Publication series :CTE
Author: Corinne Hoisington;Jessica Minnick
Publisher: Cengage
Publication year: 2013
E-ISBN: 9781285380292
P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781133525936
Subject: TP1 自动化基础理论
Keyword: 自动化基础理论
Language: ENG
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ADOBE® DREAMWEAVER® CS6: COMPREHENSIVE, 1E follows the Shelly Cashman Series® proven step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to teaching the Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 software. The pedagogy of this text has been enhanced to reflect the learning styles of today's students. Readers will easily follow along with the chapters in the text to gain valuable and comprehensive software skills to build their own exciting and dynamic Web sites and develop Internet applications.教学资源:PPT、教师手册、题库、Crossword Puzzle、 Flashcards、 Glossary、 Figure Files、 Solutions to Exercises、 Chapter Reinforcement Exercises、 Data Files for Students。 教学资源目前仅能提供给老师,获取方式如下: 1. 邮箱获取:将教辅需求发邮件至 2. 电话获取:010-83435111 3. 微信获取:关注我们的公众号,会由客服人员答疑解惑 公众号名称:圣智教育服务中心 微信号:Cengage_Learning 4. QQ获取:加入我们的QQ群 群名称:圣智教育服务中心 群号:658668132