Key Topics in Landscape Ecology ( Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology )

Publication series :Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology

Author: Jianguo Wu; Richard J. Hobbs  

Publisher: Cambridge University Press‎

Publication year: 2007

E-ISBN: 9780511292415

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780521616447

Subject: Q149 Other disciplines of ecology

Keyword: 生态学(生物生态学)

Language: ENG

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Key Topics in Landscape Ecology


Landscape ecology is a relatively new area of study, which aims to understand the pattern of interaction of biological and cultural communities within a landscape. This book brings together leading figures from the field to provide an up-to-date survey of recent advances, identify key research problems and suggest a future direction for development and expansion of knowledge. Providing in-depth reviews of the principles and methods for understanding landscape patterns and changes, the book illustrates concepts with examples of innovative applications from different parts of the world. Forming a current 'state-of-the-science' for the science of landscape ecology, this book forms an essential reference for graduate students, academics, professionals and practitioners in ecology, environmental science, natural resource management, and landscape planning and design.


2.3.6 Data clearing houses

2.4 What we will have soon

2.5 Issues of data quality

2.5.1 Sources of uncertainty in spatial data

2.5.2 Considering uncertainty in landscapemodels

2.6 Needs in data acquisition and quality

2.6.1 Strengthen capacity to collect ground information

2.6.2 Develop key indicators of status and health of landscapes

2.6.3 Design efficient, multi-tiered sampling designs

2.6.4 Design and implement global landscape monitoring programs

2.6.5 Develop efficient tools for strategic ground sampling

2.6.6 Developmethods to share sensitive ground-specific information

2.6.7 Enhance and categorize methods to interpolate/extrapolate point-level data across landscapes

2.6.8 Develop techniques to best acquire and archive information on landscape history

2.6.9 Determine appropriate methods to merge and analyze data acquired at different scales

2.6.10 Efficiently handle increasing volumes of data, with minimal user pre-processing

2.6.11 New GIS technologies needed

2.6.12 Develop and test theory and methods of uncertainty analysis of landscape data

2.6.13 Devise methods so error can be evaluated and broken down into its various components (error budget)

2.6.14 Devise methods to assess the effects of varying data quality and grain size on the outputs of landscape pattern analysis,model simulations, and resultant decisions

2.7 Policy issues related to data acquisition and quality

2.8 Conclusions


3 Landscape pattern analysis: key issues and challenges

3.1 Introduction

3.2 General classification of LPA methods

3.3 Key components of spatial pattern in relation to LPA

3.4 Statistical and ecological assumptions of LPA methods

3.4.1 Statistical assumptions

3.4.2 Relationship between pattern and process

3.4.3 Ecological relevance of categorical data and landscape metrics

3.5 Behavior of LPA methods

3.5.1 Correspondence between landscape measures and pattern attributes

3.5.2 Relationships among LPA methods

3.5.3 Changes of landscape measures with respect to scale

3.6 Limitations and challenges of LPA

3.6.1 Difficulties in interpreting indices

3.6.2 Establishing relationships between pattern and process

3.6.3 Improving prediction based on known spatial heterogeneity

3.6.4 Determining the significance of differences between two landscapes

3.7 Concluding remarks



4 Spatial heterogeneity and ecosystem processes

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Understanding the spatial heterogeneity of process rates

4.3 Influence of land-use legacies

4.4 Lateral fluxes in landscape mosaics

4.5 Linking species and ecosystems

4.6 Concluding comments



5 Landscape heterogeneity and metapopulation dynamics

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Levins’ metapopulation model

5.3 Spatially realistic metapopulation models

5.4 PVA tools based on the metapopulation framework

5.5 Landscape population models

5.5.1 Matrix quality

5.5.2 Matrix heterogeneity

5.5.3 When should population models includematrix quality and heterogeneity?

5.6 Conclusions



6 Determining pattern–process relationships in heterogeneous landscapes

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Methods

6.2.1 Model overview

6.2.2 Corridor generation

6.2.3 Dispersal

6.2.4 Competition

6.2.5 Simulating invasion Truncation effects for different dispersal kernels Structured landscapes Effect of competition Landscape factorial

6.3 Results

6.3.1 Truncation effects for different dispersal kernels

6.3.2 Effect of corridor width and gaps

6.3.3 Effect of competition on invasion

6.3.4 Fractalmaps factorial

6.4 Conclusions and recommendations



7 Scale and scaling: a cross-disciplinary perspective

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Concepts of scale and scaling

7.3 Scale effects, MAUP, and “ecological fallacy"

7.3.1 Characteristic scales and scale effects

7.3.2 The MAUP

7.3.3 The “ecological fallacy"

7.3.4 Towards a more comprehensive understanding of scale effects

7.4 Theory and methods of scaling

7.4.1 The SBS approach Similarity analysis Allometric scaling

7.4.2 The MBS approach Upscaling methods Downscaling methods

7.4.3 Uncertainty analysis

7.5 Discussion and conclusions



8 Optimization of landscape pattern

8.1 Introduction

8.2 State-of-the-science in spatial optimization

8.2.1 Adjacency constraints

8.2.2 Spatial enhancement of the natural reserve-selection models

8.2.3 Direct approaches to spatial optimization

8.2.4 Heuristicmanipulation of simulation models

8.3 Critical research questions

8.3.1 Randomness

8.3.2 Organism movement

8.3.3 Monitoring of spatially explicit plans

8.3.4 Multiple species/community levelmodels

8.3.5 Synthesis

8.4 Conclusion


9 Advances in detecting landscape changes atmultiple scales: examples from northern Australia

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Examples of detecting landscape changes from northern Australia

9.2.1 Source of examples

9.2.2 Defining landscape condition

9.3 Key challenges

9.3.1 Key challenge 1: detecting changes in landscape condition at multiple scales

9.3.2 Key challenge 2: flow-on effects at multiple scales

9.3.3 Key challenge 3: ecological processes driving landscape change

9.4 Summary



10 The preoccupation of landscape research with land use and land cover

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Method

10.3 Results

10.4 Discussion

10.4.1 The Internet survey

10.4.2 Dealing with land use, land cover and change

10.4.3 The context of land, landscape, and countryside

10.4.4 Issues not covered by the Internet survey

10.5 Conclusions: key issues for further integration in landscape ecology


11 Applying landscape-ecological principles to regional conservation: the WildCountry Project in Australia

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Foundation principles

11.2.1 Core areas

11.2.2 TheWildlands Project

11.2.3 Connectivity revisited

11.3 Large-scale connectivity

11.3.1 Trophic relations and interactive species

11.3.2 Hydroecology

11.3.3 Long-distance biological movement

11.3.4 Ecologically appropriate fire regimes

11.3.5 Climate change and variability

11.3.6 Coastal zone fluxes

11.4 Research and development issues

11.4.1 Dispersive fauna

11.4.2 Protected-area and off-reserve management

11.4.3 Fire regimemanagement and social values

11.4.4 Whole-of-landscape conservation planning

11.5 Conclusion



12 Using landscape ecology to make sense of Australia’s last frontier

12.1 Introduction

12.2 The north Australian frontier

12.3 This is not a landscape

12.4 The quadrat is dead

12.5 Landscape models: but “there is no there there"

12.6 Longing and belonging

12.7 Tell me a story

12.8 Unexpected insights: confessions of an empiricist

12.8.1 Shooting sacred buffalo

12.8.2 This is my land

12.9 Conclusion



13 Transferring ecological knowledge to landscape planning: a design method for robust corridors

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Context of the case study

13.3 The development of robust corridors and the implementation in the planning process

13.3.1 Step 1: the translation of basic landscape ecological knowledge into guidelines for single-species corridors

13.3.2 Step 2: integration from single species tomulti-species robust corridors

13.3.3 Step 3: developing tools for the implementation of flexible design rules in the planning process Defining the ambition level Defining the number of ecosystem types in the robust corridor Finding the preferred location Defining the sequence of corridor elements Combining other functions

13.4 Discussion

13.4.1 Contribution to key issues

13.4.2 Further development of the corridor design method Step 1: translating basic species ecology into spatial conditions Step 2: knowledge integration Step 3: flexible design rules

13.4.3 Impact on the planning process


14 Integrative landscape research: facts and challenges

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Methods

14.3 Defining integrative research approaches

14.4 Motivations for integrative landscape studies

14.5 What are we trying to integrate?

14.6 Organizational barriers to integration

14.7 Education and training needs

14.8 Improving the theory base

14.9 Themerit system and the products of integrative research

14.10 Mapping the boundaries of research

14.11 Enhancing integrative landscape ecology research

14.12 Conclusion


PART III Synthesis

15 Landscape ecology: the state-of-the-science

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Two dominant approaches to landscape ecology

15.2.1 The European approach

15.2.2 The North American approach

15.3 The elusive goal of a unified landscape ecology

15.4 Ahierarchical and pluralistic framework for landscape ecology

15.5 Discussion and conclusions


