3.4.2 Correlation coefficient
3.4.3 Channel coherent bandwidth
3.4.4 Doppler spread and channel coherent time
3.4.5 Angle spread and coherent distance
3.5 Propagation mechanisms
3.5.1 Reflection and refraction
3.6.1 Tropospheric effects
3.6.2 Ionospheric effects
4 Cellular and multiple-user systems
4.1.2 Increasing capacity of cellular networks
4.1.3 Interference in multiuser systems
Adjacent channel interference
Intermodulation interference
Intercarrier interference
4.2 Multiple access techniques
4.2.1 Duplexing: FDD versus TDD
4.3 Random multiple access
4.3.2 Carrier-sense multiple access
Digital sense multiple access
4.4 Erlang capacity in uplink
Erlang C model in CDMA systems
4.5 Protocol design for wireless networks
4.5.1 Layered protocol design
Physical layer design for TDMA systems
Physical layer design for CDMA systems
Resource-allocation techniques
Principles of basic location techniques
Types of location systems
5.2 Combining multiple signals
5.2.1 Selection diversity
Influence of correlation branches
5.2.2 Maximum ratio combining
Ergodic error probability
Influence of correlation branches
5.2.3 Equal gain combining
Influence of correlated branches
Performance of various diversity combiners with CCI
Performance of optimum combining with CCI
5.3.1 Open-loop transmit diversity
5.3.2 Closed-loop transmit diversity
5.4.2 Multiuser diversity versus classical diversity
Opportunistic beamforming
6 Channel estimation and equalization
6.1.1 Adaptive channel estimation
6.1.2 Blind channel estimation
6.2.1 Optimum sequence detection
Maximum-likelihood sequence estimation
Symbol-by-symbol MAP detector
6.2.3 Decision-feedback equalizers
6.2.6 Frequency-domain equalizers
6.3.1 Raised-cosine filtering
6.3.2 Root-raised-cosine filtering
7 Modulation and detection
7.1.1 Amplitude modulation
7.1.2 Phase modulation and frequency modulation
7.2 Introduction to digital modulation
7.2.1 Signal space diagram
7.2.2 Demodulation and detection
7.2.3 Error probability in the Gaussian channel
7.3.2 Pulse time modulation
7.4 Pulse amplitude modulation
7.5.1 Binary phase shift keying
7.5.2 M-ary phase shift keying
7.5.3 Quaternary phase shift keying
7.6 Frequency shift keying
7.6.1 Binary frequency shift keying
7.6.2 M-ary frequency shift keying
7.6.3 Minimum shift keying
7.6.4 Gaussian minimum shift keying
7.6.5 Continuous phase modulation
7.7 Quadrature amplitude modulation
7.8 Bandwidth efficiencies of M-ary modulation
7.10.1 Carrier synchronization
Carrier frequency synchronization
7.10.2 Symbol timing recovery
Early-late gate synchronizer
7.11 Differential modulation
7.12 Error probability in fading channels
7.12.1 Flat Rayleigh fading channel
Closed-form results for MPSK, DMPSK, and MQAM
7.12.2 Flat Ricean fading channel
7.12.3 Alternative form of the Q-function
7.12.4 Error probability using moment-generating functions
7.13 Error probabilities due to delay spread and frequency dispersion
Error probability due to frequency dispersion
Error probability due to delay dispersion
7.14 Error probability in fading channels with diversity reception
8 Spread spectrum communications
PSD of the DS-CDMA signal
8.2.1 Properties of spreading sequences
8.2.2 Pseudo-noise sequences
8.2.6 Orthogonal variable spreading factor sequences
8.2.8 Complementary codes
8.3 Direct-sequence spread spectrum
8.3.2 Conventional receiver
Structure of rake receiver
8.3.4 Synchronization in CDMA
8.4.2 Optimum multiuser detector
8.4.3 Linear multiuser detection
8.4.4 Serial/parallel interference cancellation
8.4.5 Combination of linear MUD and nonlinear SIC
8.5 Bit error probability and system capacity
8.6 Other DSSS techniques
Interleave division multiple access
8.7 DSSS and DS-CDMA in wireless standards
Remarks on spread spectrum technologies
8.8 Frequency-hopping spread spectrum
8.8.1 Error performance of FHSS
9 Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Features of OFDM technology
Case study: IEEE 802.11a and WiMAX
9.6 Fading mitigation in OFDM
9.7.1 Pilot arrangement for channel estimation
9.7.2 Pilot-assisted channel estimation
9.8 Peak-to-average power ratio
9.8.1 Peak factor: definition and impact
9.8.2 Peak factor reduction techniques
9.8.3 Amplitude clipping or companding
Error probability due to in-band distortion
Error probability due to clipping
9.9 Intercarrier interference
9.10.1 Influence of frequency offset
9.10.2 Phase noise effects on OFDM
9.10.3 Influence of timing offset
9.10.4 Implementation of synchronization
Synchronization using pilot symbols
Synchronization by correlating the cyclic extension
Other synchronization schemes
9.11 OFDM-based multiple access
9.12 Performance of OFDM systems
Water filling or bit loading
Comparison with single-carrier techniques
Spreading codes for MC-CDMA
Comparison with other techniques
9.14 Other OFDM-associated schemes
Multi-carrier DS-CDMA and multi-tone CDMA
Transform-domain communication system
Generalized multi-carrier System
10.2 Introduction to computational electromagnetics
10.2.2 Finite difference time-domain method
10.2.3 Finite element method
10.3 Antenna fundamentals
10.3.1 Radiation patterns
10.3.2 Antenna field zones
10.3.3 Antenna gain and directivity
10.3.4 Effective area and effective height
10.3.5 Antenna temperature
Cross-polarization discrimination
10.3.7 Receiving and transmitting power efficiency
10.4 Antennas for wireless communications
10.4.1 Antennas for base stations
10.4.2 Antennas for mobile stations
10.5.1 Wire dipole antennas
10.6.1 Microstrip antennas
10.6.2 Broadband microstrip antennas
10.7 Polarization-agile antennas
10.8.2 Mutual coupling and spatial correlation
10.9.1 Implementation of wideband antennas
Broadband reconfigurable antennas
10.9.2 Ultra wideband antennas
11 RF and microwave subsystems
11.1.1 Receiver performance requirements
11.1.2 Architecture of RF subsystems
11.2.3 Link budget analysis
11.3.1 Fundamental theory
Voltage standing wave ratio
11.3.2 Types of transmission line
11.4 Microwave network analysis
11.5.2 Quarter-wave transformer
11.5.3 Multisection matching transformers
11.6 Microwave resonators
11.6.1 RLC resonant circuits
11.6.2 Transmission line resonators
11.6.3 Waveguide cavities
11.7 Power dividers and directional couplers
11.7.1 Three-port networks
11.7.2 Four-port networks
11.8 RF/microwave filters
11.8.1 Insertion loss method
Elliptic function filters
Transformations and distributed implementation
11.8.4 Stepped-impedance lowpass filters
11.8.5 Coupled line bandpass filters
Parallel-coupled half-wavelength resonator bandpass filters
End-coupled half-wavelength resonator bandpass filters
Interdigital bandpass filters
Combline bandpass filters
11.8.6 Computer-aided design for RF/microwave filter design
11.8.7 Filters for wireless communications
Filters for base stations
Filters for mobile stations
11.10 Basic concepts in active RF circuits
Minimum detectable signal
One-dB compression point and third-order intercept point
Nonlinear Effects of Cascaded Systems
Adjacent channel power ratio
11.11 Modeling of RF components
11.14.1 Operation of mixers
11.15.1 Requirements in wireless systems
11.15.2 Structure of amplifiers
11.15.3 Classification of amplifiers
Classes D, E, F, F-1 amplifiers
11.15.4 Linearization techniques
Feedforward linearization
11.15.5 Microwave transistors for amplifiers
11.15.7 Transistor amplifier design
Negative-resistance model
11.16.3 Classification of RF oscillators
Diode and transistor microwave sources
Resonator-based oscillators
11.17 Frequency synthesis
11.17.1 Composition of phase-locked loops
Phase detector, phase-frequency detector/charge-pump
11.17.2 Dynamics of phase-locked loops
11.17.3 Direct frequency synthesis
11.18 Automatic gain control
11.19.1 Major MMIC technologies
11.19.2 Approach to MMIC design
11.19.3 Passive lumped components
11.19.5 Impedance matching
12 A/D and D/A conversions
12.2.1 Ideal and natural sampling
12.2.3 Aliasing and antialiasing
12.2.4 Oversampling and decimation
12.2.5 Bandpass sampling theorem
12.3.1 Uniform quantization
Midtread and midrise quantizers
Other quantization techniques
12.3.2 Improving resolution by oversampling
12.4 Analog reconstruction
12.5 Parameters for A/D and D/A converters
12.5.1 SNR of A/D and D/A converters
12.5.2 SFDR and dithering
12.6 A/D converter circuits
12.6.1 Flash A/D converters
12.6.2 Successive-approximation register A/D converters
12.6.3 Sigma-delta A/D converters
12.7 D/A converter circuits
12.8 A/D and D/A converters for software-defined radios
13 Signals and signal processing
Performing the inverse Laplace transform
Causality and convergence
13.2 Discrete-time Fourier transform
13.3.1 FIR and IIR filters
FIR filter versus IIR filter
13.3.4 Minimum-, maximum-, and mixed-phase systems
13.3.5 Notch and comb filters
13.4 Digital filter design
13.4.1 FIR digital filter design
Frequency sampling method
FIR filter design using MATLAB
IIR filter design using MATLAB
Yule-Walker approximation
13.4.3 Hardware implementation of digital filters
13.6 Digital up-conversion and digital down-conversion
13.6.1 Numerically controlled oscillators
A simple numerical oscillator
13.6.2 Direct digital frequency synthesis
13.7 Sampling-rate conversion
Hold and linear interpolators
13.7.3 Sample rate converters
13.7.4 Cascaded integrator comb (CIC) filters
13.8 Discrete cosine transform
Sinusoidal family of unitary transforms
13.9.1 Discrete wavelet transform
13.9.2 Multiresolution analysis
Analysis and synthesis banks
Common transforms as filter banks
13.11.1 Two-channel perfect reconstruction filter banks
Quadrature mirror filter bank
Conjugate quadrature filter bank
13.11.2 Pseudo-QMF filter bank
13.11.3 Modified DCT (MDCT)
14 Fundamentals of information theory
Conditional self-information
Joint information and entropy
Conditional Joint Entropy
14.2 Lossless data compression
14.2.1 Source coding theorem
Reversible variable-length codes
Higher-order Huffman encoding
14.2.3 Exponential-Golomb variable-length codes
Context-based arithmetic coding
14.2.5 Dictionary-based coding
14.3 Rate-distortion theorem
14.4.1 Capacity of the AWGN channel for Gaussian distributed input
Channel capacity for band-limited channels
14.4.2 Capacity of the AWGN channel for discrete input alphabets
14.4.3 Area spectral efficiency
14.5 Source-channel coding theorem
14.6 Capacity of fading channels
14.6.1 Capacity with CSI at receiver only
14.6.2 Capacity with CSI at transmitter and receiver
Comparisons between different transmission schemes
14.6.3 Capacity of frequency-selective fading channels
14.7 Channel capacity for multiuser communications
Some orthogonal multiple access schemes
14.7.2 Flat-fading channels
Error detection/correction coding
Block and convolutional codes
15.2.1 Error detection/correction
15.2.2 Simple parity check and Hamming codes
Simple parity check codes
15.3 Hard/soft decision decoding
15.4.1 Encoder and decoder
15.4.2 Types of cyclic codes
15.6.1 Encoding of convolutional codes
Alternative representation
15.6.2 Encoder state and trellis diagrams
15.6.4 Trellis representation of block codes
15.6.5 Coding gain and error probability
Minimum free distance and weight
15.6.6 Convolutional coding with interleaving
15.6.7 Punctured convolutional codes
15.6.8 Trellis-coded modulation
15.7 Conventional concatenated codes
Simple concatenated codes
15.8.4 Analysis of the turbo code
Distance spectrum analysis of the turbo code
Weight enumeration analysis of the turbo code
EXIT analysis of the turbo code
15.9 Serially concatenated convolutional codes
15.9.1 Design of the SCCC
15.9.2 Decoding of the SCCC
15.10 Low-density parity-check codes
15.10.1 LDPC code: a linear block code
LDPC code versus turbo code
Representation using Tanner graphs
15.10.2 LDPC encoder and decoder
15.11 Adaptive modulation and coding
Variable-power transmission
16 Source coding I: speech and audio coding
16.1.1 Coding for analog sources
16.2.1 Scalar quantization
16.2.2 Vector quantization
16.3 Speech production and auditory systems
Speech production modeling
Sound intensity and loudness
16.4 Speech/audio quality
16.4.1 Subjective quality measures
Subjective speech quality comparison of speech codecs
16.4.2 Objective quality measures
16.5.1 Logarithmic PCM coding
16.5.2 Linear prediction analysis and synthesis
Line spectral frequency (LSF)
Interpolation of LPC coefficients
Long-term linear prediction analysis
Linear prediction synthesis
16.5.4 Frequency-domain waveform coding
16.5.5 Voice activity detection
16.5.6 Linear predictive coding
16.5.7 Pitch period estimation
Autocorrelation-based method
Magnitude difference function method
16.5.8 Analysis by synthesis
Multipulse excitation model
Code-excited linear prediction
Vector-sum excited linear prediction
Algebraic codebook excited linear prediction
Variable-bit-rate (VBR) CELP
Enhanced variable rate codec
16.5.10 Wideband speech coding
Adaptive multi-rate–wideband
Some lossy and lossless audio codecs
16.6.1 MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Audio
MPEG-4 general audio coding
17 Source coding II: image and video coding
17.2 Perception of human vision
17.2.1 Human visual system
Visually lossless compression
17.3 Quality of image and video coding
Subjective quality evaluation
Objective quality evaluation
17.5 Transform-based image compression
Quantization of transform coefficients
17.6.1 Four modes of operation
Coding of dc coefficients
Coding of ac coefficients
17.7 Wavelet-transform-based image coding
17.7.1 Sub-band decomposition
17.7.2 Wavelet filter design
17.7.3 Coding of wavelet subimages
Wavelet-Based Codecs in Source Code
EBCOT in Comparison with EZW and SPIHT
EBCOT Implemented in Three Stages
Spatial and SNR Scalability
17.8 Wavelet-based image coding standards
Entropy coding and postprocessing
17.8.2 MPEG-4 still image mode
17.9 Comparison of image coding standards
17.9.1 Comparison of six popular standards
17.9.2 DjVu and adaptive binary optimization (ABO)
17.10 Video data compression
17.10.3 Motion compensation
Fast block motion estimation
Motion estimation with fractional pixel accuracy
Wavelet-based motion compensation
17.10.4 Basic structure of video
17.10.5 Video encoder/decoder
17.10.7 Integer DCT transform
17.10.9 Object-based coding and sprite coding
17.11 Introduction to video standards
18 Multiple antennas: smart antenna systems
18.1.1 The concept of smart antennas
18.1.2 Smart antennas in mobile communications
DoA estimation under coherent signal conditions
18.3.1 Blind source separation
18.3.2 ZF, MRC, and Wiener beamformers
18.3.3 Switched-beam antennas
18.4 Adaptive beamforming
18.4.1 DoA-based beamforming
18.4.2 Training-based beamforming
Constant modulus algorithms
Cyclostationary beamforming algorithms
18.5 Cyclostationary beamforming
18.5.1 Preliminaries on cyclostationarity
18.5.2 Summary of some algorithms
18.6 Wideband beamforming
18.6.1 Tapped-delay-line structure
18.6.2 Pure delay-line wideband transmitter beamformer
19 Multiple antennas: MIMO systems
19.2.2 Spatial correlation and MIMO channel model
19.2.4 MIMO channel decomposition
19.2.5 Channel estimation
Channel estimation methods
19.2.6 CSI or partial CSI at the transmitter
Viability of CSI feedback
Partial CSI at the transmitter
19.3 Capacity in i.i.d. slow fading channels
19.3.1 No CSI at the transmitter
19.3.2 CSI known at the transmitter
19.3.3 Channel capacities for transmitter with versus without CSI
Capacity gain due to correlation CSI
19.4 Capacity in i.i.d. fast fading channels
19.4.1 Outage and ergodic capacities
19.5.1 Performance analysis of space-time codes
Slow fading MIMO channels
Rank and Determinant Criteria
Fast fading MIMO channels
Distance-Product Criterion
19.5.2 Orthogonal space-time block codes
Capacity and error probability of the OSTBC
Applications of the OSTBC
19.5.3 Space-time trellis codes
Viterbi decoding of STTCs
19.5.4 Differential space-time coding
19.6 Spatial multiplexing
19.6.1 Layered space-time receiver structures
19.6.2 Space-time receivers
19.6.4 Other closed-loop MIMO schemes
19.7 Diversity, beamforming, versus spatial multiplexing
19.7.1 Diversity, beamforming, and spatial multiplexing gains
Parallel and MISO Rayleigh channel
Diversity of the space-time-frequency selective fading channel
19.7.2 Error probabilities for MIMO systems
MISO with no CSI at the transmitter
MISO with CSI at the transmitter
MIMO with no CSI at the transmitter
MIMO with CSI at the transmitter
MIMO with imperfect CSI at the transmitter
19.8 MIMO for frequency- or time-selective fading channels
19.8.3 MIMO for time-selective channels
19.9 Space-time processing
19.9.1 Linear space-time processing model
19.9.2 ZF and MMSE receivers
19.10 Space-time processing for CDMA systems
19.10.2 Space-time detection algorithms
Space-time matched filter
Architectures for ST-MUD-I/II/III
Equivalence of ST-MUD-I/II/III
Theoretical BER performance for ST-MUD-I/II/III
19.10.3 Adaptive implementation of ST-MUD
19.11 MIMO in wireless standards
20 Ultra wideband communications
Features of UWB technology
Large-scale channel model
Standard UWB channel model
20.4.2 Modulation and multiple access for pulsed UWB
20.4.3 Time-hopping and direct-sequence UWB signals
20.4.4 Pulsed-UWB transceivers
20.4.5 Challenges for pulsed UWB systems
20.4.7 Transmitted-reference receivers
Signals designed for both coherent and TR receivers
Multiband schemes for IEEE 802.15.3a
20.5.1 Modulation of pulsed multiband UWB
21.1 Conception of software-defined radio
21.2 Hardware/software architecture of software-defined radio
21.3 Conception of cognitive radio
21.3.1 Topics in cognitive radio
Modulation and primary user recognition
21.3.2 Cognitive radio in wireless standards
21.4.1 Secondary user-based local spectrum sensing
Approach to active spectrum sensing
Occupancy: binary hypothesis test
21.4.2 Cooperative spectrum sensing
21.5 Spectrum sensing using cyclostationary property
21.5.1 Spectrum-cyclic-analysis-based spectrum sensing
21.5.2 Cyclostationary beamforming-based spectrum sensing
21.6 Dynamic spectrum access
21.6.1 Water-filling for dynamic spectrum access
Solving using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theorem
Algorithm 21.1 (Learning Automata)
21.6.3 Four persona models
21.6.4 Game-theoretic models for dynamic resources allocation
QoS and interference temperature constraints
22 Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks
22.1.1 Wireless sensor networks
22.4 Technical overview for wireless ad hoc networks
Standards for wireless ad hoc networks
Flat or hierarchical architecture
QoS for wireless ad hoc networks
22.5 Technical overview for wireless sensor networks
Operating systems and databases
22.6 Data aggregation and routing for WSNs
Routing for flat and hierarchical architectures
22.7 Relay, user cooperation, and MIMO relay networks
Two-user cooperation model
Two-user coded cooperation
22.7.3 MIMO relay networks
Transmitter and receiver cooperations
Diversity-multiplexing tradeoff
Appendix A The Q-function
Appendix B Wirtinger calculus