Chapter 1: Bubbles in the body: The not so good, the bad, and the ugly
1.2 Causes and origins of bubbles in the body
1.3 Circulation fundamentals
1.4 Cell membranes and microparticles
1.5 Transport and exchange of gases
1.6 Bubble physics, anatomy, and biology
1.6.1 Bubble shape and anatomy
1.7 Forces promoting and inhibiting bubble movement
1.8 How do bubbles cause symptoms, signs, and damage?
1.9 Protections against bubbles
1.10 The formation and growth of bubbles
1.10.1 Effect on gas dissolution rates
1.10.2 Effect of a coating or “skin” on the stability of small gas bubbles
1.10.3 Experimental detection of MBs
1.11 Patent foramen ovale and mechanisms for bypassing the pulmonary bubble filter
1.12 Tissue gas content and “fast” or “slow” tissues
1.13 MBs, MPs, BBs, SBs, NBs, and NPs in gas-bubble disease
1.14 Genomic responses to gas bubbles
1.15 Composition of gas within bubbles
1.16 A gas-fluid and gas-tissue interface is not harmful to all tissues
1.17 Prevention of bubbles in the body
Appendix A Appendix on pressures and tensions
Water vapor pressure and tension
Chapter 2: Driving force of gas-bubble growth and dissolution
2.3 The driving force of gas-bubble growth
2.4 A general measure of dissolved solute volatility from solution
2.7 Mechanical, chemical, and thermodynamic equilibrium
2.8 Supersaturation and undersaturation functions for gas mixtures
2.9 Empirical confirmation
Chapter 3: Rates of gas-bubble growth and dissolution in simple liquids
3.2 The Diffusion equation
3.3 Solutions of the Diffusion and Laplace equations
3.4 Reduction to a finite system
3.5 Expressions for (∂c/∂r)R,t for two three-region models
3.6 Empirical confirmation
Chapter 4: Estimating the radii and lifetimes of small gas bubbles
4.2 Diffusion models for solute transport around a gas bubble in a simple liquid
4.3 Expressions for (∂c/∂r)R,t
4.3.1 The Diffusion equation
4.3.2 The Laplace equation
4.4 Analytic working equations for the LHF2, LHF3, and LHV3 models for a fixed ambient pressure
4.5 Variable ambient pressure
4.6 Numerical working equations for the four models based on Dirichlet boundary conditions, Henry's law at the bubble surfac
4.7 Application of Neumann versus Dirichlet boundary conditions
4.7.1 Review of Dirichlet boundary conditions
Chapter 5: AGEs in scuba diving and in DCS-like problems in breath-hold diving
5.2 Bubble “filtering” by the lungs and right-to-left shunting
5.3 Conditions for AGE contraction or expansion
5.4.1 IEDCS in scuba diving
5.4.2 Limitations imposed by our physical models
5.4.3 Mechanism underlying the development of CDCS and IEDCS
5.4.4 IEDCS and CDCS in breath-hold diving
5.5 Estimation of AGE transit times
5.5.1 Exposure time (or transit time) for an AGE passing through a PFO
5.5.2 Exposure time (or transit time) for an AGE created by the passage of VGE through an r/l pulmonary shunt (specifically
5.6 Arterial inert gas equations for scuba and breath-hold diving
5.6.1 Arterial gas equation for scuba diving
5.6.2 Arterial gas equation for breath-hold diving Venous nitrogen partial pressure Alveolar nitrogen partial pressure Diffusing capacity of dissolved N2 Pulmonary blood flow
5.7 A simple compartmental model for the brain and the inner ear
5.8 Growth and dissolution of an AGE lodged in a capillary
5.9 Examples of AGE growth and dissolution
5.9.1 Comparing transit and dissolution times for small AGEs en route to the head
5.9.2 Evolution of an AGE that reaches the brain or inner ear after a typical low-risk scuba dive
5.9.3 AGE growth and dissolution in the brain and inner ear for breath-hold diving Competitive-level single (nonrepetitive) breath-hold dives Repetitive breath-hold dives
Chapter 6: Gas bubbles in soft tissue-like solids
6.2.1 Modification of the Young-Laplace equation to allow for elastic effects
6.2.2 Generalization of Epstein and Plesset's solution
6.2.3 The (∂c/∂r)R,t expressions
6.3.1 The effects on bubble growth or dissolution of shear modulus, surface tension, initial bubble radius, and external sol
6.3.2 Approximate asymptotic growth law for large bubbles
6.4 Relation to previous work on viscoelastic materials
Chapter 7: The evils that bubbles do…
7.2 The importance of “gas load”
7.3.1 Arterial gas embolism
7.3.2 Cerebral arterial gas embolism
7.3.3 Spinal cord arterial gas embolism
7.3.4 Coronary artery gas embolism
7.3.5 AGE affecting other organs
7.3.6 Venous gas embolism
7.4 DCS is (mostly) about excess dissolved inert gas in tissues and venous blood
7.4.3 Cardiopulmonary DCS
7.5 Other gas-bubble disease locations and mechanisms
7.5.1 Inner ear decompression illness
7.5.2 Dysbaric osteonecrosis
7.6 Mixed and combined effects
7.7 Systemic, vascular, and inflammatory effects
7.7.2 Inflammatory mediators
7.7.3 Ischemia-reperfusion injury
7.9 Comparisons between decompression illnesses and CPB
7.10 Doppler and ultrasound bubble detection
7.11 Real-life case examples
Chapter 8: Compartmental decompression models and DCS risk estimation
8.2 Deterministic Decompression Theory
8.3 Graphical distinction between deterministic and probabilistic approaches
8.4 The probabilistic approach
8.4.2 Thermodynamic derivation of the risk functions
8.4.3 Relation of the risk function to probability
8.5 Fitting probabilistic models to dive data
8.5.1 The Likelihood Function
8.5.2 The concept behind maximizing the Likelihood Function
8.5.3 Computational scheme
8.6 Interconnected Compartmental Models
8.6.1 Historical controversy
8.6.2 Rate equations for interconnected compartmental models
8.6.3 Solutions of the pressure-based rate equations
8.6.4 Reduction of the general model to models used in practice The Catenary model The Mammillary model
8.7 Applications of a Mammillary model for P(DCS) predictions
8.8 Some practical issues
8.8.1 Approximating a continuous dive profile by a series of connected linear segments
8.8.2 Rational use of dive data for model calibration Data selection for calibrating an independent parallel compartment model Data selection for calibrating the 3CM model Data selection for repetitive dive profiles
8.8.3 Simplification of the 3CM model for calibration purposes
Chapter 9: Treating the evils that bubbles do
9.2 First of all, do not make things worse
9.3 Diagnosis and decisions
9.3.1 Oxygen and breathing gas
9.4.1 Therapeutic effects of shrinkage
9.4.2 It is not all about shrinkage
9.5 Potential novel therapeutic and procedural interventions
9.5.2 Remove microparticles
9.5.3 Intravascular surfactant injection
9.6 Are there any bubbles left?
9.7 Outcomes of case examples
Chapter 10: Merging medicine and math
10.1 First of all, “turn off the tap”…
10.1.1 Most urgent situations (greatest potential for serious and immediate permanent harm)
10.1.2 A brief history of (the importance and nonimportance of) time—with apologies to Stephen Hawking!
10.2 Applying bubble dynamics principles to clinical decisions
10.3 Physical basis of the bubble model
10.3.1 Dissolution mechanism
10.3.2 Problems with the two-region model
10.4 Applications of Eqs. (10.20) and (10.21) to predict the effects of time, ambient pressure, bubble size, and breathing g
10.4.1 The combined effects of increased pressure and oxygen (hyperbaric oxygen treatment)
10.4.2 Gas switches and counterdiffusion
10.5 Treating bubbles with pressure
10.5.1 The effects on bubble size of “pressure only,” i.e., an increased ambient pressure in a hyperbaric chamber, with ne
10.5.2 Maintaining a constant inert gas concentration in blood during hyperbaric oxygen treatment
10.6 Summary and conclusions
10.7 The future of bubbles in the body…
Appendix: Solutions to problems