Frantz Fanon was a foundational figure in postcolonial and decolonial thought, yet his medical work has only been studied peripherally. With a focus on Fanon’s key psychiatry texts, Frantz Fanon: Psychiatry and Politics considers Fanon’s medical writings as materials anticipating as well as accompanying Fanon’s better known work.
Fanon: Psychiatry and Politics
Psychiatry, Racism, Torture
Chapter One The Thoughts of a Young Psychiatrist on Race, Madness, and “the Human Condition”
Temporalizing the Body and its Symptoms
Fanon and Lacan: The Imaginary, Language, and Freedom
Contact with the White World
Chapter Two The Political Phenomenology of the Body and Black Alienation
Language and Body Experience
A Black Ontology? Négritude’s Aporia
The Corporeal Schema of Lived Experience
Losing Sight of the Colonist: Mimicry and Possession
Chapter Three Colonial Psychiatry and the Birth of a Critical Ethnopsychiatry
Chapter Four Suspect Bodies: A Phenomenology of Colonial Experience
Chapter Five Further Steps toward a Critical Ethnopsychiatry Sociotherapy: Its Strengths and Weaknesses
Agitation and Destructuralization
Madness and Healing in MaghrebI Society
The Politics of Perception and Imagination
Chapter Six The Impossibility of Mental Health in a Colonial Society: Fanon Joins the FLN
The Truth of False Confession
Lectures at the University of Tunis
At the Heart of the Drama
Chapter Seven Psychiatry, Violence, and Revolution: Body and Mind in Context
Colonialism and the Complexities of Psychic Life
A Note on Bourdieu’s Abhorrence of Fanon
The Most Hallucinatory War
Chapter Eight The Tunis Psychiatric Day Hospital
Starting from the Patient’s Experience
Chapter Nine Bitter Orange: The Consequences of Colonial War
Torture, Violence, and the Algerian Experience
Toward a Healing Culture and a Revolutionary Pharmacy
Chapter Ten From Colonial to Postcolonial Disorders, or the Psychic Life of History
Every Date Grown Is a Victory
The Writing of Disaster and the Endless Redemption of History
A Note on Translating Frantz Fanon
An “Economy of In-Betweenness”
Fanon, The Cultural Translator