2 The effect of grain shape and density on size measurement
Interaction of shape andmeasurement technique
Comparison of shape effects onsieving and settling
Measured differences in sievingand settling
Effect of sieve and settlinganalyses on size distributions
3 The effect of pretreatment on size analysis
Estimates of aggregate frequencyof occurrence
Size of aggregates and theirdispersed equivalent
Characteristics of aggregateparticles in the Yukon River
4 Principles, design, and calibration of settling tubes
Settling velocity and grain size
Settling tube technology, accuracy,and precision
Sieve diameter versus settlingdiameter
5 Methodology of sieving small samples and calibration of sieve set
The influence of sieving time
Reproducibility of sieving fordifferent sample sizes
6 Image analysis method of grain size measurement
Number of grains per sample
Blend of quality and speed
Simultaneous size and shape
7 Quantitative grain form analysis
Grain form and shaperelationships
Perimeter angular decompositionby Fourier series and relatedanalysis
Practical use of Fourier radial linemethod
Problems with Fourier methods
Scale estimates of perimeter length
Extension of shape measurefractals into three dimensions
Fractal-Euclidean transitions
New technology in grain formanalysis
8 Electroresistance particle size analyzers
Modifications to glassware
Sample materials and preparation
Inorganic suspended sediment
9 Laser diffraction size analysis
Principles of laser diffractionsize analysis
Problems with geological samples
Methods and sample analyses
Reproducibility of results
Comparison with Coulter Counter:
Resolution of polymodal standards
Discussion and conclusion
Theoretical basis of x-ray sensing
Physical description of theSediGraph
Assessment of the accuracy andprecision of the results
Effect of the container wall
Effect of the stirring mechanism
Merging of SediGraph data
11 Size, shape, composition, and structure of microparticles from light scattering
How light scattering occurs
Models of light scattering
Characteristics of scattered light
Light scattering by spheres: Effectsof size and refractive index
Determination of size and refractiveindex of spheres
Light scattering by nonspheres:Effects of shape, structure, andorientation
Characterization of nonsphericaland nonhomogeneous particles
12 Textural maturity of arenaceous rocks derived by microscopic grain size analysis in thin section
Comprehensive textural formula
Application of the comprehensivetextural coefficient
13 Interlaboratory, interinstrument calibration experiment
Grain size and calibrationstandards
IUGS-COS "precision"experiment
IUGS-COS "accuracy" experiment
Preparation of the silt standards
Number frequency distributions
Appendix: IUGS-COSparticipatinginstruments
Coulter Counter: A resistance pulseanalyzer (RPA)
SediGraph: X-ray attenuation
Malvern laser particle sizer
Galai CIS-1 (computerized inspectionsystem)
Lumosed photosedimentometer
14 In situ size measurements of suspended particles in estuarine and coastal waters using laser diffraction
Sources of particles in estuarineand coastal waters
Estuarine and coastal particlecharacteristics
Effects of particle characteristicson transport processes
The need for in situ sizedeterminations
In situ laser diffraction particlesizing
The laser diffraction technique
Application of laser diffraction toestuarine particle sizing
15 The Floe Camera Assembly
Floe Camera Assembly (FCA)design
FCA profile configuration
Settling velocity configuration
The data and data reduction
Comparison of FCA data toconventional analysis
Size frequency distributions
IV Data interpretation and manipulation
16 Suite statistics: The hydrodynamic evolution of the sediment pool
17 The hyperbolic distribution
The distribution and its parameters
Applications in sedimentology
18 Factor analysis of size frequency distributions: Significance of factor solutions based on simulation experiments
Q-mode factor analysis described
Summary of simulationexperiments
Implications for real data sets
19 Experimental-theoretical approach to interpretation of grain size frequency distributions
Observations on ancient andmodern fluviatile sediments
20 Application of suite statistics to stratigraphy and sea-level changes
21 Application of size sequence data to glacial-paraglacial sediment transport and sediment partitioning
Paraglacial sedimentation
Glacial versus paraglacial denudationrates
Early Holocene glaciofluvial sediments
Mid to late Holocene raised deltaicsediments
Temporary transport deposits
Modern alluvial channel sediments
Modern prodelta sediments
Modern fjord basin sediments
Trends in sequence size frequencydistributions
Mass balance of prodelta andmarine basin sediments
Suspended sediment mass balance
Bedload sediment mass balance
Temporal changes in megasequencemass balance
22 The use of grain sizeinformation in marinegeochemistry*
Effects of mineralogy on chemistryof different size classes:Geochemistry of suspended andbottom sediments in a glacialfjord
Textural and geochemical propertiesas provenance indicators: Distalturbidites in the Madeira AbyssalPlain
Carbonate-rich turbidites
Discrimination between detritalcharacteristics and chemicalprocesses: Depositional fadesand diagenesis in a continentalshelf basin
23 Grain size inoceanography
Suspended paniculate matter
Floc-grain-settling model
24 The need for grain sizeanalyses in marinegeotechnical studies
Grain size variation in marinesettings