Chapter 2 Analysis of manufacturing clues
Compositor study of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century books
Presswork study of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century books
Study of fifteenth-century books
Study of eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century books
Chapter 3 Analysis of design features
Chapter 2: Analysis of manufacturing clues
Chapter 3: Analysis of design features
Further reading: works cited
Theory of bibliographical analysis
History of bibliographical analysis
Biography of analytical bibliographers
Compositor study: identification of printing shops through type and/or font analysis
Compositor study: identification of printing shops or their geographical locations through compositorial practices
Compositor study: identification of individual compositors through examination of their habits in spelling, capitalization, contractions, and punctuation
Compositor study: identification of individual compositors through examination of their habits in setting headings, speech prefixes, and stage directions
Compositor study: identification of individual compositors through examination of their habits in right-margin justification
Compositor study: identification of individual compositors through examination of substitutions of types, turned types, transpositions, and ligatures
Compositor study: identification of individual compositors through examination of composing-stick measures
Compositor study: determination of order of setting pages through analysis of recognizably damaged types (and ornaments and rules), type shortages, lineation, and spacing
Presswork study: analysis of paper
Presswork study: determination of imposition and format
Presswork study: identification of skeleton-formes through running-title and box-rule analysis
Presswork study: analysis of printed signatures
Presswork study: analysis of point-hole positions
Presswork study: determination of first- and second-forme impressions through type-bite evidence
Presswork study: analysis of stop-press alterations and proofreading
Presswork study: analysis of impressions from bearer type and other material not meant to print
Presswork study: analysis of cancels
Presswork study: analysis of printed press figures
Presswork study: identification of impressions through analysis of furniture width
Presswork study: identification of impressions through analysis of plate damage or alteration and of offset slur
Presswork study: identification of impressions through analysis of changes in leading
Study of the production of pictorial material
Study of the production of bindings
Attribution of authorship
Book collecting and provenance research
Book history: history of books in society, including bookselling, librarianship, and reading (see also Book collecting above)
Codicology and palaeography
History of type, paper, illustration, binding, printing, publishing
Textual criticism and scholarly editing