Chapter 1: Preservation of Database Concepts
Chapter 2: A Repository for the Storage of Web Archives
Chapter 3: Digital Preservation Challenges in Nigeria Libraries
Chapter 4: Expressing Needs of Digital Audio-Visual Applications in Different Communities of Practice for Long-Term Preservation
Chapter 6: Reconstructing Digitally Instruments and Scales in the Synchrony and Diachrony of Music
Chapter 7: Cataloging Images in Library, Archive, and Museum
Chapter 8: Digital File Formats for Digital Preservation
Chapter 9: Copyright Protection of Audio Using Biometrics
Chapter 10: Preservation Initiatives in E-Environment to Protect Information Assets
Chapter 11: Managing Risk in the Cloud for Digital Preservation
Chapter 12: Digital Initiatives of the Indian Council of World Affairs' Library
Chapter 13: Digital Preservation of Cultural Heritage for Future Generations
Compilation of References