details across Texts
Activity 3: Explaining and Comparing Texts
Activity 4: Independent Reading
Part 3: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 4: Explaining Understanding
Activity 1: Introduction to the Culminating Activities
Activity 2: Reading and Discussing Related Texts
Activity 3: Questioning and Analyzing Texts Independently
Activity 4: Writing a Text-Based Explanation
Part 4: Summative Assessment Opportunities
Activity 1: Understanding Text-Centered Discussions
Activity 2: Preparing for a Text-Centered Discussion
Activity 3: Leading a Text-Centered Discussion
Part 5: Summative Assessment Opportunities
Reading Closely for Textual Details Unit Texts
Reading Closely for Textual Details: Literacy Toolbox
Reading Closely : Guiding Questions
Attending to Details Handout
Reading Closely Final Writing and Discussion Task Handout
Part 4: Text-Based Explanation Literacy Skills Checklist
Part 5: Text-Centered Discussion Academic Habits Checklist
Reading Closely Targeted Literacy Skills
Reading Closely Academic Habits Developed
Reading Closely Literacy Skills and Discussion Habits Rubric
Student Reading Closely Literacy Skills and Discussion Habits Checklist
Reading Closely Media Supports
Unit 1b: Reading Closely for Textual Details—Additional Text Set: “And Life steps almost straight”
Sequencing This Unit in the Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies
Introduction to the Reading Closely Literacy Toolbox
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
Common Core State Standards Alignment
Part 1: Understanding Close Reading
Text 1 (Activity 2: Attending to Details)
Text 2 (Activity 3: Reading Closely for Details)
Text 3 (Activity 4: Attending to Details in Multimedia)
Text 4 (Activity 5: Independent Reading and Research)
Part 2: Questioning Texts
Text 2 (Activity 1: How Skillful Readers Approach Texts)
Text 5 (Activity 2: Approaching a New Text)
Part 3: Analyzing Details
Text 6 (Activity 1: Analyzing Textual Detail)
Texts 5 and Text 6 (Activity 2: Analyzing and Discussing Details Across Texts)
Part 4: Explaining Understanding
Texts 7, 8, and 9 (Activity 2: Reading and Discussing Related Texts)
Reading Closely for Textual Details Unit Texts
Reading Closely for Textual Details: Literacy Toolbox
Reading Closely : Guiding Questions
Attending to Details Handout
Reading Closely Final Writing and Discussion Task Handout
Part 4: Text-based Explanation Literacy Skills Checklist
Part 5: Text-Centered Discussion Academic Habits Checklist
Reading Closely Targeted Literacy Skills
Reading Closely Academic Habits Developed
Reading Closely Literacy Skills and Discussion Habits Rubric
Student Reading Closely Literacy Skills and Discussion Habits Checklist
Reading Closely Media Supports
Unit 2: Making Evidence-Based Claims: “We have every right to dream heroic dreams”
Sequencing Learning over Time and across Grade Levels
Introduction to the Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Toolbox
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
Common Core State Standards Alignment
Part 1: Understanding Evidence-Based Claims
Activity 1: Introduction to the Unit
Activity 2: Independent Reading
Activity 3: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 4: Model the Forming of EBCs
Part 1: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 2: Making Evidence-Based Claims
Activity 1: Independent Reading to Find Supporting Evidence
Activity 2: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 3: FindING Supporting Evidence in Pairs
Activity 4: Class Discussion of EBCs
Activity 5: Forming EBCs in Pairs
Part 2: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 3: Organizing Evidence-Based Claims
Activity 1: Independent Reading and Forming EBCs
Activity 2: Comparing EBCs
Activity 3: Model Organizing EBCs
Activity 4: Deepening Understanding
Activity 5: Organizing EBCs in Pairs
Activity 6: Class Discussion of Student EBCs
Part 3: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 4: Writing Evidence-Based Claims
Activity 1: Model the Communication of an EBC through Writing
Activity 2: Model and Practice the Use of Questions and Criteria to Improve a Written EBC
Activity 3: Writing EBCs in Pairs
Activity 4: Reviewing and Improving Written EBCs
Activity 5: Independent Reading, Developing Questioning Paths, and Making EBCs
Activity 6: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 7: Independent Writing of EBCs
Activity 8: Using Peer Feedback to Revise a Written EBC
Part 4: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 5: Developing Evidence-Based Writing
Activity 1: Independent Reading and Class Discussion of Global EBCs
Activity 2: Forming Global or Comparative EBCs
Activity 3: Reviewing and Organizing EBCs
Activity 4: Independent Drafting of a Final EBC Essay
Activity 5: Using the Collaborative, Criteria-Based Process to Impro ve Essays
Activity 6: Class Discussion of Final EBC Essays
Part 5: Summative Assessment
Making Evidence-Based Claims Unit Texts
Making Evidence-Based Claims: Literacy Toolbox
Writing Evidence-Based Claims
Making Evidence-Based Claims Final Writing Tasks
Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool
Supporting Evidence-Based Claims Tool
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (2 Points)
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (3 Points)
Model Organizing Evidence-Base Claims Tool—Clinton
Model Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool—Reagan
Part 3: Student Academic Habits Checklist
Part 4: Student Academic Habits Checklist
Making Evidence-Based Claims Targeted Literacy Skills
Making Evidence-Based Claims Academic Habits Developed
Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Skills Rubric
Student Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Skills Checklist
Student Making Evidence-Based Claims Academic Habits Checklist
Making Evidence-Based ClaiMs Media Supports
Unit 3: Making Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique: “I could hear everyone’s heart”
Sequencing Learning over Time and across Grade Levels
Introduction to the Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Toolbox
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
Common Core State Standards Alignment
Part 1: Understanding Evidence-Based Claims about Literary Technique
Activity 1: Introduction to the Unit
Activity 2: Independent Reading
Activity 3: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 4: Model the Forming of EBCs
Part 1: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 2: Making Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique
Activity 1: Independent Reading to Find Supporting Evidence
Activity 2: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 3: Forming EBCs in Pairs
Activity 4: Class Discussion of EBCs
Part 2: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 3: Organizing Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique
Activity 1: Independent Reading and Forming EBCs
Activity 2: Comparing EBCs
Activity 3: Model Organizing EBCs
Activity 4: Deepening Understanding
Activity 5: Organizing EBCs in Pairs
Part 3: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 4: Writing Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique
Activity 1: Model the Communication of an EBC through Writing
Activity 2: Model and Practice the Use of Questions and Criteria to Improve a Written EBC
Activity 3: Writing EBCs in Pairs
Activity 4: Review ing and Improving Written EBCs
Activity 5: Independent Reading, Developing Questioning Paths, and Making EBCs
Activity 6: Read Aloud and Class Discussion
Activity 7: Independent Writing of EBCs
Activity 8: Using Peer Feedback to Revise a Written EBC
Part 4: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 5: Developing Evidence-Based Writing
Activity 1: Independent Reading and Class Discussion of Global EBCs about Literary Technique
Activity 2: Forming Global EBCs About Literary Technique
Activity 3: Reviewing and Organizing EBCs
Activity 4: Independent Drafting of Final EBC Essay
Activity 5: Using the Collaborative, Criteria-Based Process to Improve Essays
Activity 6: Class Discussion of Final EBC Essays
Part 5: Summative Assessment
Making Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique Unit Text
Making Evidence-Based Claims: Literacy Toolbox
Writing Evidence-Based Claims
Making Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique Final Writing Tasks
Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool
Supporting Evidence-Based Claims Tool
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (2 Points)
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (3 Points)
Model Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (2 Points)—Carver
Model Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Tool (3 Points)—Carver
Part 3: Student Academic Habits Checklist
Part 4: Student Academic Habits Checklist
Making Evidence-Based Claims Targeted Literacy Skills
Making Evidence-Based Claims Academic Habits Developed
Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Skills Rubric
Student Making Evidence-Based Claims Literacy Skills Checklist
Student Making Evidence-Based Claims Academic Habits Checklist
Making Evidence-Based Claims About Literary Technique Media Supports
Unit 4: Researching to Deepen Understanding: “Design: How Does It Influence Innovation and Progress?”
Sequencing Learning over Time and across Grade Levels
Introduction to the Researching to Deepen Understanding Literacy Toolbox
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
How This Unit Aligns with CCSS for ELA and Literacy
Terms and Definitions Used in This Unit
Part 1: Initiating Inquiry
Activity 1: Introducing the Unit
Activity 2: Exploring a Topic
Activity 3: Conducting Pre-searches
Activity 4: Vetting Areas of Investigation
Activity 5: Generating Inquiry Questions
Part 1: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 2: Gathering Information
Activity 1: Planning Searches for Information
Activity 2: Building an Initial Research Frame
Activity 3: Conducting Searches for Background Sources Using Inquiry Questions and Paths
Activity 4: Assessing Sources
Activity 5: Making and Recording Notes
Activity 6: Conducting Searches Independently
Activity 7: Reviewing and Revising the Research Frame
Part 2: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 3: Deepening Understanding
Activity 1: Selecting Key Sources
Activity 2: Analy zing a Source’s Perspective
Activity 3: Reading Key Sources Closely —Forming Claims
Activity 4: Writing EBCs About Sources
Part 3: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 4: Finalizing Inquiry
Activity 1: Addressing Inquiry Paths
Activity 2: Organizing Evidence
Activity 3: Evaluating Research
Activity 4: Refining and Extending Inquiry
Part 4: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 5: Developing and Communicating an Evidence-Based Perspective
Activity 1: Reviewing Research Portfolios
Activity 2: Communicating an Ev idence-Based Perspective
Activity 3: Writing a Bibliography
Activity 4: Communicating a Final Evidence-Based Product
Part 5: Summative Assessment Opportunities
Researching to Deepen Understanding Common Source Set
Design: How Does It Influence Innovation and Progress?
Additional Resources in the Topic Area
Researching to Deepen Understanding: Literacy Toolbox
Teacher Research Unit Guide
Student Research Portfolio Description
Researching to Deepen Understanding—Final Tasks
Forming Evidence-Based Claims Research Tool
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Research Tool (2 Points)
Organizing Evidence-Based Claims Research Tool (3 Points)
Part 1 Research Evaluation Criteria Checklist
Part 2 Peer Evaluation of Research
Area Evaluation Checklist
Researching to Deepen Understanding Targeted Literacy Skills
Researching to Deepen Understanding Academic Habits Developed
Researching to Deepen Understanding Literacy Skills and Academic Habits Rubric
Student Researching to Deepen Understanding Literacy Skills and Academic Habits Checklist
Unit 5: Building Evidence-Based Arguments: “Do to others as you would have them do to you”
Sequencing Learning over Time and across Grade Levels
Introduction to Building Evidence-Based Arguments Literacy Toolbox
How This Unit Teaches Vocabulary
Literacy Skills and Academic Habits
Common Co re State Standards Alignment
Part 1: Understanding the Nature of an Issue
Activity 1: Introducing the Unit
Activity 2: Exploring the Issue
Activity 3: Deepening Understanding of the Issue
Activity 4: Questioning to Refine Understanding
Activity 5: Writing an EBC About the Nature of the Issue
Part 1: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 2: Analyzing Arguments
Activity 1: Understanding an Argumentative Position
Activity 2: Identifying Elements of Argumentation
Activity 3: Delineating Arguments
Activity 4: Understanding Perspective
Activity 5: Delineating And Comparing Arguments
Activity 6: Delineating Additional Arguments
Activity 7: Writing to Analyze Arguments
Part 2: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 3: Evaluating Arguments and Developing a Position
Activity 1: Evaluating Arguments
Activity 2: Developing a Perspective and Position
Activity 3: Deepening Understanding
Activity 4: Using Others’ Arguments to Support a Position
Activity 5: Responding to Opposing Arguments
Part 3: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 4: Organizing an Evidence-Based Argument
Activity 1: Planning an Argument—Identifying Supporting Evidence
Activity 2: Developing and Sequencing Claims as Premises of the Argument
Activity 3: Organizing Evidence to Support Claims
Activity 4: Reviewing a Plan for Writing an Argument
Part 4: Formative Assessment Opportunities
Part 5: Developing Writing through a Collaborative Process
Activity 1: Strengthening Writing Collaboratively: Principles and Processes
Activity 2: Focus on Content: Ideas and Information
Activity 3: Focus on Organization: Unity, Coherence, and Lo gical Sequence
Activity 4: Focus on Support: Integrating and Citing Evidence
Activity 5: Additional Ro unds of Focused Review and Revision
Part 5: Summative Assessment Opportunities
Building Evidence-Based Arguments Unit Texts
Building Evidence-Based Arguments: Literacy Toolbox
Evidence-Based Arguments Terms
Building Evidence-Based Arguments—Final Writing Task
Delineating Arguments Tool
Evaluating Arguments Tool
Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool (EBA)
Organzing Evidene-Based Claims Tool (2 Points)
Organzing Evidene-Based Claims Tool (3 Points)
Part 3: Habits-Based Text-Centered Discussion Checklist
Part 3: Peer Review of Positions Checklist
Part 4: Plan for Writing an Argument Checklist
Building Evidence-Based Arguments Targeted Literacy Skills
Building Evidence-Based Arguments Academic Habits Developed
Building Evidence-Based Arguments Literacy Skills and Academic Habits Rubric