Bayesian Nonparametrics ( Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics )

Publication series :Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics

Author: Nils Lid Hjort; Chris Holmes; Peter Müller  

Publisher: Cambridge University Press‎

Publication year: 2010

E-ISBN: 9780511669262

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780521513463

Subject: O212.8 Bayesian statistics

Keyword: 概率论与数理统计

Language: ENG

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Bayesian Nonparametrics


Bayesian nonparametrics works - theoretically, computationally. The theory provides highly flexible models whose complexity grows appropriately with the amount of data. Computational issues, though challenging, are no longer intractable. All that is needed is an entry point: this intelligent book is the perfect guide to what can seem a forbidding landscape. Tutorial chapters by Ghosal, Lijoi and Prünster, Teh and Jordan, and Dunson advance from theory, to basic models and hierarchical modeling, to applications and implementation, particularly in computer science and biostatistics. These are complemented by companion chapters by the editors and Griffin and Quintana, providing additional models, examining computational issues, identifying future growth areas, and giving links to related topics. This coherent text gives ready access both to underlying principles and to state-of-the-art practice. Specific examples are drawn from information retrieval, NLP, machine vision, computational biology, biostatistics, and bioinformatics.


1 Bayesian nonparametric methods: motivation and ideas

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Bayesian choices

1.3 Decision theory

1.4 Asymptotics

1.5 General posterior inference

1.6 Discussion


2 The Dirichlet process, related priors and posterior asymptotics

2.1 Introduction

2.2 The Dirichlet process

2.2.1 Motivation

2.2.2 Construction of the Dirichlet process\sindexDirichlet process!construction

Naive construction

Construction using a countable generator

Construction by normalization

2.2.3 Properties

Moments and marginal distribution

Linear functionals


Posterior mean

Limits of the posterior

Lack of smoothness

Negative correlation




Limit types

Dirichlet samples and ties

Sethuraman stick-breaking representation

Mutual singularity

Tail of a Dirichlet process

2.3 Priors related to the Dirichlet process

2.3.1 Mixtures of Dirichlet processes

2.3.2 Dirichlet process mixtures

2.3.3 Hierarchical Dirichlet processes

2.3.4 Invariant and conditioned Dirichlet processes

2.4 Posterior consistency

2.4.1 Motivation and implications

2.4.2 Doob's theorem

2.4.3 Instances of inconsistency

2.4.4 Approaches to consistency

2.4.5 Schwartz's theory

Kullback–Leibler property

Bounding the numerator

Uniformly consistent tests

Entropy and sieves

2.4.6 Density estimation

Dirichlet mixtures

Gaussian processes

Pólya tree processes

2.4.7 Semiparametric applications

2.4.8 Non-i.i.d. observations

2.4.9 Sieve-free approaches

Martingale method

Power-posterior distribution

2.5 Convergence rates of posterior distributions

2.5.1 Motivation, description and consequences

2.5.2 General theory

Prior concentration rate

Entropy and tests


2.5.3 Applications

Optimal rates using brackets

Finite-dimensional models

Log-spline priors

Dirichlet mixtures

Gaussian processes

2.5.4 Misspecified models

2.5.5 Non-i.i.d. extensions

2.6 Adaptation and model selection

2.6.1 Motivation and description

2.6.2 Infinite-dimensional normal models

2.6.3 General theory of Bayesian adaptation

2.6.4 Density estimation using splines

2.6.5 Bayes factor consistency

2.7 Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

2.7.1 Parametric Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

2.7.2 Nonparametric Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

2.7.3 Semiparametric Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

2.7.4 Nonexistence of Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

2.8 Concluding remarks


3 Models beyond the Dirichlet process

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Exchangeability assumption

3.1.2 A concise account of completely random measures

3.2 Models for survival analysis

3.2.1 Neutral-to-the-right priors

3.2.2 Priors for cumulative hazards: the beta process

3.2.3 Priors for hazard rates

3.3 General classes of discrete nonparametric priors

3.3.1 Normalized random measures with independent increments

3.3.2 Exchangeable partition probability function

3.3.3 Poisson–Kingman models and Gibbs-type priors

3.3.4 Species sampling models

3.4 Models for density estimation

3.4.1 Mixture models

3.4.2 Pólya trees

3.5 Random means

3.6 Concluding remarks


4 Further models and applications

4.1 Beta processes for survival and event history models

4.1.1 Construction and interpretation

4.1.2 Transitions and Markov processes

4.1.3 Hazard regression models

4.1.4 Semiparametric competing risks models

4.2 Quantile inference

4.3 Shape analysis

4.4 Time series with nonparametric correlation function

4.5 Concluding remarks

4.5.1 Bernshteǐn–von Mises theorems

4.5.2 Mixtures of beta processes

4.5.3 Bayesian kriging

4.5.4 From nonparametric Bayes to parametric survival models


5 Hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric models with applications

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Hierarchical Dirichlet processes

5.2.1 Stick-breaking construction

5.2.2 Chinese restaurant franchise

5.2.3 Posterior structure of the HDP

5.2.4 Applications of the HDP

Information retrieval

Multipopulation haplotype phasing

Topic modeling

5.3 Hidden Markov models with infinite state spaces

5.3.1 Applications of the HDP-HMM

Speaker diarization

Word segmentation

Trees and grammars

5.4 Hierarchical Pitman–Yor processes

5.4.1 Pitman–Yor processes

5.4.2 Hierarchical Pitman–Yor processes

5.4.3 Applications of the hierarchical Pitman–Yor process

5.5 The beta process and the Indian buffet process

5.5.1 The beta process and the Bernoulli process

5.5.2 The Indian buffet process

5.5.3 Stick-breaking constructions

5.5.4 Hierarchical beta processes

5.5.5 Applications of the beta process

Sparse latent variable models

Relational models

5.6 Semiparametric models

5.6.1 Hierarchical DPs with random effects

5.6.2 Analysis of densities and transformed DPs

5.7 Inference for hierarchical Bayesian nonparametric models

5.7.1 Inference for hierarchical Dirichlet processes

Chinese restaurant franchise sampler

Posterior representation sampler

5.7.2 Inference for HDP hidden Markov models

5.7.3 Inference for beta processes

5.7.4 Inference for hierarchical beta processes

5.8 Discussion


6 Computational issues arising in Bayesian nonparametric hierarchical models

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Construction of finite-dimensional measures on observables

6.3 Recent advances in computation for Dirichlet process mixture models


7 Nonparametric Bayes applications to biostatistics

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Hierarchical modeling with Dirichlet process priors

7.2.1 Illustration for simple repeated measurement models

7.2.2 Posterior computation

7.2.3 General random effects models

7.2.4 Latent factor regression models

7.3 Nonparametric Bayes functional data analysis

7.3.1 Background

7.3.2 Basis functions and clustering

7.3.3 Functional Dirichlet process

7.3.4 Kernel-based approaches

7.3.5 Joint modeling

7.4 Local borrowing of information and clustering

7.5 Borrowing information across studies and centers

7.6 Flexible modeling of conditional distributions

7.6.1 Motivation

7.6.2 Dependent Dirichlet processes

7.6.3 Kernel-based approaches

7.6.4 Conditional distribution modeling through DPMs

7.6.5 Reproductive epidemiology application

7.7 Bioinformatics

7.7.1 Modeling of differential gene expression

7.7.2 Analyzing polymorphisms and haplotypes

7.7.3 New species discovery

7.8 Nonparametric hypothesis testing

7.9 Discussion


8 More nonparametric Bayesian models for biostatistics

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Random partitions

8.3 Pólya trees

8.4 More DDP models

8.4.1 The ANOVA DDP

8.4.2 Classification with DDP models

8.5 Other data formats

8.6 An R package for nonparametric Bayesian inference

8.7 Discussion


Author index

Subject index

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