Publication subTitle :General, Organic,and Biochemistry
Publication series :CHE
Author: Spencer L. Seager;Michael R. Slabaugh
Publisher: Cengage
Publication year: 2014
E-ISBN: 9781285538235
P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781133602279
Subject: O6 Chemistry
Keyword: 化学原理和方法,化学
Language: ENG
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Distinguished by its superior allied health focus and integration of technology, The Eighth Edition of Seager and Slabaugh's CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY: GENERAL, ORGANIC, and BIOCHEMISTRY meets students' needs through diverse applications, examples, boxes, interactive technology tools, and, new to this edition, real life case studies. CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY dispels students' inherent fear of chemistry and instills an appreciation for the role chemistry plays in our daily lives through a rich pedagogical structure and an accessible writing style with lucid explanations. In addition, the book provides greater support in both problem-solving and critical-thinking skills--the skills necessary for student success. By demonstrating the importance of chemistry concepts to students' future careers, the authors not only help students set goals, but also help them focus on achieving them.教学资源:PPT、教师手册、题库、Chemistry Multimedia Library、IM for Lab Manual、Study Guide with Student Solutions Manual Ch 1-3。 教学资源目前仅能提供给老师,获取方式如下: 1. 邮箱获取:将教辅需求发邮件至 2. 电话获取:010-83435111 3. 微信获取:关注我们的公众号,会由客服人员答疑解惑 公众号名称:圣智教育服务中心 微信号:Cengage_Learning 4. QQ获取:加入我们的QQ群 群名称:圣智教育服务中心 群号:658668132