1.6.3 Cipher Use and Initialisation
1.6.4 Indistinguishability and Resistance to Malleability
1.6.5 Authentication of Ciphertexts
Chapter 2 - “Take It or Leave It”: Effective Visualization of Privacy Policies
2.2.1 Survey and Machine Learning-based Methodologies
2.2.2 Privacy Enhancing Tools
2.3 Privacy Policy Elucidator Tool (PPET)
2.3.1 Privacy Categories Definition (Core Contents of a Privacy Policy)
2.3.2 General Description of the Tool
2.3.5 Privacy Policy Detector
2.3.6 Database Description
2.4 PPET Architecture and Modelling
2.4.2 Summarization and Ranking
2.7 Conclusion and FutureWork
Chapter 3 - A Secure Channel Using Social Messaging for Distributed Low-Entropy Steganography
3.1.1 Outline of Proposed Method
3.1.2 Research Contributions
3.1.3 Chapter Organisation
3.2.2 UGC Confidentiality
3.2.3 Distributed High-Entropy Steganography Approach
3.3 Proposed Architecture
Chapter 4 - Computational Trust
4.4.1 Fuzzy Trust Model Description
4.4.2 Reputation Evaluation
4.4.3 Eigen Trust Algorithm
4.5 Example: PGP Web of Trust
4.6 Example: X.509 Certificates
Chapter 5 - Security in Internet of Things
5.2 Examples of Problematic IoT Devices
5.2.3 Smart Energy Meters
5.2.6 The Smart Home and Appliances
5.3 Security Challenges in IoT
5.4 Security Recommendations
Chapter 6 - Security in the Industrial Internet of Things
6.3 Introducing Penetration Testing
Chapter 7 - Modern & Resilient Cybersecurity The Need for Principles, Collaboration, Innovation, Education & the Occasional Application of Power
7.3 Protect, Detect & Respond
7.4 Beyond Protect, Detect and Respond
7.4.2 Deterrence & Disruption
7.4.3 Importance of Culture to a Resilient Cybersecurity Strategy
7.5 Global Security Intelligence Graph
7.5.1 The Use of Big Data
7.6 Emerging Innovative Technologies
7.6.3 Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 8 - Building Secure Data Centers for Cloud Based Services – A Case Study
8.1 The Emergence of a New Industrial Era
8.2 Cloud Based Services and Data Centers
8.3 Types of Data Centers
8.4 Security Considerations
Chapter 9 -Pervasive Governance – Understand and SecureYour Transaction Data & Content
9.2 The Challenges and Risks of Unmanaged Data & Content
9.2.1 The Fragmented Approach
9.2.2 The Classic Records Management Approach
9.2.3 Keeping Legacy Systems Alive – Just In Case Enterprise content management Core retention capability Formal records management capability Archiving & decommissioning – privacy by design
9.3 The Need for a Pervasive Governance Strategy
9.4 UnderstandingYour Unstructured Content
9.4.1 Automated Intelligence
9.4.2 Content Classification
9.4.3 Actionable Intelligence through Reporting
9.5 An Application Decommissioning Program
9.5.1 The Decommissioning Factory
9.5.2 Developing a Roadmap
9.5.3 Phase 1: Program Governance
9.5.4 Phase 2: Application Decommissioning Factory Bootstrap Coordinate with other business services Automate technology selection Use proof of concept to reduce risk
9.5.5 Phase 3: Application Decommissioning Projects Business and data analysis
9.6 Conclusion – Solving the Challenges of Unmanaged Data & Content
Chapter 10 - Challenges of Cyber Security and a Fundamental Way to Address Cyber Security
10.2.1 Functional Design over Security Design
10.2.2 Proliferation of Internet
10.2.3 Being a Big Target
10.3 Cyber Security Paradigm Shift
10.3.1 Security Assurance
10.3.2 Security Assurance Challenges
10.3.3 Market Place Challenges
10.3.4 Regulatory Challenges
10.3.5 Requirements of Security Assurance
10.4 Security Assurance Process
10.4.1 Goals of Security Assurance
10.4.2 Challenges of Security Assurance
10.4.3 3GPP Security Assurance
10.4.4 3GPP Security Assurance Approach
10.4.5 Security Assurance around the Globe