Publication series :SOC
Author: Linda A. Mooney Ph.D.;David Knox Ph.D.;Caroline Schacht M.A.
Publisher: Cengage
Publication year: 2015
E-ISBN: 9781305359369
P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781285746500
Subject: C91 Sociology
Keyword: 社会学
Language: ENG
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This thoroughly revised edition of Mooney, Knox, and Schacht's text uses a theoretically balanced, student-centered approach to provide a comprehensive exploration of social problems. UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL PROBLEMS, Ninth Edition, progresses from a micro to macro level of analysis, focusing first on such problems as health care, drugs and alcohol, and family problems, and then broadening to the larger issues of poverty and inequality, population growth, aging, environmental problems, and conflict around the world. The social problem in each chapter is framed in a global as well as U.S. context. In every chapter, the three major theoretical perspectives are applied to the social problem under discussion and the consequences of the problem, as well as alternative solutions, are explored. Pedagogical features such as “Animals and Society,” “The Human Side,” and “Self and Society” enable students to grasp how social problems affect the lives of individuals and apply their understanding of social problems to their own lives.教学资源:PPT、教师手册、题库。 教学资源目前仅能提供给老师,获取方式如下: 1. 邮箱获取:将教辅需求发邮件至 2. 电话获取:010-83435111 3. 微信获取:关注我们的公众号,会由客服人员答疑解惑 公众号名称:圣智教育服务中心 微信号:Cengage_Learning 4. QQ获取:加入我们的QQ群 群名称:圣智教育服务中心 群号:658668132