Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision ( 240 )

Publication series :240

Author: Vaclav Hlavac;Roger Boyle;Milan Sonka  

Publisher: Cengage‎

Publication year: 2015

E-ISBN: 9781305192157

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781133593607

Subject: TP3 Computers

Keyword: Technology: general issues,计算技术、计算机技术

Language: ENG

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The brand new edition of IMAGE PROCESSING, ANALYSIS, AND MACHINE VISION is a robust text providing deep and wide coverage of the full range of topics encountered in the field of image processing and machine vision. As a result, it can serve undergraduates, graduates, researchers, and professionals looking for a readable reference. The book's encyclopedic coverage of topics is wide, and it can be used in more than one course (both image processing and machine vision classes). In addition, while advanced mathematics is not needed to understand basic concepts (making this a good choice for undergraduates), rigorous mathematical coverage is included for more advanced readers. It is also distinguished by its easy-to-understand algorithm descriptions of difficult concepts, and a wealth of carefully selected problems and examples.教学资源:PPT、教师手册。 教学资源目前仅能提供给老师,获取方式如下: 1. 邮箱获取:将教辅需求发邮件至 2. 电话获取:010-83435111 3. 微信获取:关注我们的公众号,会由客服人员答疑解惑 公众号名称:圣智教育服务中心 微信号:Cengage_Learning 4. QQ获取:加入我们的QQ群 群名称:圣智教育服务中心 群号:658668132


1.5 Exercises

1.6 References

2 The image,its representations and properties

2.1 Image representations,a few concepts

2.2 Image digitization

2.3 Digital image properties

2.4 Color images

2.5 Cameras:An overview

2.6 Summary

2.7 Exercises

2.8 References

3 The image,its mathematical and physical background

3.1 Overview

3.2 Linear integral transforms

3.3 Images as stochastic processes

3.4 Image formation physics

3.5 Summary

3.6 Exercises

3.7 References

4 Data structures for image analysis

4.1 Levels of image data representation

4.2 Traditional image data structures

4.3 Hierarchical data structures

4.4 Summary

4.5 Exercises

4.6 References

5 Image pre-processing

5.1 Pixel brightness transformations

5.2 Geometric transformations

5.3 Local pre-processing

5.4 Image restoration

5.5 Summary

5.6 Exercises

5.7 References

6 Segmentation I

6.1 Thresholding

6.2 Edge-based segmentation

6.3 Region-based segmentation

6.4 Matching

6.5 Evaluation issues in segmentation

6.6 Summary

6.7 Exercises

6.8 References

7 Segmentation II

7.1 Mean shift segmentation

7.2 Active contour models—snakes

7.3 Geometric deformable models—level sets and geodesic active contours

7.4 Fuzzy connectivity

7.5 Towards 3D graph-based image segmentation

7.6 Graph cut segmentation

7.7 Optimal single and multiple surface segmentation—LOGISMOS

7.8 Summary

7.9 Exercises

7.10 References

8 Shape representation and description

8.1 Region identification

8.2 Contour-based shape representation and description

8.3 Region-based shape representation and description

8.4 Shape classes

8.5 Summary

8.6 Exercises

8.7 References

9 Object recognition

9.1 Knowledge representation

9.2 Statistical pattern recognition

9.3 Neural nets

9.4 Syntactic pattern recognition

9.5 Recognition as graph matching

9.6 Optimization techniques in recognition

9.7 Fuzzy systems

9.8 Boosting in pattern recognition

9.9 Random forests

9.10 Summary

9.11 Exercises

9.12 References

10 Image understanding

10.1 Image understanding control strategies

10.2 SIFT:Scale invariant feature transform

10.3 RANSAC:Fitting via random sample consensus

10.4 Point distribution models

10.5 Active appearance models

10.6 Pattern recognition methods in image understanding

10.7 Boosted cascades of classifiers

10.8 Image understanding using random forests

10.9 Scene labeling and constraint propagation

10.10 Semantic image segmentation and understanding

10.11 Hidden Markov models

10.12 Markov random fields

10.13 Gaussian mixture models and expectation–maximization

10.14 Summary

10.15 Exercises

10.16 References

11 3D geometry,correspondence,3D from intensities

11.1 3D vision tasks

11.2 Basics of projective geometry

11.3 A single perspective camera

11.4 Scene reconstruction from multiple views

11.5 Two cameras,stereopsis

11.6 Three cameras and trifocal tensor

11.7 3D information from radiometric measurements

11.8 Summary

11.9 Exercises

11.10 References

12 Use of 3D vision

12.1 Shape from X

12.2 Full 3D objects

12.3 2D view-based representations of a 3D scene

12.4 3D reconstruction from an unorganized set of 2D views,and Structure from Motion

12.5 Reconstructing scene geometry

12.6 Summary

12.7 Exercises

12.8 References

13 Mathematical morphology

13.1 Basic morphological concepts

13.2 Four morphological principles

13.3 Binary dilation and erosion

13.4 Gray-scale dilation and erosion

13.5 Skeletons and object marking

13.6 Granulometry

13.7 Morphological segmentation and watersheds

13.8 Summary

13.9 Exercises

13.10 References

14 Image data compression

14.1 Image data properties

14.2 Discrete image transforms in image data compression

14.3 Predictive compression methods

14.4 Vector quantization

14.5 Hierarchical and progressive compression methods

14.6 Comparison of compression methods

14.7 Other techniques

14.8 Coding

14.9 JPEG and MPEG image compression

14.10 Summary

14.11 Exercises

14.12 References

15 Texture

15.1 Statistical texture description

15.2 Syntactic texture description methods

15.3 Hybrid texture description methods

15.4 Texture recognition method applications

15.5 Summary

15.6 Exercises

15.7 References

16 Motion analysis

16.1 Differential motion analysis methods

16.2 Optical flow

16.3 Analysis based on correspondence of interest points

16.4 Detection of specific motion patterns

16.5 Video tracking

16.6 Motion models to aid tracking

16.7 Summary

16.8 Exercises

16.9 References
