Chapter 2 Introduction to ultrasound
Ultrasound waves and tissue interaction
Ultrasound machine controls
Tissue appearance under ultrasound
Acoustic enhancement artifact
Chapter 3 Application of ultrasound in regional anesthesia
Physician and patient positioning
Local anesthetic injection
Section 2 Upper extremity peripheral nerve blocks
Chapter 4 Upper extremity anatomy forregional anesthesia
Chapter 5 Interscalene brachial plexus block
Superficial cervical plexus
Orienting structure carotid artery
Orienting structure subclavian artery
Side effects and complications
Recurrent laryngeal nerve block
Local anesthetic injection
s clinical practice
Chapter 6 Supraclavicular brachial plexus block
Orienting structure subclavian artery (Figure 6.1)
Side effects and complications
Local anesthetic injection
s clinical practice
Chapter 7 Infraclavicular brachial plexus block
Introduction and specific anatomy
Orienting structure axillary artery
Side effects and complications
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Block of the intercostobrachial nerve
Authors clinical practice
Chapter 8 Axillary peripheral nerve blocks
Introduction and specific anatomy
Side effects and complications
Orienting structure axillary artery
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Block of the musculocutaneous nerve
Block of the intercostobrachial nerve
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 9 Additional upper extremity peripheral nerve blocks
Superficial Cervical Plexus Block
Authors´ clinical practice
Suprascapular nerve block
Authors´ clinical practice
Authors´ clinical practice
Section 3 Lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks
Chapter 10 Lower extremity anatomy for regional anesthesia
Chapter 11 Sciatic nerve block proximal approaches
Introduction and specific anatomy
The sciatic nerve and branches
Orienting structure (subgluteal approach) the greater trochanter (femur) and fascia
Anterior sciatic approach
Orienting structure (anterior sciatic approach) the lesser trochanter (femur)
Side effects and complications
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Anterior sciatic approach
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 12 Sciatic nerve block lateral popliteal fossa/distal thigh approach
Introduction and specific anatomy
Sciatic nerve and branches
Orienting structure popliteal artery and biceps femoris muscle
Side effects and complications
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Transsartorial (perifemoral) approach
Transsartorial (distal thigh) approach
Authors clinical practice
Chapter 13 Femoral peripheral nerve block
Introduction and specific anatomy
Orienting structure femoral artery (Figure 13.7)
Side effects and complications
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Authors clinical practice
Chapter 14 Ultrasound-assisted ankle block
Introduction and specific anatomy
The tibial nerve (posterior tibial nerve)
The superficial peroneal nerve
Orienting structure the posterior tibial artery (Figure 14.2)
Orienting structure the anterior tibial/dorsalis pedis artery (Figure 14.4)
Side effects and complications
The tibial nerve (posterior tibial nerve)
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
The superficial peroneal nerve, sural nerve, and saphenous nerve
Authors clinical practice
Section 4 Peripheral perineural catheters
Chapter 15 Introduction to continuous perineural catheters
Benefits of continuous perineural catheters
Indications and selection criteria for perineural catheter placement
Infectious risk of perineural catheters
Catheter placement and securing
Set-up for unassisted catheter placement
Infusion and dosing regimen selection
Discharge instructions and follow-up care
Catheter removal and pump disposal/return
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 16 Interscalene continuous perineural catheter
Ultrasound anatomy review
Orienting structure carotid artery (Figure 16.1)
Patient and equipment preparation
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Confirmation of catheter position
Securing and dressing the catheter site
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 17 Supraclavicular continuous perineural catheter
Ultrasound anatomy review
Orienting structure subclavian artery (Figure 17.1)
Patient and equipment preparation
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Confirmation of catheter position
Securing and dressing the catheter site
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 18 Infraclavicular continuous perineural catheter
Ultrasound anatomy review
Orienting structure axillary artery (Figure 18.1)
Patient and equipment preparation
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Confirmation of catheter position
Securing and dressing the catheter at the skin
Authors´ clinical practice
Chapter 19 Sciatic continuous perineural catheters proximal and lateral popliteal fossa
Ultrasound anatomy review
Distal thigh (lateral popliteal fossa) approach
Orienting structure (distal thigh approach) popliteal artery and biceps femoris muscle (Figures 19.1 and 19.2)
Orienting structure (subgluteal approach) the greater trochanter (femur) and fascia (Figure 19.3)
Patient and equipment preparation
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Confirmation of catheter position
Securing the catheter at the skin
Authors' clinical practice
Chapter 20 Femoral continuous perineural catheter
Ultrasound anatomy review
Orienting structure femoral artery (Figure 20.1)
Patient and equipment preparation
Local anesthetic injection and needle repositioning
Confirmation of catheter position
Securing and dressing the catheter at the skin
Authors' clinical practice