About the series editor and author
Chapter 1 The policy and practice of disadvantage in education in the UK
Defining disadvantage and social justice in education
Social inequality in education
Teacher quality and teachers’ standards
The qualified teacher shortage crisis
Child poverty and schooling
The policy history of disadvantage and schooling in the UK
Social justice, social mobility and social inclusion
Policy differences in the four jurisdictions of the UK
Policy in Northern Ireland
Key challenges for both initial teacher education and continuous professional development in schools
Chapter 2 Tackling social disadvantage in the classroom
The cognitive effects of social and economic disadvantage
Psychological effects of poverty
Environmental aspects of poverty
Poverty and special educational needs and disability (SEND)
Social learning in the classroom
Designing the classroom environment
Pupil grouping and resourcing
Assessing pupils’ progress in the classroom
The role of emotion and imagination
Tackling social disadvantage through research
Teacher collaboration to support vulnerable learners
Chapter 3 Challenging misconceptions of disadvantage
Teachers making a difference
The consequences of testing and performativity
Poverty, educational attainment and well-being
Some realities for children living in poverty
Poverty proofing the school day
Challenging deficit views of poverty through research
Chapter 4 Language, literacy and disadvantage
Social disadvantage and language and literacy difficulties
Literacy, SEN and school exclusions
Literacy and permanent and fixed-term school exclusions
Literacy, exclusion and youth offending
Reading, writing and language impairment
The costs of exclusion versus early prevention or literacy intervention
English as an additional language
Language and literacy across the curriculum
Chapter 5 Researching poverty and teacher education
The relationship between educational research and educational policy
Practitioner and action research
Researching disadvantage in education
Researching the pupil premium grant
Intervening outside the classroom