The curse of the Holy Marriage
Chapter Two: Challenging the Holy Marriage: Relevance Theory and translation
What is Relevance Theory?
Relevance Theory of Translation (RTT)
How RTT will be used in the present work
Chapter Three: Start as you mean to go on?
The source text: relevance in its context?
Contextual implications from Luke’s preface
Translating Luke’s preface
Towards a relevant translation?
Chapter Four: When is a priest not a priest?
The case of a certain priest
Achieving relevance in context
Challenging the consensus
The persistence of the 'Holy Marriage' tradition
Alternative translations for 'priest'
Chapter Five: Still looking for clues
Clues arising from semantic representations
Clues arising from syntactic properties
Clues arising from phonetic properties
Clues arising from semantic constraints on relevance
Clues arising from formulaic expressions
Clues arising from onomatopoeia
Clues arising from the stylistic value of words
Clues from sound-based poetic qualities
Uses and abuses of communicative clues
Chapter Six: Repetitive texture and four kinds of literalism
Repetitive texture in translation
Concordance: a non-topic?
Concordance and literalism
Four motivations for literalism
Final remarks: The experimental translation