Cellular Neural Networks and Visual Computing :Foundations and Applications

Publication subTitle :Foundations and Applications

Author: Leon O. Chua; Tamas Roska  

Publisher: Cambridge University Press‎

Publication year: 2002

E-ISBN: 9780511033025

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780521652476

Subject: TP183 Calculation with Artificial Neural Network

Keyword: 计算机的应用

Language: ENG

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Cellular Neural Networks and Visual Computing


Cellular Nonlinear/neural Network (CNN) technology is both a revolutionary concept and an experimentally proven new computing paradigm. Analogic cellular computers based on CNNs are set to change the way analog signals are processed and are paving the way to an analog computing industry. This unique undergraduate level textbook includes many examples and exercises, including CNN simulator and development software accessible via the Internet. It is an ideal introduction to CNNs and analogic cellular computing for students, researchers and engineers from a wide range of disciplines. Although its prime focus is on visual computing, the concepts and techniques described in the book will be of great interest to those working in other areas of research including modeling of biological, chemical and physical processes. Leon Chua, co-inventor of the CNN, and Tamás Roska are both highly respected pioneers in the field.


2.2.6 Synaptic signal flow graph representation

3 Characteristics and analysis of simple CNN templates

3.1 Two case studies: the EDGE and EDGEGRAY templates

3.1.1 The EDGE CNN

EDGE: binary edge detection template


EDGEGRAY: gray-scale edge detection template

3.2 Three quick steps for sketching the shifted DP plot

3.3 Some other useful templates

3.3.1 CORNER: convex corner detection template

3.3.2 THRESHOLD: gray-scale to binary threshold template

3.3.3 FILBLACK and FILWHITE templates

FILBLACK: Gray-scale to black CNN

FILWHITE: Gray-scale to white CNN

3.3.4 LOGNOT: Logic NOT and set complementation…

3.3.5 LOGOR: Logic OR and set union (disjunction) template

3.3.6 LOGAND: Logic AND and set intersection (conjunction) template

3.3.7 LOGDIF: Logic difference and relative set complement (P \ P = P – P) template

3.3.8 SHIFT: Translation (by 1 pixel-unit) template

3.3.9 CONTOUR-1: Contour detection template

3.3.10 EROSION: Peel-if-it-doesn’t-fit Template

3.3.11 DILATION: Grow-until-it-fits template

4 Simulation of the CNN dynamics


4.1 Integration of the standard CNN differential equation

4.2 Image input

4.3 Software simulation

4.4 Digital hardware accelerators

4.5 Analog CNN implementations

4.6 Scaling the signals

4.7 Discrete-time CNN (DTCNN)

5 Binary CNN characterization via Boolean functions

5.1 Binary and universal CNN truth table

5.2 Boolean and compressed local rules

Computer-aided method for proving local rules

5.3 Optimizing the truth table

6 Uncoupled CNNs: unified theoryand applications

6.1 The complete stability phenomenon

6.2 Explicit CNN output formula

6.3 Proof of completely stable CNN theorem

6.4 The primary CNN mosaic

6.5 Explicit formula for transient waveform and settling time

6.6 Which local Boolean functions are realizable by uncoupled CNNs?

6.7 Geometrical interpretations

6.8 How to design uncoupled CNNs with prescribed Boolean functions

6.9 How to realize non-separable local Boolean functions?

7 Introduction to the CNN Universal Machine

7.1 Global clock and global wire

7.2 Set inclusion

7.3 Translation of sets and binary images

7.4 Opening and closing and implementing anymorphological operator

7.5 Implementing any prescribed Boolean transition function by not more than 256 templates

7.6 Minimizing the number of templates when implementing any possible Boolean transition function

7.7 Analog-to-digital array converter

8 Back to basics: Nonlinear dynamics and complete stability

8.1 A glimpse of things to come

8.2 An oscillatory CNN with only two cells

8.3 A chaotic CNN with only two cells and one sinusoidal input

8.4 Symmetric A template implies complete stability

8.5 Positive and sign-symmetric A template implies complete stability

8.6 Positive and cell-linking A template implies complete stability

8.7 Stability of some sign-antisymmetric CNNs

A Appendix to Chapter 8

LaSalle’s invariance principle

9 The CNN Universal Machine (CNN-UM)

9.1 The architecture

9.1.1 The extended standard CNN universal cell

9.1.2 The global analogic programming unit (GAPU)

Why stored programmability is possible?

9.2 A simple example in more detail

9.3 A very simple example on the circuit level

The task

The steps of the solution

The flow diagram of the algorithm and the templates

The macro code of the algorithm

The functional circuit level schematics of an extended cell

The content of the global analogic programming unit (GAPU)

9.4 Language, compiler, operating system

10 Template design tools

10.1 Various design techniques

10.2 Binary representation, linear separability, and simple decomposition

10.3 Template optimization

10.4 Template decomposition techniques

11 CNNs for linear image processing

11.1 Linear image processing with B templates is equivalent to spatial convolution with FIR kernels

11.2 Spatial frequency characterization

11.3 A primer on properties and applications of discrete-space Fourier transform (DSFT)

11.4 Linear image processing with A and B templates is equivalent to spatial convolution with IIR kernels

12 Coupled CNN with linear synaptic weights

12.1 Active and inactive cells, dynamic local rules

Dynamic local rules (DLC)

12.2 Binary activation pattern and template format

12.3 A simple propagating type example with B/W symmetrical rule

12.3.1 Global task

12.3.2 Local rules and binary activation pattern

12.3.3 Template type and template form

12.3.4 System of inequalities and optimal solution

12.4 The connectivity problem

12.4.1 Global task

12.4.2 Local rules and binary activation pattern

12.4.3 Template type and template form

12.4.4 System of inequalities and optimal solution

13 Uncoupled standard CNNs with nonlinear synaptic weights

13.1 Dynamic equations and DP plot

Gray-scale contour detector

14 Standard CNNs with delayed synaptic weights and motion analysis

14.1 Dynamic equations

14.2 Motion analysis – discrete time and continuous time image acquisition

Generating the difference picture in continuous time mode

15 Visual microprocessors – analog and digital VLSI implementation of the CNN Universal Machine

15.1 The analog CNN core

15.2 Analogic CNN-UM cell

15.3 Emulated digital implementation

15.4 The visual microprocessor and its computational infrastructure

15.5 Computing power comparison

16 CNN models in the visual pathwayand the ‘‘Bionic Eye”

16.1 Receptive field organization, synaptic weights, and cloning template

16.2 Some prototype elementary functions and CNN models of the visual pathway

The triad synapse action

Directional selectivity

Length tuning

Orientation selectivity

A simple visual illusion

16.3 A simple qualitative ‘‘engineering” model of a vertebrate retina

The cell prototype

Some synapse types (S)

Receptive field organization types (RF)

Multilayer CNN for receptive field interactions

The structure of a prototype retinal model

16.4 The ‘‘Bionic Eye” implemented on a CNN Universal Machine


1 Introduction

2 Notations, definitions, and mathematical foundation

3 Characteristics and analysis of simple CNN templates

4 Simulation of the CNN dynamics

5 Binary CNN characterization via Boolean functions

6 Uncoupled CNNs: unified theory and applications

7 Introduction to the CNN universal machine

8 Back to basics: Nonlinear dynamics and complete stability

9 The CNN universal machine (CNN-UM)

10 Template design tools

11 CNNs for linear image processing

12 Coupled CNN with linear synaptic weights

13 Uncoupled standard CNNs with nonlinear synaptic weights

14 Standard CNNs with delayed synaptic weights and motion analysis

15 Visual microprocessors – analog and digital VLSI implementation of the CNN universal machine

16 CNN models in the visual pathway and the ‘‘Bionic Eye”









Chapter 2

Exercise 2.1 (Simple morph)

Exercise 2.2 (Hexagonal neighborhood)

Exercise 2.3 (Triangular neighborhood)

Chapter 3

Exercise 3.1 (Separate connected objects)

Exercise 3.2 (EDGE–CORNERDETECTION comparison)

Exercise 3.3 (Main group of points)

Chapter 5

Exercise 5.1 (Truth table)

Exercise 5.2 (Boolean function)

Chapter 6

Exercise 6.1 (Crossword puzzle endings)

Chapter 8

Exercise 8.1 (Dynamic construction of a grid)

Exercise 8.2 (Reaction–diffusion equations)

Exercise 8.3 (Surface interpolation)

Exercise 8.4 (Black pixel count)

Exercise 8.5 (Second-order oscillator)

Chapter 9

Exercise 9.1 (Roughness measurement)

Exercise 9.2 (Local concavity)

Exercise 9.3 (Concavity orientation)

Exercise 9.4 (Improved concavity orientation)

Exercise 9.5 (Curvature)

Exercise 9.6 (Absolute value)

Exercise 9.7 (X and O segmentation)

Exercise 9.8 (QCA simulation)

Chapter 10

Exercise 10.1 (Template design)

Chapter 12

Exercise 12.1 (Distance classification)

Exercise 12.2 (Arc detection)

Exercise 12.3 (Detect forks)

Exercise 12.4 (Locate small ellipses)

Chapter 13

Exercise 13.1 (Linear morph)

Exercise 13.3 (Limit set)

Exercise 13.4 (Chaotic cell)


Appendix A: TEMLIB, a CNN Template Library

Appendix B: TEMPO, template optimization tools

Appendix C: CANDY, a simulator for CNN templates and analogic CNN algorithms


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