Chapter 3 CTO: review of trials
Factors associated with successful CTO-PCI
Clinical benefits of CTO-PCI
Drug-eluting stents in CTO-PCI
Chapter 4 CTO-percutaneous coronary intervention: what is the evidence?
Outcome benefits associated with CTO-PCI
Predictors of CTO-PCI success
CTO-PCI techniques – planning the PCI strategy
Predictors of reocclusion and restenosis
Chapter 5 Case selection and long-term benefits
Prevalence of chronic total occlusion
Case selection and long-term benefits
Chapter 6 CT angiography: application in chronic total occlusions
Overview of utility of CT scan to the coronary artery disease
How is pathology reflected by CTA imaging?
What do we expect to see based on the CT density and spatial resolution?
Clinical results to date and impact on the interventional procedure
Chapter 7 Co-registration CTO and CT angiography
How image co-registration is performed
Initial experience using co-registration for CTO PCI
Chapter 8 Optical coherence tomography to guide the treatment of chronic total occlusions
Principles of intra-coronary optical coherence tomography
Use of OCT for CTO assessment before stenting
Use of OCT to optimize stent deployment
OCT to assess the long-term success of PCI for CTO
Chapter 9 IVUS-guided CTO-PCI
The role of IVUS-guided PCI for CTO lesions
Devices for IVUS-guided CTO-PCI with the antegrade approach
How to perform IVUS guided CTO-PCI with the antegrade approach
Impact of IVUS guidance on overall success rate
Chapter 10 IVUS evaluation of CTO
IVUS morphological findings
IVUS findings during intervention
IVUS findings for follow-up after CTO procedures
Chapter 11 Magnetic navigation wire
The current and future magnetic navigation wires
Navigational modes to orientate the magnetic tip
The theory of radiofrequency (RF) ablation in CTO
Magnetic navigation and MSCT co-integration in CTOs
Part III Wires Technology
Chapter 12 Deflecting wire systems
Important parameters for PCI guidewires
Line-up of Asahi guidewires for CTO lesions
Classification of Asahi guidewires for CTO lesions according to technique
Chapter 14 IVUS-guided recanalization of CTO
IVUS-guided wiring at CTO entrance
IVUS-guided penetration from subintimal space
Chapter 15 Frontrunner CTO technology
Chapter 16 Channel dilator: Corsair
Structure of Corsair microcatheter
Retrograde approach and the role of the Corsair channel dilator
Case example of the successful recanalization of a complex CTO lesion with a Corsair microcatheter
Chapter 17 Tornus catheter
Chapter 18 Antegrade approach: step by step
Step 2: access and guiding catheters
Step 5: single wire manipulation
Step 6: the parallel wire technique
Step 7: penetrating the distal fibrous cap
Step 8: seesaw technique and beyond
Step 9: when to stop antegrade
Chapter 19 Use of two wires in the treatment of CTO
Use of a second wire for guiding catheter stability (anchoring wire technique)
Use of a second wire for side-branch protection
Second wire for correction of proximal tortuousities
Need for different types of wire for crossing the lesion
Two wires or more for parallel wire technique
Wires and retrograde approach
Anchoring balloon technique
Anchoring stent technique
Chapter 20 Parallel-wire techniques
Use of the parallel-wire technique
Chapter 21 Guidewire handling techniques for CTO lesions
Unique physical properties of CTO guidewires
How to shape the tip of the guidewire
Use of an over-the-wire system
How to handle the guidewires
Selection of guidewires and handling techniques
Chapter 22 Subintimal angioplasty in coronary CTO
Subintimal angioplasty: the concept
When to use subintimal angioplasty technique
Subintimal angioplasty related techniques
Dedicated re-entry devices system
Chapter 23 Antegrade device assisted re-entry techniques
Chapter 24 The microchannel technique
Evolution of the technique
Chapter 25 The STAR technique
The origins of the technique
The evolution of the STAR technique: the “guided-STAR” technique
Analogies between the STAR technique and the CART and reverse CART technique
Clinical outcome and risk of stent thrombosis after STAR technique
New devices to facilitate the re-entry techniques: Stingray re-entry system and the newest plastic-jacket hydrophilic guidewires
Clinical and procedural indications for the STAR technique and final considerations
Chapter 26 Attempting CTO after first failed attempt
Reasons for procedural failure
Rationale for attempting CTO after first failed attempt
Decision on the strategy after first failed attempt
Retrograde techniques following first failed CTO attempt
Inability to cross with the device following successful crossing of the guidewire
Chapter 27 Transradial approach for CTO lesions and tapered-tip guidewires
Rationale for the use of tapered-tip guidewire
Special considerations for TRI in CTO lesions
Novel techniques that are particularly useful during TRI
Chapter 28 Bilateral approach
Chronic total occlusion crossing techniques in the retrograde approach
Chapter 29 Tips and tricks of the CART technique
Considerations in the CART technique
Part V Devices Technology
Chapter 30 Recanalizing total occlusion in the periphery: utilization of radio frequency and other technology
Pathology of total occlusion
Crossing total occlusions
Chronic total occlusion devices
Chapter 31 High-frequency mechanical revascularization
Clinical impact and future perspective
Chapter 32 Debulking of CTO
Indications of plaque debulking
Role of plaque debulking in CTO-PCI
Chapter 33 Vibrational angioplasty
Vibrational angioplasty procedure
Advantages and potential disadvantages
Is vibrational angioplasty still a useful tool?
Chapter 34 Treatment of chronic total coronary occlusions with drug-eluting stents: overview of angiographic and clinical outcomes
Clinical rationale for DES in percutaneous revascularization of coronary occlusions
Contemporary DES trials in CTO revascularization
Chapter 35 Laser for CTO recanalization
Clinical applications of laser
Coronary total occlusions
Total occlusions in critical limb ischemia
Chapter 36 The ENABLER-P: a novel CTO crossing cystem
The ENABLER-P Balloon Catheter System
Tips and tricks using the ENABLER-P Balloon Catheter System
Current perspective and future direction
Chapter 37 Collagenase plaque digestion for facilitating guidewire crossing
Collagens: the major structural components of the extracellular matrix
Rabbit models of femoral artery CTO
Collagenase local delivery rabbit model
Clinical experience with collagenase
The Collagenase Total Occlusion-1 (CTO-1) clinical trial
Chapter 38 The BridgePoint re-entry system
Device description and technique for use
Chapter 39 Complications during the retrograde approach for CTO
Classification of complications
Chapter 40 CTO: how to minimize contrast nephropathy
Part VII Interesting Cases
Chapter 41 Interesting cases I–VI
Case I (Figures 41.1, 41.2, 41.3)
Case III [1] (Figure 41.5)
Case IV [2] (Insert Figure 41.6)