Chapter 1: Furness' Shipping Services: Growth by Organic Means in the 1880s
Chapter 2: The 1890s: Furness Withy's Expansion by Acquisition and Promotion
Chapter 3: Diversification into the Industrial Sector, 1895-1901
Chapter 4: Trouble on the Transatlantic Route: The Formation of the IMM and Furness' Response
Chapter 5: The Growth of Shipping Services, 1902-1909
Chapter 6: Industrial Operations and Performance, 1900-1914
Chapter 7: The Growth of the Shipping Interests, 1910-1919
Chapter 10: Holding Company Investment Activities and Intermediary Operations
Appendix 1: Development of the Combined Fleet, 1900-1919
Appendix 2a: Patterns of Ownership: The Furness Group, 1919
Appendix 2b: Reorganization of Branch Offices and Superintending Departments, 1911-1912
Appendix 3a: Fluctuations in Freights, Profits, Tonnage Afloat and Merchant Shipping Output
Appendix 3b: Output of Merchant Tonnage (Excluding Warships), 1892-1913
Appendix 3c: Fluctuations in the Price of a 7500-ton Cargo Steamer, 1898-1913
Appendix 4: Development of the Furness Group: Principal Promotions, Acquisitions and Divestments, 1880-1919
Appendix 5: Northern Allies and Maritime Associates
Appendix 6: Contemporary Accounting Law and Conventions, 1845-1914
Appendix 7: Lord Furness' Movements, 1899-1912