Divide and Rule: Segmenting Callirhoe and Related Works
The Curious Incident …: polypragmosyne and the Ancient Novel
Reading Inscription in the Ancient Novel
Cite and Sound: The Prosaics of Quotation in the Ancient Novel
Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis and Petronius’ Satyricon
Readers writing Readers, and Writers reading Writers: Reflections of Antonius Diogenes
The Author of the Alexander Romance
Reading Diktys: The Discrete Charm of Bogosity
Apuleius and Homer: Some Traces of the Iliad in the Metamorphoses
No Success like Failure: The Task of the Translator in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Roman Fiction and its Audience: Seriocomic Assertions of Authority
‘Food for Thought’ for Readers of Apuleius’ The Golden Ass
To Reason and to Marvel: Images of the Reader in the Life of Apollonius
Hating Homer, Fighting Virgil: Βooks in Augustine’s Confessions