2 Psychosocial screening and selection of candidates for organ transplantation
Patient selection – medical issues
Rationale for psychosocial screening
Characteristics of psychosocial screening
Instruments for psychosocial screening
Standardized psychological tests in transplant patient evaluation
Screening and the Americans with Disabilities Act
3 Psychosocial issues in living organ donation
Predonation psychosocial issues
Postdonation physical and psychosocial issues
Bone marrow donation outcomes
Conclusions and future research directions
4 Quality of life in organ transplantation: effects on adult recipients and their families
Quality of life and its measurement
QOL studies included in the present review
A general summary of recipient QOL studies
Does QOL improve from pre- to post-transplantation?
Is QOL in transplant recipients better than QOL in other similarly ill patient comparison samples?
Is QOL in transplant recipients similar to or better than QOL in healthy samples?
Methodologic issues affecting study results
What effect does transplantation have on the QOL of recipients’ families?
Perceived burdens of the transplantation experience on family members
Quality of life in transplant recipients’ family members
General summary and conclusions
5 Quality of life of geriatric patients following transplantation: short- and long-term outcomes
Quality of life of geriatric patients following transplantation
6 Cognitive assessment in organ transplantation
Procedure for conducting a cognitive assessment
Combined standardized and specialized batteries
Modality-specific evaluation
Cognition in relation to psychopathology
Alcohol and drug abuse effects on cognition
Neurodevelopmental disorder
Neurologic disease effects on cognition
Iatrogenic effects on cognition
Motivation effects on cognition
Malingering and deception
General physical fitness and cognition
Cognitive capacity and cognitive style
Functional organization of the cortex
Organ–system interactions
Cognitive deficit in patients presenting for organ transplantation
Attention and concentration
Ecologically valid neuropsychologic assessment
Computer interactive evaluation
Neuropsychologic change associated with organ transplantation
Cognition and development
7 Pharmacologic issues in organ transplantation: psychopharmacology and neuropsychiatric medication side effects
General issues in organ insufficiency
Neuropsychiatric issues with immunosuppressants
Cellcept (mycophenolate mofetil)
Neuropsychiatric issues with antiinfections agents
Penicillins and cephalosporins
8 Alcoholism and organ transplantation
Pretransplantation issues
Selection for transplantation
Liver transplantation selection criteria and pre-transplantation length of sobriety requirements
Heart transplantation selection criteria
Candidate selection instruments
Post-transplantation issues
Post-transplantation outcome and survival
Liver transplantation – post-OLTX survival
Defining relapse in post-OLTX alcoholic cirrhotics
Monitoring post-OLTX alcohol use for alcoholic cirrhotics
Predictors of post-OLTX alcohol use
Post-transplant alcohol-related morbidity and mortality
Heart transplant alcohol-related morbidity and mortality
9 Ethics and images in organ transplantation
The justification for transplantation
Is the donor really dead?
Donors whose life is not-life
Social justice and organ transplantation
Images and ethical problems
10 Psychoneuroimmunology and organ transplantation: theory and practice
Psychoneuroimmune communication
Behavioral aspects of psychoimmune interaction
Psychiatric disorders and immunity
Endocrine regulators of immunity
Neuropharmacology and allograft rejection
Clinical effects of psychotropic medications in the transplant patient population
11 Pediatric transplantation
Pretransplantation evaluation
Transplantation hospitalization
Post-transplant follow-up
12 Current trends and new developments in transplantation
Possible solutions to improving organ donation
Increased public awareness
Use of minority requesters for donor recruitment
Widening organ donor criteria
Use of nonheart beating donors
The use of non-related living donors
Financial incentives to potential organ donor families
New immunosuppressive agents
Intestinal transplantation
Pancreas and islet cell transplantation
Central themes in transplantation