2.3 Uniform convergence and pointwise convergence
2.4 Weak* convergence of measures
2.6 Weak* convergence of bounded functions
Chapter 3 Harmonic functions in the unit disc
3.1 Series representation of harmonic functions
3.3 Poisson representation of h∞(D) functions
3.4 Poisson representation of hp(D) functions (1
3.5 Poisson representation of h1(D) functions
3.6 Radial limits of hp(D) functions (1 ≤ p≤∞)
3.7 Series representation of the harmonic conjugate
Chapter 4 Logarithmic convexity
4.1 Subharmonic functions
4.2 The maximum principle
4.3 A characterization of subharmonic functions
4.4 Various means of subharmonic functions
4.5 Radial subharmonic functions
4.6 Hardy’s convexity theorem
4.7 A complete characterization of hp(D) spaces
Chapter 5 Analytic functions in theunit disc
5.1 Representation of Hp(D) functions (1 < p ≤ ∞)
5.2 The Hilbert transform on T
5.3 Radial limits of the conjugate function
5.4 The Hilbert transform of C1(T) functions
5.5 Analytic measures on T
5.6 Representations of H1(D) functions
5.7 The uniqueness theorem and its applications
Chapter 6 Norm inequalities for the conjugate function
6.1 Kolmogorov’s theorems
6.2 Harmonic conjugate of h2(D) functions
6.4 The Hilbert transform of bounded functions
6.5 The Hilbert transform of Dini continuous functions
6.6 Zygmund’s L log L theorem
6.7 M. Riesz’s L log L theorem
Chapter 7 Blaschke products and their applications
7.1 Automorphisms of the open unit disc
7.2 Blaschke products for the open unit disc
7.4 Riesz’s decomposition theorem
7.5 Representation of Hp(D) functions (0 < p < 1)
7.6 The canonical factorization in Hp(D) (0 < p ≤ ∞)
7.8 The Hardy and Fej´er–Riesz inequalities
Chapter 8 Interpolating linear operators
8.1 Operators on Lebesgue spaces
8.2 Hadamard’s three-line theorem
8.3 The Riesz–Thorin interpolation theorem
8.4 The Hausdorff–Young theorem
8.5 An interpolation theorem for Hardy spaces
8.6 The Hardy–Littlewood inequality
Chapter 9 The Fourier transform
9.1 Lebesgue spaces on the real line
9.2 The Fourier transform on L1(R)
9.3 The multiplication formula on L1(R)
Chapter 10 Poisson integrals
10.1 An application of the multiplication formula on L1(R)
10.2 The conjugate Poisson kernel
10.3 Approximate identities on R
10.4 Uniform convergence and pointwise convergence
10.5 Weak* convergence of measures
10.7 Weak* convergence of bounded functions
Chapter 11 Harmonic functions in the upper half plane
11.2 Poisson representation for semidiscs
11.3 Poisson representation of h(C+) functions
11.4 Poisson representation of hp(C+) functions (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞)
11.5 A correspondence between C+ and D
11.6 Poisson representation of positive harmonic functions
11.7 Vertical limits of hp(C+) functions (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞)
Chapter 12 The Plancherel transform
12.1 The inversion formula
12.2 The Fourier–Plancherel transform
12.3 The multiplication formula on Lp(R) (1 ≤ p ≤ 2)
12.4 The Fourier transform on Lp(R) (1 ≤ p ≤ 2)
12.5 An application of the multiplication formula on Lp(R) (1 ≤ p ≤ 2)
12.6 A complete characterization of hp(C+) spaces
Chapter 13 Analytic functions in the upper half plane
13.1 Representation of Hp(C+) functions (1
13.2 Analytic measures on R
13.3 Representation of H1(C+) functions
13.4 Spectral analysis of Hp(R) (1 ≤ p ≤ 2)
13.5 A contraction from Hp(C+) into Hp(D)
13.6 Blaschke products for the upper half plane
13.7 The canonical factorization in Hp(C+) (0 < p ≤ ∞)
13.8 A correspondence between Hp(C+) and Hp(D)
Chapter 14 The Hilbert transform on R
14.1 Various definitions of the Hilbert transform
14.2 The Hilbert transform of C1c (R) functions
14.3 Almost everywhere existence of the Hilbert transform
14.4 Kolmogorov’s theorem
14.6 The Hilbert transform of Lipα(t) functions
14.8 The maximal Hilbert transform
Appendix A Topics from real analysis
A.1 A very concise treatment of measure theory
A.2 Riesz representation theorems
A.3 Weak* convergence of measures
A.4 C(T) is dense in Lp(T) (0 < p < ∞)
A.5 The distribution function
A.6 Minkowski’s inequality
Appendix B A panoramic view of the representation theorems