The Sophist at Play in Court: Apuleius’ Apology and His Literary Career
Legal Strategy and Learned Display in Apuleius’ A
Apuleius Socrates Africanus? Apuleius’ Defensive Play
Homer in Apuleius’ Apology
The “Riches” of Poverty: Literary Games with Poetry in Apuleius’ Laus Paupertatis (Apology 18)
Eloquentia ludens – Apuleius’ Apology and the Cheerful Side of Standing Trial
Part II: The Metamorphoses
Cenatus solis fabulis? A Symposiastic Reading of Apuleius’ Novel
A Festival of Laughter: Lucius, Milo, and Isis Playing the Game of Hospitium
Social Commentary in the Metamorphoses: Apuleius’ Play with Satire
Playing with Elegy: Tales of Lovers in Books 1 and 2 of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Vigilans somniabar: Some Narrative Uses of Dreams in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Apuleian Ecphraseis: Depiction at Play