1.1.2 Buoyant convection in two dimensions
1.1.3 A basis for three-dimensional modeling of turbulent flows
1.2 The mesoscale and LES limits
1.3 The maintenance of subgrid-scale fluxes
1.3.3 Implications for modeling
1.4 The “terra incognita”
1.4.2 A unified closure concept
1.4.3 The roles of buoyancy and turbulent transport
2 Phenomenological hunts in two-dimensional and stably stratified turbulence
2.2 Computational turbulence
2.3 Two-dimensional turbulence
2.4 Stably stratified turbulence
3 Energy dissipation in large-eddy simulation: dependence on flow structure and effects of eigenvector alignments
3.2 The Smagorinsky–Lilly model parameter
3.3 Field experimental studies of SGS dissipation
3.4 Geometric view of stress–strain rate correlation
3.5 Dissipation from observed alignments
3.6 Discussion and conclusions
4 Dreams of a stratocumulus sleeper
4.2 Why are stratocumulus clouds so prevalent over the easternsubtropical oceans?
4.3 How do stratocumulus clouds interact with the global circulationsof the atmosphere and ocean?
4.4 What determines the entrainment rate at the top of acloudy turbulent layer?
4.5 What are the processes that cause MSCs to break up into shallowcumuli on their western and equatorward boundaries?
4.6 Conclusion: the importance of cloud-scale process-coupling forlarge-scale cloudiness
5 Large-eddy simulations of cloud-topped mixed layers
5.2.1 Setup and initial data
5.2.2 Comparison between LESs and observations
5.2.3 Large-scale truncation
5.3 Sharp-edged framework
5.3.1 Cloud-top interface
5.3.2 Vertical profiles in the sharp-edged coordinate
5.4 Interface properties and stability
5.4.1 Wetness of cloud-top interface
5.4.2 A new CTEI criterion
Part II Mesoscale meteorology
6 Model numerics for convective-storm simulation
6.2 Computational damping in supercell storm simulations
6.3 Higher-order numerics in WRF
6.4 Re-tuning the subgrid turbulence closure
6.5 Resolved spatial scales in WRF forecasts
7 Numerical prediction of thunderstorms: fourteen years later
7.2 Progress in the last fourteen years
7.2.1 Initialization of storm-scale numerical models
7.2.2 Practical predictability experiments
7.2.3 Computing, networking, and data management
7.2.4 Measuring the quality of convective weather forecasts
7.3 Methods of initialization for the convective scale
7.3.1 Simultaneous initialization
7.3.2 Sequential initialization
7.4 Initialization and forecast experiments of a supercell storm
7.4.1 Description of the 29 June 2000 supercell case
7.4.2 Experiments and results
7.5 Conclusions and future directions
8 Tropical cyclone energetics and structure
8.3 Physical constraints on hurricane structure
9 Mountain meteorology and regional climates
9.2 Research tools of mountain airflow dynamics
9.2.1 Observational techniques
9.2.3 Theoretical and conceptual tools
9.3 Flow splitting and gravity wave breaking
9.4 Lapse rates on mountain slopes
9.5 Orographic precipitation and air mass transformation
9.6 Gravity waves and wave drag over complex terrain
10 Dynamic processes contributing to the mesoscale spectrum of atmospheric motions
10.2 Space–time variability of mesoscale meteorological fields
10.3 Observed spectra of mesoscale variability
10.3.1 Frequency spectra of horizontal and vertical velocities
10.3.2 Wavenumber spectra of horizontal velocities
10.3.3 Vertical wavenumber spectra
10.4 Dynamic processes contributing to mesoscale variability
10.4.1 Short-period internal gravity waves
10.4.2 Inertia-gravity waves
10.4.3 Vortical modes and stratified turbulence
10.5 Spectral models for mesoscale atmospheric variabilitybased on internal waves
10.6 Stratified turbulence and mesoscale variability
10.7 Comparison of observed mesoscale spectra with model spectra
10.7.1 Observed vs model spectral amplitudes
10.7.2 Doppler-shifting effects
10.8 The role of topography and convection as a sourceof mesoscale variability
Appendix A Douglas K. Lilly: positions, awards, and students
Scientific and academic positions
Appendix B List of publications by Douglas K. Lilly
Peer-reviewed articles (in chronological order)
Other articles (in chronological order)