Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Problems ( Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics )

Publication series :Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics

Author: Jan S. Hesthaven; Sigal Gottlieb; David Gottlieb  

Publisher: Cambridge University Press‎

Publication year: 2007

E-ISBN: 9780511257933

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780521792110

Subject: O177.7 spectral theory

Keyword: 数值分析

Language: ENG

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Spectral Methods for Time-Dependent Problems


Spectral methods are well-suited to solve problems modeled by time-dependent partial differential equations: they are fast, efficient and accurate and widely used by mathematicians and practitioners. This class-tested 2007 introduction, the first on the subject, is ideal for graduate courses, or self-study. The authors describe the basic theory of spectral methods, allowing the reader to understand the techniques through numerous examples as well as more rigorous developments. They provide a detailed treatment of methods based on Fourier expansions and orthogonal polynomials (including discussions of stability, boundary conditions, filtering, and the extension from the linear to the nonlinear situation). Computational solution techniques for integration in time are dealt with by Runge-Kutta type methods. Several chapters are devoted to material not previously covered in book form, including stability theory for polynomial methods, techniques for problems with discontinuous solutions, round-off errors and the formulation of spectral methods on general grids. These will be especially helpful for practitioners.


1.3 Further reading

2 Trigonometric polynomial approximation

2.1 Trigonometric polynomial expansions

2.1.1 Differentiation of the continuous expansion

2.2 Discrete trigonometric polynomials

2.2.1 The even expansion

2.2.2 The odd expansion

2.2.3 A first look at the aliasing error

2.2.4 Differentiation of the discrete expansions

2.3 Approximation theory for smooth functions

2.3.1 Results for the continuous expansion

2.3.2 Results for the discrete expansion

2.4 Further reading

3 Fourier spectral methods

3.1 Fourier–Galerkin methods

3.2 Fourier–collocation methods

3.3 Stability of the Fourier–Galerkin method

3.4 Stability of the Fourier–collocation method for hyperbolic problems I

3.5 Stability of the Fourier–collocation method for hyperbolic problems II

3.6 Stability for parabolic equations

3.7 Stability for nonlinear equations

3.8 Further reading

4 Orthogonal polynomials

4.1 The general Sturm–Liouville problem

4.2 Jacobi polynomials

4.2.1 Legendre polynomials

4.2.2 Chebyshev polynomials

4.2.3 Ultraspherical polynomials

4.3 Further reading

5 Polynomial expansions

5.1 The continuous expansion

5.1.1 The continuous legendre expansion

5.1.2 The continuous Chebyshev expansion

5.2 Gauss quadrature for ultraspherical polynomials

5.2.1 Quadrature for Legendre polynomials

5.2.2 Quadrature for Chebyshev polynomials

5.3 Discrete inner products and norms

5.4 The discrete expansion

5.4.1 The discrete Legendre expansion

5.4.2 The discrete Chebyshev expansion

5.4.3 On Lagrange interpolation, electrostatics, and the Lebesgue constant

5.5 Further reading

6 Polynomial approximation theory for smooth functions

6.1 The continuous expansion

6.2 The discrete expansion

6.3 Further reading

7 Polynomial spectral methods

7.1 Galerkin methods

7.2 Tau methods

7.3 Collocation methods

7.4 Penalty method boundary conditions

8 Stability of polynomial spectral methods

8.1 The Galerkin approach

8.2 The collocation approach

8.3 Stability of penalty methods

8.4 Stability theory for nonlinear equations

8.5 Further reading

9 Spectral methods for nonsmooth problems

9.1 The Gibbs phenomenon

9.2 Filters

9.2.1 A first look at filters and their use

9.2.2 Filtering Fourier spectral methods

9.2.3 The use of filters in polynomial methods

9.2.4 Approximation theory for filters

9.3 The resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon

9.4 Linear equations with discontinuous solutions

9.5 Further reading

10 Discrete stability and time integration

10.1 Stability of linear operators

10.1.1 Eigenvalue analysis

10.1.2 Fully discrete analysis

10.2 Standard time integration schemes

10.2.1 Multi-step schemes

10.2.2 Runge–Kutta schemes

10.3 Strong stability preserving methods

10.3.1 SSP theory

10.3.2 SSP methods for linear operators

10.3.3 Optimal SSP Runge–Kutta methods for nonlinear problems

10.3.4 SSP multi-step methods

10.4 Further reading

11 Computational aspects

11.1 Fast computation of interpolation and differentiation

11.1.1 Fast Fourier transforms

11.1.2 The even-odd decomposition

11.2 Computation of Gaussian quadrature points and weights

11.3 Finite precision effects

11.3.1 Finite precision effects in Fourier methods

11.3.2 Finite precision in polynomial methods

11.4 On the use of mappings

11.4.1 Local refinement using Fourier methods

11.4.2 Mapping functions for polynomial methods

11.5 Further reading

12 Spectral methods on general grids

12.1 Representing solutions and operators on general grids

12.2 Penalty methods

12.2.1 Galerkin methods

12.2.2 Collocation methods

12.2.3 Generalizations of penalty methods

12.3 Discontinuous Galerkin methods

12.4 Further reading

Appendix A Elements of convergence theory

Appendix B A zoo of polynomials

B.1 Legendre polynomials

B.1.1 The Legendre expansion

B.1.2 Recurrence and other relations

B.1.3 Special values

B.1.4 Operators

B.2 Chebyshev polynomials

B.2.1 The Chebyshev expansion

B.2.2 Recurrence and other relations

B.2.3 Special values

B.2.4 Operators



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