Section 1: History and Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Chapter 1: The history of tuberculosis: Past, present, and challenges for the future
Chapter 2: Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Introduction and Historical Perspective
Epidemiological Data on the Determinants of Tuberculosis Transmission
Mycobacterial Factors, Strain Differences, and Interactions with Source, Environment, and Host
Human Host Factors which Affect Vulnerability to Tuberculosis Infection
Mathematical Modelling of M. Tuberculosis Transmission
Future Prospects and Other Important Considerations in Infection Control
Chapter 3: The global epidemiology of tuberculosis
Natural History of Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis Control: Implementation, Targets and Projections
Chapter 4: Molecular methods and their application in tuberculosis epidemiology
The Genome of M. Tuberculosis and Regions of Epidemiological Significance
Current Genotyping Methods Used in Epidemiological Studies of Tuberculosis
The Interpretation of Molecular Epidemiology Data
The Application of Molecular Epidemiology to Tuberculosis
Chapter 5: Epidemiology of childhood tuberculosis
Global Estimates of Burden of Disease in Children
Epidemiology of Transitions
Chapter 6: The genus Mycobacterium and the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
The Mycobacteria and the Tubercle Bacillus - An Historical Introduction
Classification of the Genus Mycobacterium
The Ecology of Mycobacteria
Growth Characteristics and Metabolism of Mycobacteria
Antigenic Structure of Mycobacteria
Macromolecular Structure of Mycobacteria
Definition of the M. Tuberculosis Complex
The Genome of M. Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacteria
Genomic Aspects of Resistance to Anti-Mycobacterial Agents
Mycobacteriophages, Lysogeny, and Phage Typing
The Evolution and Devolution of the M. Tuberculosis Complex
Determinants of Virulence and Pathogenicity
Chapter 7: Other mycobacteria causing human disease
Epidemiology and Risk Factors
Transmission and Pathogenesis
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
Prevention of NTM Infections
Chapter 8: The basic immunology of tuberculosis
Phagocytosis by Macrophages
The Role of Toll-Like Receptors
Phagosomal Maturation and Antigen Processing
Macrophage and Dendritic Cell Cytokine Production
The Activation of T-Lymphocytes
T-Lymphocyte and NK Cell Functions
Chemokines, Adhesion Molecules and Cellular Migration
Granuloma Formation and Function
Immune Responses in Children
Chapter 9: Host susceptibility and resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Genetic, neuroendocrine, and acquired factors
Genetic Factors and Susceptibility to Tuberculosis
Environmental Factors and Susceptibility to Tuberculosis
Chapter 10: Co-pathogenesis of tuberculosis and HIV
Impairment of Immune Responses to M. Tuberculosis
Impact of Antiretroviral Treatment on the Host Response to M. Tuberculosis
Impact of Tuberculoisis on HIV
Chapter 11: Tuberculosis vaccines
The Ideal Tuberculosis Vaccine
New Tuberculosis Vaccine Approaches in Relation to the Natural History of the Disease
New Candidate Tuberculosis Vaccines
Challenges to New Tuberculosis Vaccine Development
Chapter 12: Pathology and pathogenesis of tuberculosis
Basic Concepts and Definitions
Pathogenesis of Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity and Granuloma Formation
Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis
The Effect of HIV on Tuberculosis
The Effect of Tuberculosis on Tissue
Section 3: Natural History of Infection and Disease
Chapter 13: The natural history of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in adults
Infection with M. tuberculosis
Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis
Natural History of Untreated Tuberculosis
Chapter 14: The natural history of tuberculosis infection and disease in children
Intrathoracic Manifestations
Chapter 15: Human tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis and related animal pathogens
Tuberculosis in Cattle and other Mammals
The Nature of Zoonotic Tuberculosis
Pathogenesis and Clinical Features of Zoonotic Tuberculosis
Changing Trends in the Occurrence of Zoonotic Tuberculosis in the Industrially Developed Nations
The Occurrence of Zoonotic Tuberculosis in the Developing World
The Epidemiology of Zoonotic Tuberculosis
Prevention of Zoonotic Tuberculosis
Therapy of Zoonotic Tuberculosis
Section 4: General Clinical Features and Diagnosis
Chapter 16: Clinical features and index of suspicion of tuberculosis in children
Introduction to Diagnosis
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Children
Chapter 17: Clinical features and index of suspicion in adults (HIV-negative and HIV-positive)
The Clinician's Role in Good Patient Care and Good Public Health
Approach to Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Chapter 18: Microbiological testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Specimen Collection, Storage, and Transport
Non-Culture-Based Methods of Detecting M. Tuberculosis
Chapter 19: Immune-based tests for tuberculosis
Interferon-gamma Release Assays
Chapter 20: Nucleic acid amplification for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
The Role of Clinical Suspicion of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
The Use of NAATs for the Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Use of Naa in the Rapid Detection of Drug Resistance
Chapter 21: Histopathology and cytopathology
Histopathological Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Cytological Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Chapter 22: Practical approaches to ordering diagnostic tests
Microbiological Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Immunological Diagnostic Tests
Other Diagnostic Procedures
New tests on the horizon showing promise
Chapter 23: New diagnostics for tuberculosis
Current State of Tuberculosis Diagnostic Testing and Laboratory Facilities
The Need for Better Tuberculosis Diagnostics
Generation of New Technologies
Prioritization of Tuberculosis Diagnostic test Development
Detection of Antibody Responses to Tuberculosis Infection
Chapter 24: Imaging of tuberculosis in adults
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria
Chapter 25: Imaging for tuberculosis in children
Imaging Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Imaging Abdominal Tuberculosis
Imaging Tuberculosis of the Central Nervous System
Imaging Tuberculosis of the Musculoskeletal System
Chapter 26: Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and PET imaging in tuberculosis
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Positron Emission Tomography in Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Chapter 27: Management algorithms for tuberculosis where there are few or no diagnostic facilities
Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Adults
Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis and HIV Coinfection
Algorithms for the Management of Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients Under Care
Chapter 28: Management algorithms for paediatric tuberculosis
Section 5: Clinical Presentations of Tuberculosis
Chapter 29: Pulmonary tuberculosis in adults
Chapter 30: Pleural effusion and empyema in adult tuberculosis
Epidemiology of Pleural Tuberculosis
Clinical Features of Pleural Tuberculosis
Diagnostic Approach in Resource-Constrained Settings
Treatment of Pleural Tuberculosis
Chapter 31: Tuberculous pericarditis and myocarditis in adults and children
Differential Diagnosis of Congestive Pericarditis
Unanswered Questions and Controversies in Management
Chapter 32: Intrathoracic tuberculosis in children: The most common clinical presentations
Radiological Classification of Intrathoracic Childhood Tuberculosis
Outcome of Children Treated for Tuberculosis
Chapter 33: Management of complicated intrathoracic and upper airway tuberculosis in children
Broncho-Oesophageal Fistula
Phrenic Nerve Involvement
Tuberculosis of the Upper Airways
Other Uncommon Childhood Presentations of Tuberculosis
Chapter 34: Overview of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children
Pathogenesis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
HIV and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis
Treatment of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Adults
Treatment of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Children
Paradoxical Reactions and Immune Restoration Disease
Extrapulmonary Manifestations of Tuberculosis
Chapter 35: Tuberculosis lymphadenitis and involvement of the reticuloendothelial system in children
Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis
Tuberculosis of the Reticuloendothelial System in Children
Chapter 36: Tuberculosis of lymph nodes and the reticuloendothelial system in adults
Peripheral Lymph Node Tuberculosis
Mediastinal Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy
Mesenteric Tuberculous Lymphadenopathy
Treatment of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
Tuberculosis of the Reticuloendothelial System
Chapter 37: Tuberculosis of the central nervous system in adults
Investigations and Diagnosis
Pathology and Pathogenesis
Response to Treatment and Complications
Prevention of Central Nervous System Tuberculosis
Chapter 38: Central nervous system tuberculosis in children
The Pathogenesis of Tuberculous Meningitis
The Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis
Tuberculous Meningitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
The Management of Tuberculous Meningitis
Prognosis in Tuberculous Meningitis
Chapter 39: Abdominal (gastrointestinal tract) tuberculosis in adults
Type and Site of Involvement
Symptoms and Signs: Usual/Unusual Presentations
Diagnosis and Investigations
Differentiating Intestinal Tuberculosis from Crohn's Disease
Chapter 40: Abdominal tuberculosis in children
Chapter 41: Tuberculosis of the kidney and urinary tract
Chapter 42: Male genital tuberculosis
Tuberculosis and Fertility
Intravesical BCG Administration and Genital Tuberculosis
Chapter 43: Female genital tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of the Vulva
Tuberculosis of the Fallopian Tubes and Infertility
Chapter 44: Ear, nose, and throat tuberculosis in adults and children
Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenopathy
Tuberculosis of the Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
Nasopharyngeal Tuberculosis
Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Tuberculosis
Salivary Gland Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of the Deep Neck Spaces
Tuberculosis of the Thyroid Gland
Aminoglycosides in Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Chapter 45: Tuberculosis of the breast
History of Breast Tuberculosis
Indian Literature on Breast Tuberculosis
Classification of Breast Tuberculosis
Breast Tuberculosis in Patients with HIV Infection and AIDS
Diagnosis of Breast Tuberculosis
Chapter 46: Ocular tuberculosis in adults and children
Aetiopathogenesis of Ocular Tuberculosis
Ocular Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Patients
Investigations and Diagnosis of Ocular Tuberculosis
Treatment of Ocular Tuberculosis
Ocular Toxicity in Antituberculosis Therapy
Chapter 47: Dermatological manifestations of tuberculosis in adults and children
Classification of Cutaneous Tuberculosis
Pathogenesis and Morphology
Chapter 48: Musculoskeletal and spinal tuberculosis in adults and children
Incidence and Epidemiology
Spinal Tuberculosis (Tuberculous Spondylitis)
Osteoarticular Tuberculosis
Chapter 49: Tuberculosis of endocrine glands in adults and children
Tuberculosis of the Thyroid Gland
Tuberculosis of Parathyroid Gland
Chapter 50: Surgery in the management of tuberculosis
Genitourinary Manifestations
Tuberculous Lymphadenitis
Cardiovascular Manifestations
Miscellaneous Manifestations of Surgical Relevance
Precautions for the Surgical Staff
Section 6: Clinical Presentation of Tuberculosis in Special Situations
Chapter 51: Clinical aspects of tuberculosis in HIV-infected adults
Symptoms and Signs: Overview of the Clinical Presentation of Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Adults
Investigations for Tuberculosis in HIV-Infected Individuals
Chapter 52: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children
Acquisition of MDR-TB in Children
Case Detection of MDR-TB in Children
Contact Tracing and Chemoprophylaxis
Chapter 53: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in adults
Laboratory Diagnosis of Resistance
Clinical Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Chapter 54: Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB)
Introduction to Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Definition of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Distribution of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Worldwide
Origin of Tuberculosis Drug Resistance
Transmission of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Infection Control and Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Clinical Predictors of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Treatment of Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Global Strategic Response to Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Future Research and Development Relating to Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Suggested Further Reading/Resources
Chapter 55: Tuberculosis in non-HIV immunosuppressed patients
Disease-Associated Susceptibility to Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis in Patients with Renal Failure
Tuberculosis in Patients with Neoplasia
Iatrogenic Causes of Increased Risk of Tuberculosis Infection/Disease
Corticosteroid Use and Risk of Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis in Organ Transplant Patients
Tuberculosis Following Gastrectomy
Tuberculosis Following Jejunoileal Bypass Surgery
Anti-Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha Agents
Chapter 56: Tuberculosis in pregnancy and in the neonate
Pathogenesis of Perinatal Tuberculosis
Vertical Transmission of Tuberculosis
Clinical Features of Tuberculosis in the Neonatal Period
Criteria for Investigation of the Neonate
Clinical Features of Tuberculosis in Pregnant Women
Progression of Tuberculosis in Pregnancy
Investigations of Pregnant Women and Mothers with Tuberculosis
Management of the Pregnant Woman with Tuberculosis
Management of the Neonate Exposed to Maternal Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis and HIV Infection
Chapter 57: Tuberculosis outbreaks in confined situations
Assisted Living Situations
Forced and Other Long-Term Living Situations
Occasional or Temporary Living Situations
Regular Congregate Settings
Occasional Congregate Settings
Conclusions and Implications
Section 7: Clinical Management of Tuberculosis
Chapter 58: General management of tuberculosis in different clinical settings
Initial Presentation and Diagnosis of Tuberculosis at Health Facilities
Where Should Patients with Tuberculosis be Treated?
Referral of Patients Between Facilities
Private Practitioners and Tuberculosis Treatment
Special Situations in Tuberculosis Management
Contacts of Tuberculosis Patients
Chapter 59: Antituberculosis drugs
Cycloserine and Terizidone
Para-AminoSalicylic Acid (PAS)
Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid
Chapter 60: Drug interactions in the treatment of HIV-related tuberculosis
Mechanisms of Drug-Drug Interactions
Effects of Rifamycins on Non-Nucleoside Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitors
Effect of Rifamycins on HIV-1 Protease Inhibitors
The Effects of Rifamycins on Concentrations of Drugs Used to Prevent or Treat Opportunistic Infections
Recommendations for Managing Interactions Between Rifamycins and Antiretroviral Therapy
Areas in Need of Additional Research
Chapter 61: Tuberculosis drug therapy in children
Inclusion in the new stop TB Strategy
Recommended First-Line Drug Dosages in Children
Controversies in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Controversies in the Treatment of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis in Children
Children with Tuberculosis who are Coinfected with HIV
Administering Antituberculosis Treatment and Ensuring Adherence
Chemoprophylaxis for Children Exposed to, or Infected by, Infectious Pulmonary Tuberculosis Source Cases (Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection)
Chapter 62: Tuberculosis drug therapy in adults
Principles of Chemotherapy
Treatment Regimens Recommended by WHO
Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Chapter 63: International standards for tuberculosis care
Standards For Public Health Responsibilities
Potential Uses of The ISTC
Chapter 64: Role of communities in tuberculosis care and prevention
Community Involvement in Healthcare: Essential Terminology
Community Involvement in Tuberculosis Control: A Review of Experiences at Country Level
Defining Core Elements of Community Involvement and of a Right-Based Approach
Partnership for Health: A Work in Progress
Chapter 65: Operational issues, compliance, and DOTS programmes
Functional Public Health System: Ensuring long-term sustainable political, administrative, and financial commitment
Case Detection Through Quality-Assured Sputum Microscopy
Standardized Treatment with Supervision and Support
Supervision and Monitoring
Effective Drug Supply and Logistic Management
Involvement of All Healthcare Providers
Chapter 66: Management of side effects of antituberculosis drugs
Factors Influencing Side Effects of Antituberculosis Treatment
Dermatological Side Effects
Haematological Side Effects
Vestibulo-Cochlear Toxicity
Management of Side Effects Using Fixed-Dose Combination Antituberculosis Drugs
Chapter 67: Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
Differential Diagnosis and Investigation
Chapter 68: Strategic risk management for preventing the transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in healthcare settings
General infection prevention and control measures
Preventing Healthcare-Associated Tuberculosis
Prioritizing Control Measures
Chapter 69: Nursing care of patients with tuberculosis
Using a Nursing Care Plan
Chapter 70: Immunotherapy of tuberculosis
Cytokine Regulation of Macrophage Activation
Granulomas and Persistence
Cytokine Dysregulation and Tuberculosis Immunopathogenesis
Immune Activation and AIDS/TUberculosis Co-Pathogenesis
Treatment and Testing Strategies
Chapter 71: Current controversies and unresolved issues in adult tuberculosis
Annual Risk of Infection with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Unresolved Issues on the Nature of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Latent Bacilli
Current Controversies and Unresolved Issues in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis
Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Evidence and Controversies
Cost-Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Control Strategies Among Immigrants and Refugees
The Dream of a Vaccine Against Tuberculosis. New Vaccines: Improving or Replacing BCG?
Chapter 72: Laboratory systems and strategies for tuberculosis
Laboratory Methods: Strengths and Weaknesses
Programme Strategies and Requirements
Quality Management System and Network Requirements
Chapter 73: Priorities in tuberculosis research
Improved Diagnostics for Tuberculosis
Research Priorities for Improved Clinical Management of Tuberculosis in HIV-Uninfected and -Infected Individuals
Immunopathogenesis and Vaccine Studies
Improving Programme Performance and Capacity Building: Coordination of Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Programmes
Social Science and Implementation Research Topics in Clinical Management of Tuberculosis
Operational and Implementation Research
Epidemiological Research in National Tuberculosis Programmes
Section 8: Prevention of Tuberculosis
Chapter 74: BCG: History, evolution, efficacy, and implications in the HIV era
BCG Vaccines in the Context of the HIV Epidemic
Diagnosis and Management of BCG Adverse Events
Classification of BCG Adverse Events
Chapter 75: Contact tracing and follow-up
Objectives of Contact Tracing
Contact Tracing in Low-Prevalence Countries
Contact Tracing in High-Prevalence Countries
Present Obstacles and Challenges for Optimal Contact Tracing
Chapter 76: Prophylaxis with antituberculous drugs in special situations
History of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment
Target Groups for Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment in Special Groups
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment Regimens
Monitoring Tuberculosis Prophylactic Treatment
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment in Low-Income Countries
Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment: Programme Aspects
Tuberculosis Prevention in the Era of Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment
Chapter 77: Issues in global tuberculosis control
Framework for Control of Communicable Diseases and Its Relationship to Tuberculosis Control
Critical Issues in Current Global Tuberculosis Control Activities
Chapter 78: National tuberculosis programmes and tuberculosis control in developing countries
Organization of National Tuberculosis Control Programmes (NTP)
Functions of National Tuberculosis Control Programmes
Technical Challenges Facing National Tuberculosis Control Programmes
The Future of National TB Control Programmes
Chapter 79: Implementation of collaborative tuberculosis/HIV activities
The Programmatic Response
Implementation of Collaborative TB/HIV Activities
Special Considerations for Implementation
Section 9: Illustrative Case Histories
Chapter 80: Pulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis in adults
Case 1: The Elderly Woman
Case 3: The Diabetic Farm Worker
Case 4: The HIV-Infected Domestic Worker
Case 5: The Security Guard
Case 6: The Unemployed Shack Dweller
Chapter 81: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in adults
Case 1: The Farm Labourer
Case 2: The Depressed HIV-Infected Mother
Case 3: The Young Male Nurse
Case 4: The Young Man with Previous Tuberculosis
Case 5: The Adolescent Girl with Draining Sinuses
Case 6: The HIV-Infected Security Guard
Chapter 82: Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children
A Child with Enlarged Cervical Lymph Nodes - A Case Report
Chapter 83: Tuberculous meningitis
Case 1: A Case of Delayed Diagnosis and Severe Ischaemic Brain Damage Demonstrated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Case 2: Dramatic Response to Ventriculoperitoneal Shunting in Acute Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus
Chapter 84: Tuberculosis of the central nervous system in adults
Case 1: The Value of Repeated Lumbar Punctures and Simple Bacteriology
Case 2: Keeping an open Mind
Case 3: Adverse Events, Resistance, and Relapse
Chapter 85: Abdominal tuberculosis: Case study
Chapter 86: Ear, nasal, and ocular tuberculosis
Chapter 87: Dermatology case report : Papulonecrotic tuberculosis
Chapter 88: Tuberculosis of the hip
Chapter 89: Tuberculosis of the thyroid gland associated with thyrotoxicosis
Chapter 90: Renal tuberculosis
Chapter 91: Tuberculosis of epididymis
Chapter 92: Congenital tuberculosis
Perinatal Clinical Presentation
Clinical Progress of the Newborn
Chapter 93: Deteriorating tuberculosis in a HIV-infected man despite treatment: Immune reconstitution, resistance, or drug malabsorption?
Chapter 94: Unusual cases
Chapter 95: Unusual images of tuberculosis in children
Chapter 96: Spinal tuberculosis in children: A report of a complicated case
Chapter 97: Sarcoidosis and tuberculosis: A study in mimicry
Clinical Features of Sarcoidosis
Chapter 98: Management of an HIV-positive patient with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis
The First Illness and Diagnosis of HIV Infection
Diagnosis of Smear-Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Treatment of Smear-Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Adjunctive Treatment for HIV Infection
Progress on Antituberculosis Treatment and Art
Post-Tuberculosis Treatment
Section 10: Social and Structural Issues in Tuberculosis
Chapter 99: Gender issues in tuberculosis
Sex And Gender In Tuberculosis: Why Do They Matter?
Sex-Associated Patterns in Tuberculosis Epidemiology
Tuberculosis Infection, Disease and Gender
Diagnostic Methods And Gender
Tuberculosis Symptoms And Gender
Health-Seeking Behaviour and Gender
Treatment Adherence and Social Consequences of Tuberculosis
Policy and Programme Considerations
Chapter 100: Tuberculosis and migration
Impact of Migration on the Dissemination of Disease
Migrants and Tuberculosis Disease in Low-Burden Countries
Migrants and Tuberculosis Disease in High-Burden Countries
Chapter 101: Tuberculosis control in the workplace
The Workplace and Employment Sector
Economic and Social Implications of Tuberculosis in the Workplace
Occupational Risk of Tuberculosis
Management of Tuberculosis Control in the Workplace
Chapter 102: Tuberculosis and poverty
Step 1: Establishing the Profile of Poor and Vulnerable Groups
Step 2: Assess Poverty-Related Barriers to the Accessing of Tuberculosis Services
Step 3: Take Action to Overcome Barriers to Access
Chapter 103: Clinical trials in tuberculosis
The Design of Clinical Trials
Tuberculosis Clinical Trials
Good Clinical Practice and Good Laboratory Practice
Trial Management and Coordination
Committees to Supervise a Trial
Data Management and Analysis
Chapter 104: Tuberculosis and social justice: A historical perspective
Class, Race and Death in the Twentieth Century
Global Poverty and the `New´ Tuberculosis
Chapter 105: The history of the DOTS strategy: Achievements and perspectives
The First Revolution - The Development of Specific AntituberculoUS Chemotherapy
The Potential for Mass Benefit
Twenty Years' Success and Failure
The Second Revolution - The Development of the Styblo Model
Making Tuberculosis Control Available for All
Progress in Implementing the Dots Strategy
Chapter 106: The WHO Stop TB Strategy for the coming decade
Challenges and Opportunities
Goals, Objectives and Targets
Components of the Strategy
Monitoring Progress and Measuring Impact
Implementing the Strategy: Progress and Challenges
Chapter 107: The Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015
Development of the Global Plan
Results of Global Planning
Implications of the Global Plan
Appendix 1: Conversion of units for laboratory results
Appendix 2: Tuberculosis drug information
Side Effects of Antituberculosis Drugs
Appendix 3: Web sources of information on tuberculosis and global organizations supporting tuberculosis control
Strengthening Basic Directly Observed Treatment, Short Course (DOTS) and Tuberculosis Control in General
Address Tuberculosis/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Other Challenges
Contribute to Health System Strengthening
Empower People with Tuberculosis and Communities
Enable and Promote Research
Appendix 4: Tuberculosis research funding
Keeping Pace with Increasing Knowledge on Tuberculosis
Declining Interest in Tuberculosis in the USA and Europe
Resurgence of Interest in Tuberculosis
Back to the Future - the `New Tuberculosis´: HIV Coinfection and Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis Anywhere is Tuberculosis Everywhere: Global Tuberculosis is a Local Problem
Difficulty in Managing Coinfection with HIV
Tuberculosis Elimination: What's to stop us?
Working Together to Control Tuberculosis
Supporting Operational, Programmatic, and Implementation Research
Future Directions Towards Tuberculosis Control